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Doctoral researcher working on hybrid metal halides @ MPI for solid state research 👨‍🔬
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Prolific Poster

We are excited to be at the #HäkoConference2025 in Innsbruck with some of the team! 🤝✨ Learning, networking, and great science. 🧪 #chemsky

An alle, die meinen, mit Blick auf den politischen und gesellschaftlichen Rechtsruck wenig bewirken zu können: Das stimmt nicht! Lasst uns bitte die Handlungsräume erkennen und gut nutzen, die wir haben. Deshalb geht bitte morgen zur #btw2025, für die #Demokratie, gegen die extreme Rechte! #noAfD

Structure and transport properties in the pseudo-binary phase system Li4SiS4 – Li4SnS4 Authors: Lucas G. Balzat, Yan Li, Sascha Dums, Igor Moudrakovski, Kristina Gjorgjevikj, Armin Schulz, Yuheng Li, Simon Krause, Pieremanuele Canepa, ... DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2025-bssbr

The science and language of skateboarding

Hello ! We are happy to finally be here and share our exciting science with the #Chemsky and broader community. Drop a follow to stay up to date on our cool nanoscience 🤏, innovative materials🔋and latest scientific discoveries 🧪!

Hi #Chemsky and #PerovSky I was wondering if anybody has a CIF file for CsBi3I10. It was reported in this paper for the first time:

You are an undergraduate student from the global south and are interested in working at one of the world leading institutes for solid-state research? - apply via the COMPASS program of and get the chance for a fully funded 6-month internship -

What do #COF materials really look like? Well ... It's tricky. Check out our recent article about disorder effects in COFs and how refinements are important, yet not really straightforward...oftentimes coming up short from the big picture. #Science #Chemsky

#38c3 interesting talk about current chip design and fabrication

Another great talk from #38c3 about the space telescope Euclid

1/n Some time ago my colleague, excellent cook, and friend Ivan told me: "Cacio e pepe is the recipe that I screw up more often. Let's make a project studying systematically the physics of that sauce". Prepare to get cheesy, I'm glad to share the Cacio e paper preprint:

Finally a scientifically optimized recipe for perfect cacio e pepe sauce #chemsky

Verdient 💐: Standing Ovations für den Vortrag einer der mutigsten Frauen des Landes, Anne Brorhilker von beim #38c3:

2024 konnten wir wichtige Nadelstich setzen. Das „Best of Informationsfreiheit“ gab es beim diesjährigen #38c3. präsentiert euch unsere Highlights des vergangen Jahr und zeigt auf, worauf es 2025 ankommt – Wir werden dranbleiben!

Check it out - Vincenzo Scamarcio at EPFL has built a *dual-arm* mobile robot for chemistry. Very cool! See post here: #chemsky #robots

Seit Jahren warnt Volksverpetzer vor dem Rechtsruck & der Desinformation in WELT. Wir wurden nicht ernst genommen, deren Journalisten beteiligten sich an Shitstorms gegen uns. Heute geht die Chefin des Meinungsressorts selbst, weil Musk dort Werbung für die AfD machen darf. Wir warnen nicht umsonst!

If you are working with #cof and #pxrd check out Sam's paper on pitfalls when analysing pxrd patterns #chemsky

Another great blogpost. This time about the moon.

So, as a new member of the US National Committee for Crystallography, I've been tasked with looking into workforce development. So I'd like to ask you #chemsky peeps how you learned about crystallography? Reply and retweet, I wanna hear from as many of you as possible!

Interesting lab tour of the Tritium Laboratory at KIT

I love Thursdays as it is #realtimechem experiment day in my first year chemistry lecture! Here you can see the ⏩ of a Briggs–Rauscher reaction; an oscillating version of the Iodine Clock #ChemSky 🧪🥽

Hey hey #Chemsky! 🧪 I'm gonna see if this works better than the other place to look for expert comments 🤗 I need someone who works in chirality and proteins for a story I'm working on - my DMs are open 📬 Reposts appreciated to boost visibility! Thanks 🙏🏼🔄

A new paper from our group! COFs are quite stable, but attention must be paid to whether or not the catalysts immobilized in them are stable. #pormatsky #chemsky

It’s always more fun to make nanocrystals on #FluorescenceFriday! 🧪⚗️ #ChemSky

Hi #ChemSky! Please enjoy this video from my first year #chemistry lecture demonstrating the principle of triboluminescence by crushing crystals of the copper complex, [Cu(NCS)(py)2(PPh3)]! 😍 This also works with simple quartz crystals #RealTimeChem 🧪🥽

OK #chemsky do your thing. I have an immediate PhD vacancy working on a MOF / crystallography / electron diffraction project with Syngenta. Home fees and stipend are covered. Spread the word!

Psst…You want to know about the NASA website that spells out your name in Landsat imagery. 🧪

Hey folks! I got a tattoo of my beloved PIEZO ion channel on my arm! Now I can show how they activate (flatten) under pressure by flexing—Will add a bit of performance art to my science talks 🧪🧠.

Meredith Whittaker is one of the sharpest minds at the intersection of technology and society. This two-hour conversation was an absolute delight – enjoy!

On average, this halide #perovskite is cubic, but locally it dances. Beautiful visualisation (with time averaging) by Will Baldwin using based on Atomic Cluster Expansion force fields reported in #CompChem #CompChemSky

Helping all the solid state chemists and inorganic materials chemists connect! Thanks for the suggestion to make this!

Nice crytals for the end of the week

Still believe that at the core of every exceptional research group are researchers who are both bright and kind and who value teamwork. #chemsky

Cool footage of the thermite reaction

Got this nice diffraction data today #chemsky

+++ An dieser Stelle einmal mehr unsere nachdrückliche Empfehlung: Bitte in der Nacht auf Sonntag nicht - wir wiederholen: nicht - die Zeit umstellen, sondern nur die Uhren. Wie schon oft angemerkt kann es sonst zu Rissen im Raumzeit-Kontinuum kommen. +++

It was always surprising that Oxbryta became a drug at all - but now it apparently isn’t. Why didn’t we notice the problems sooner? (Two sickle cell posts in a row!)

How amino acids taste 🧪

These are just a few of my favorite images I captured from this storm of a lifetime. Ridiculous structure, prolific lightning, and a sky full of stars. It doesn't get much better. What a planet we live on.

For the #SciArtSeptember prompt knighted, chemist Sir William Henry Perkin (1838-1907)! 🐡🧪#histsci This #lino block print ‘William Henry Perkin Discovers Mauve’ is about how the British chemist & entrepreneur made the serendipitous discovery of the 1st synthetic organic dye: mauveine. ⁠ ⁠ 🧵1/

Wieder eine interessante Folge

I might be a bit biased because my PhD is about perovskite type structures, but they are just too damn neat. You can fit so many elements in there! You can use it in catalysis, electrochemistry, radiation shielding, ceramics, photovoltaics, ect. ect.! In short: vote #Perovskite #MinCup24

Habe gerade die neueste Ausgabe bekommen. Thema ist Klang und Krach. Wieder mit super design und auch was zum anhören

I can't choose, at least not yet. Have a video from Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, PA. It lets you see the #spodumene #pleochroism without a thin section and petrographic microscope. I'm still trying to choose between two mins I ❤️. #MinCup24