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Associate professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in the Basque Language and Communication Department and researcher at HiTZ Zentroa. Mainly interested on text simplification, language resources and Basque for Specific Purposes
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Adimen artifizialeko adituen bila zabiltza? HiTZ zentroan badituzu hamaika emakume! #M8 #martxoak8

πŸ“’ CLEARS Challenge πŸ“‚ Training dataset available now You can still join the #AccessibilityChallenge! πŸŒπŸ“– πŸ”— Sign up πŸ‘‰ πŸ’‘ Let's use #AI to promote Plain Language. πŸ† Part of Iberlef 2025, organized by GPLSI and SINAI

πŸ“’ CLEARS Challenge πŸ“‚ Dataset de entrenamiento disponible Β‘AΓΊn puedes unirte al #DesafΓ­o de #Accesibilidad! πŸŒπŸ“– πŸ”— RegΓ­strate πŸ‘‰ πŸ’‘ Usa #IA para promover el lenguaje claro. πŸ† En Iberlef 2025, organizado por GPLSI y SINAI

Gaur, #AmaHizkuntzarenNazioartekoEguna, adierazi nahi dugu hizkuntza gutxituak, gutxietsiak, hiztun gutxi dituztenak, eremu urrikoak ezin direla teknologiatik kanpo geratu. Euskarak adimen artifizial sortzaile on bat izateko, Latxa maitasun handiz prestatzen ari gara gu.

πŸ“’ CLEARS: Join the #Accessibility Challenge! πŸŒπŸ“– Millions of people struggle with complex texts. Let’s use #AI to promote plain language πŸ’‘ Be part of the solution. πŸ”— Sign up #CLEARSπŸ‘‰ At #Iberlef2025πŸ† organized by GPLSI, and NLP_SINAI

Kaixo mundua! Hello world!