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Politisk kommentator, klummeskribent Berlingske, podcastvært "Hitlers Æselører" og associeret seniorrådgiver hos Rostra Kommunikation. Foredrag ring 31 718 718.
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The Trump effect: For the first time in years, Canada’s Liberal Party is leading the Conservatives in federal election polls, a major shift just months before the election. This is a direct result of Trump’s relentless attacks against our ally to the north

Lavrov stated that Russia is not considering any options for the deployment of European peacekeeping forces in Ukraine.

Glæden er jordens gæst i dag

The United States now playing the role that communist satellite states once played in the UN: sponsoring resolutions in its own name but on behalf of Moscow.

Så nu taler de amerikansk igen på "rowmaaance", "fist båmps" og "tøning pojnts"siger EU-korrespondenten fra Bryssel. Man rapporterer jo fra den store verden, og så tager sproget farve af det. Vær nu bevidst om, at sproget er dansk. TV2NEWS er ikke CNN eller BBC. #TalDansk

🇬🇧❗️The UK is imposing its largest package of sanctions since 2022 against 107 Russian individuals and organizations. The sanctions affected manufacturers of equipment for the Russian Armed Forces, as well as the DPRK Defense Minister and officials who facilitate military cooperation.

GJORT! Tak til alle jer, som støtter Ukraine-komitéens arbejde. Vi mærker det i disse dage. En helt særlig tak til jer, der er sprogligt bevidste om ikke at udtrykke jer på amerikansk, men er begyndt at skrive "gjort" (uden d) i stedet for det udenlandske "done". Det glæder min sjæl. Tak! :-)

Tak til disse lande for støtten!

Ja virkeligheden er blot en konstruktion, som det hedder i de kredse...

Tre-årsdagen for Putins Rusland angreb på Ukraine. Støt Den Danske Ukraine-komités indsamling Mobilpay 924084

🤬 Russia does not want to exchange Ukrainian Azov and Marines prisoners and take back its soldiers from captivity, — Coordination Headquarters ❗️The occupiers are mostly interested in exchanging their conscripts and Chechens, and Russia “doesn’t care” about the rest.

Elon Musk lyver i bedste sendetid om “strandede astronauter”. ⬇️ Andreas Mogensen afslører løgn. ⬇️ Musk får en nedsmeltning og kalder A.M. for retarderet. ⬇️ Amerikanske astronauter forsvarer A.M. ⬇️ Musk får ny nedsmeltning, nu over amerikanske astronauter. USA er blevet et galehus.

Trump has started the purge of the armed forces. This will end in disaster!

🇺🇦 63% of Ukrainians support Zelensky's activities, and 74% consider him a patriot, according to a study by IBIF

WEEKEND-KOMMENTAR: "Europa og Danmark kigger ind i en fremtid, hvor NATO-alliancens supermagt USA allierer sig med russiske krigsforbrydere, mordere og tyveknægte."

*drop mic*

🤡 Russia wants to announce victory over Ukraine and NATO on February 24, according to the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine (HUR).

🤬 The Russians dropped 3 air bombs on Kostyantynivka, — OVA. 🙏 40-year-old man was killed, 2 more people were injured. 9 private houses and 3 non-residential premises were damaged.

magine in the 1770s and 1780s the French suddenly questioning the revolutionary war of the Americans against the British, questioning whether they can defeat the British, threatening to end all support and even suggesting that the Royal Army may keep New York and other major cities in North America.

Tillykke til Canada og skønt nederlag til USA. Flere af dem, tak!

Elon Musk is swinging around a chainsaw at CPAC

Trump - with his devotion to Putin, abandonment of Ukraine, and lies about history- is the antithesis of everything Ronald Reagan stood for. He is aligning America with the enemies of the very freedom that generations have fought and died to defend.

Gallup: President Trump’s ratings on foreign affairs and the economy are historically low compared with early-term ratings for other recent presidents. More, via Opinion Today:

Undskyld mig, men det er jo helt plim. Hvad sker for Politiken?

Hej Tesla-ejere og folk, der overvejer at købe skidtet. Hvorfor vil I dog vedblive med at handle med en firma som har Elon Musk som adm. direktør og medejer (14 pct.)? Der er mig komplet U-BE-GRI-BE-LIGT!

Endnu en million kroner er nu sendt til de ukrainske soldater, og det betyder, at vi samlet har doneret mere end 77.000.000 kroner. Tak, for jeres ukuelige støtte💪🏼 Vil du donere til kampen mod Putin? MobilePay: 924084 Bankoverførsel: Reg. nr. 0542, konto nr. 0000668633

More from Moscow Institute 🔥👀

As a humanitarian aid worker, 28-year-old Edward Scott has made multiple trips to the front-line areas to evacuate civilian Ukrainians. But the mission on Jan. 30 to the embattled city of Pokrovsk in southern Donetsk Oblast was different.