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Warcraft gamer, Mage, wishes he was a blood DK, socially anxious, but rising above, taken my first leap in to raiding and m+ in season 1 of TWW
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What a freaking season! AotC on 3 classes, 2.5k m+ score, just happy ngl, bring on season 2 and #undermined #worldofwarcraft

Yesterday Arathi, today Venthyr, always fun! survival hunter go! #WorldOfWarcraft

Heroic raid number 2 on augmentation Evoker starts in less than and hour loving the spec

Got my 4th portal of the season last night by timing a 10 threads not bad for a first m+ season huh?

This just happened too #Worldofwarcraft

I've taken 3 characters through heroic raid this season, Left is tonight's Augmentation Evoker, middle is mage main, right is pala alt, love all 3 of these classes #WorldOfWarctaft #Raiding Logs are for Ilvl not overall


I play Augmentation Evoker in a mythic 5, 7 and 8 earlier! Threads, stone vaults and ara Kara respectively it was a lot of fun and we timed them all #worldofwarcraft

I still can’t get over the fact I went to a pub the other night that was built in and has been open since 1570 That 200 years older than America (founded in 1776), used by Oliver Cromwell during the British civil war That’s both mad and so interesting

This was heart breaking #WorldOfWarcraft

Been quiet here but I’ve been quiet on most social media lately just nothing overly exciting to report 😂🤔

Not a bad festive break :) hope everyone had a good one

No planking in Azeroth today as it was raid night, got ahead of the curve on my alt tonight, the raid team took almost all alts and a new raider through all bosses, was a fantastic night Planking will return tomorrow

Planking in Azeroth PT 5 "The Plank Within" #WorldOfWarcraft

Planking in Azeroth PT 4 "Plank of the Primus" #WorldOfWarcraft

But of a theme last week

Planking in Azeroth PT 3 Bastion #Worldofwarcraft

Today's "Planking in Azeroth," I thought was going to be epic! It turns out the top of sargeras's sword is pretty boring but hey planking is planking #WorldOfwarcraft

As of last night 7/8 now :D

My new thing, Planking in Azeroth #WorldOfWarcraft

Phenomenal raid night last night, cleared first 2 and last 2 bosses heroic on mains for a raider that has missed the Queen kills, we all then relogged on alts to clear up to Queen with them total on 11 bosses killed, love this guild #WorldOfWarcraft

As we are winding down towards the end of season one, this is not where i thought I'd be, i had challenged myself to do some +5's timed and clear normal raid. We have more than achieved that, a lot of people to thank but so happy with this season. now to tick over till s2 #WorldOfWarcraft

We’ve had some really good weeks raiding queens not quite on farm yet but we have started sliding in alts for her

What a month #music #metal

We did a guild heroic alt run last night was so much fun my pally is now 5/8 heroic

Would anyone be interested in a #worldofWarcraft stream just thinking I’ve gone from very casual to heroic raider in one season Happy to pass on experience and tips Review tactics etc and just chill and talk about wow? What to you recon? Saturday nights uk time?

Also Check out this pull count! #WorldOfWarcraft

3 days ago, my #WorldOfWarcraft friends, I said Queeny dies on heroic for us in the next 2 raids. Well tonight, she did my first ever AotC, to add to the first KSM this season. Happy mage is happy!

I know delves are new and will take time, but IMO 2 things will make them better: 1# Brann not throwing his healing potions in stuff and said potions not despawning when you need them. 2# webs and other gubbins not being in respawn areas other than that I like them #WorldOfWarcraft

I'm far from a good raider but I hit PB's in almost every boss the week. Ansurak dies in the next 2 raids! i feel it #WorldOfWarcraft

There’s a distinct possibility that Novembers “month in review” for music may be darker and metallic than the one below 😂

What a month busy month #music #metal #punk

What a cracking raid last night we recleared to queen heroic in and hour and a half ish and got several I1 pulls on her, proud of this guild AitC incoming soon

we keep plugging away, 8's now.....EIGHTS I'm so happy #WorldOfWarcraft

YAAAASSSS KSM! #WorldOfWarcraft

Update on "the how my first season on m+ and raiding is going" Well I'm pretty proud of this, the parse % on the boss kills are based on my ilvl not every parse but I'm really happy with how it's going #WorldOfWarcraft

Extremely hot and unpopular wow lore take Varian Wrynn was responsible for his own death, not Sylvanas leaving him and ultimately the return of the legion in the legion expansion #WorldOfWarcraft

I really dislike how Sylvanas was rightly villainised for burning the world tree and I know people will say she killed thousands Yet Jaina invaded a city, killed the king of a race and she is deemed a hero #WorldOfWarcraft