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Mostly likes to draw Digimon & Pokemon. You can catch me here & tumblr.
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Mr. Nox is the greatest person to ever come into my life. 🐈‍⬛ I've started sending photos of him to my professors when I submit my homework. #cat

Togetherness. 🌵🌤️ #antylamon #digimon #アンティラモン #デジモン I have some beef with this, but I'm learning to accept done beats the perfect WIP.

I think this enough progress for the day.

I think I finally have the energy to touch this again.

Was going through some files and found this. A friend wanted to commission me for a MegaSeadramon drawing, but I was struggling with burnout and ended up refunding her and never finishing it. Might come back to it and gift it to her.

Writing fanfics is so freeing. (╯✧▽✧)╯

Forcing myself to touch this again after sitting in my WIP folder for 2 years.

W A R N I N G! 🌙 - LEVEL: 666 - SYSTEM: A S M O D E U S - CODE: L U S T #lilithmon #リリスモン #Digimon #デジモン #lilithmonX #fanart

Antylamon has decided to take their Tamer to see their old home, Steamy Jungle. 🌺🌴 It seems a certain Terriermon knows them? #antylamon #digimon #アンティラモン #デジモン

🩸🦇🩸 #Myotismon #vamdemon #digimon #ヴァンデモン

🌸🌸🐍🌸🌸 An old commission for a friend. #serperior #ジャローダ#pokemon #unova #gen5

Failed entry for the 2022 PKMN TCG card contest. 🦄 #rapidash #pokemon #ギャロップ#galarian #gen8

Over the Galaxy. 🪐 #deoxys #mew #pokemon #デオキシス#ミュウ #gen3 #gen1 #Hoenn #Kanto

Antylamon enjoys stories- but is too large to read the print in most books. They now have a friend that can read to them. 📕 #antylamon #digimon #アンティラモン #デジモン

Hello! I've finally migrated to BlueSky and am slowly uploading my work here. ( ˙▿˙ ) #wizardmon #digimon #ウィザーモン