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Reportage & Landscape Photographer: Immunocompromised with Guillain-Barre Syndrome after 3rd Covid jab. Paralysed & in Hospital for 5 months. Experienced observer of the Divine. Philosopher. Atheist.
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In france in 1971 we met a vietnam vet whose job was to listen into enemy troop wireless comms, which he did for months getting to know the voices on the other end, but then he had to direct bombers who destroyed the friends he had been listening to, murdering them all. So he had a total breakdown.

Freedom of Speech! The habit everyone has of chatting online is the gateway to an enemy hacker's Heaven. Claimed to be "accidental" he gave information away online. that is Treason by default ,if YOU did it. Not happy to hear about you murdering more innocent people & planning to do more, obviously.

No Comment!

The West does not have philosophers. Excepting Jesus, so it has to be him. I discovered this at University, and I left in disgust. Buddha does all THAT in 4 words: "the States are conditioned"

You should not have any war plans. Just suppose EVERYBODY’s WAR PLANS were leaked onto social media. EVERYONE’s. Might be excellent, since it will make carrying them out impossible!! Some Divine Hand saying enough already (to quote how you butcher our language in the States!!

Fact is you should not be endorsing what they are doing anyway.

You just could not make it up, could you? And WHAT did Yemen & its people have to do with the USA: this is killing people just because you can.

Easy, just closde all your social media accounts before you apply.They are a luxury you do not need & you can always begin again once you are legally in the USA

Just be yourself.


Exactly. Happiness is free! it is the harmless enjoyment of being alive. My work celebrates BEING ALIVE

Greetings from Wales!

Effective? NO!! It is a case of what we used to call "falling upstairs & blaming Belinda" as these cars are made owned & driven by you yourselves. What will happen is the rich will buy shares when the price goes down enough, & then make a fortune once you all go back to normal

Do you understand why it is I call modern politicians & scientists “Hitler’s Children”? And you who voted for Trump his grandchildren? Personally I could not ever even consider voting for anyone with his criminal record- & he is POSING as ill, like Musk, psychopaths do ACT to get you on their side

Ah! The Cult of Personality, & so abolishing the monarchy only means a civilian gets it and not a royal! No progress at all then, is there?

You cannot change the planet warming because you cannot alter its processional route around the Sun (the REAL cause of climate change-it happens periodically) And even on a peaceful perfect politics-free world (the ONLY change we need) you cannot give Mars life (PRIDE precedes FALL) as U R not GOD

I would not fuck Trump. Can somebody stop all these idiots from asking everybody to fuck Trump when you should only fuck people you really like, get on well with and share friendship with. Basically I would not fancy any of these fans of Donald Trump either, would you?

This is because it IS a hate crime. The Cybertruck has done the vandal no harm. Its owner has done the vandal no harm. I am certain that if the owner's own home and/or vehicle(s) were sprayed exactly the same, we would all never hear the end of it until the culprit was captured charged & punished

Our UK Mental Health Act detains anyone assessed & considered a danger to himself & others Is it really possible that Donald Trump intends to annex Alaska AFTER he has annexed Greenland? Stupid isn’t the word I would use, but maybe his supporters dont know Alaska is one of the USA?

The Shame is what our Governments support and your taxes pay for will stay with us all our lives.

As a victim of “enhancement”- mRNA vaccines’ attack on my own DNA (Tree of Knowledge) resulting in Guillain-Barre syndrome, total paralysis etc, for months, and current bad health when I was just fine before, I would suggest you realize the Economist espousing this idea puts you in with the baddies

To which I would add, and definitely recommend, the Egyptian Book of the Dead in the Wallis-Budge translation. Beautiful stuff, almost up there with Akhenaten’s prayers quoted in Glass’ SUPERB opera

I think they could;d be even more Divine Fakes!! What gets me is the daft idea we would have made these things somehow ourselves, when I believe they were created for our enjoyment along with the rest of the planet, as a puzzle by God for when we learned to fly, other than in dreams.

When I listen to Bruce Springsteen’s “ The Ghost of Tom Joad” I must be hearing songs so relevant to what we are now, I weep

I knew I was right to say that what you are being submitted to is unconstitutional per se, and I am not even American!

Therse arbitrary arrests and imprisonments & deportations now make it perilous for editors of newspapers and all the presidents men reporters to function freely, & to travel abroad & return normally as many are now persona non grata with the regime.

Watching, Listening to Dylan Thomas’ “Under Milk Wood” on the BBC TV is lovely. I love good English spoken by the Welsh. I ask myself how did it sound centuries ago? Our language that unites us wherever we are, & whoever we are. Is perhaps the Welsh accent how english should sound? Not webswearspeak

My No 1 wish would be that Almighty God quite simply abduct every single bad/violent/war-mongering/undemocratic leader on Planet Earth in perpetuity.Together with anyone making or dealing in Arms of all sorts. Christs angels “to make War on those who would destroy the Earth” as Revelation says. COOL

The whole point of this is that Donald Trump, who has himself no actual power to annex Greenland or deport ppl or overrule the Judiciary is telling you that millions of YOU yanks want this and so will do it for him because you are racist nazi imperialists like him. As USA you are doing it for Musk .

Good to do, but difficult & hectic: photograph Semana Santa in Seville. We got printed event timetables, I was not happy with my results, did it for two years. Monochrome hopelessly inadequate due to lighting IMHO.But it & El Rocio an absolute thrill to do & to be there

For Empathy read APATHY. Which IS what they meant Sociopaths do not actually HAVE any empathy, so they certainly would not be discussing it. You are being mocked due to your apathy! You know perfectly well what Musk & Trump would do faced with Musk & Trump as a danger to them, dont you?

The Germans did vote Hitler into power, just like you. I contend that all nations should cease diplomatic relations with the USA until Apartheid Musk & Racist Trump are removed from office. They are subject to arrest already for crimes against Humanity & the U.S. Constitution /Legal system.

Excuse me, but what use is there in having a US Supreme Allied Commander who is currently pretending that you have only whiteys in the armed forces?

I am not a happy bunny today because nobody has yet ceased diplomatic relations with the USA government in power. You do have to ask if all other worldwide governments APPROVE of what is going on in the US.

So the USA never had a black president called Obama? Do Racist Musk & Trump and their enforcer Nazis even care that you cant in fact rewrite history? Not in an age in which everything is recorded everywhere by everybody all the time.

There have been humans like us on Earth since at least the Jurassic according to USA fossilized footprints alongside those of dinosaurs in riverbed mud, etc. Mass extinctions cover all traces of land. Thus our ancestors could have been higher life forms as Buddhists/Hindus contend (Golden Age etc) As we can now manufacture diseases, in previous cycles, pre-extinctions, did we ourselves, us humans, do so? Are in fact all diseases man-made for war? Was Jesus/Issa atoning for OUR sins, our germ warfare, our war, our cruelty, our assuming we can replace the Creator?

Nobody CAN erase all record of what happened, or who did what to who: Do Musk/Trump’s lot actually have intelligence of any real & useful sort? It is as though they think that by setting an example all of you will follow suit to ensure no record of your lives or your relatives doings exists!

In case you are wondering I block product ads posters, pet pic posters & LARGE SLOGAN POSTERS too. I block folk who scream out their sexuality online as well. And truly Japanese manga type cartoons, and people who insist on discussing any of the above, or their stupid tattoos…

If anyone at all in that War Machine of a Pentagon told me I had to rewrite History by leaving out half its participants, I would refuse as they cannot close all websites,or burn all copies of movies books etc like Hitler tried to do: there is just globally too much evidence.The Truth IS out there

Ladies & Gentlemen, there is NO SUCH THING as artificial consciousness. A machine remembers what it is programmed to remember, but if you bought me the worlds biggest most advanced super computer, & i switched it on & left it to run by itself for a couple of years, unlike babies it would 000 learn!

People 💙As a woman , let’s celebrate! More work needs to be done 👏🏽👏🏽👊🏻👊🏻 #DemVoice1 #DemsUnited #ProudBlue

Saw Lisa Kudrow’s “Who do you think you are”on the Beeb this evening. What the German nazis did in her relatives Polish village to its jewish inhabitants echoing what the Zionist Nazis are doing to Palestinians in Gaza, I just wept. Does it never stop? Is there never an end to these monsters?

Say that again?

He is telling the Truth! YOU by doing what he wants, are the ones harming other people, so please STOP, because that is what happened in Israel and in Nazi Germany.

Dictators are created by the population.

I disagree. A president NEEDS to sign a Bill in person himself. You dont use a machine to sign a cheque, or your Will, and these documents are far more important.

Excuse me Miss (hand raised to ask question), but exactly who forced you to remove the welcome signs?