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Atmospheric electricity and climate. Doctor en Física por la UGR. Investigador postdoctoral en el Electricidad Atmosférica y fuegos. AvHStiftung, Caixa and RyC awarded.
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Looking for a postdoc to come and work on tropical land-atmosphere interactions with me! Please share:

🧪 If you are a NASA employee or contractor who is interested in speaking with a journalist, please reach out. I freelance for multiple publications (Science, NYT, etc.). If you want to reach out (via a personal device on a trusted, non-work network!), I'm on Signal at mgreshko.01.

Esto es una denuncia social💢 Es el relato estremecedor de un compañero sometido a amenazas. Un precio muy alto por hacer un trabajo científico y comunicativo esencial. Cabe una reflexión como sociedad. No es un hecho puntual. El impacto es grave⚠️

Animación de la distribución espacial y temporal de la actividad sísmica entre las islas de Santorini y Amorgos. Los puntos morados representan los terremotos más antiguos, mientras que los puntos amarillos representan los terremotos más recientes

Category 5 Severe Cyclone #Zelia spins furiously near the Pilbara coast of Western Australia. The cyclone is expected to slowly track toward the coastline and make landfall west of Port Hedland late Saturday / early Sunday.

🎞️ AUDIOVISUAL |  La primera misión científica que volará a bordo del nuevo cohete europeo Ariane 6 será PLATO, en la que participa en IAA

🔴⚠️🔥♨️Still out of control, the forest fire in RioNegro has already burned 3500Ha and is growing thanks to the new heatwave. 1500 families have been evacuated and the fire is getting close to #ElBolsón.⬇️Sentinel2 📸 on Feb.8

Say goodbye to the US as the best place in the world to be a scientist. 🧪

Hello, Bluesky! ☀️ We fund frontier research in Europe—bold ideas, unexpected discoveries and science that shapes the future. So it’s only fitting we’ve landed here. Sorry for being late. Follow us for updates on ERC funding, research policy, and our grantees' discoveries.

The famous 'Project 2025', with a significant impact on the current US government (and the world), has a plan to reduce wildfires in the country. Is it just me, or does the plan basically seem to involve cutting down trees? I've read it, and I'm surprised by the lack of scientific references in it

El famoso 'Proyecto 2025', con gran impacto en el gobiwrno actual de EEUU y por ende en el mundo, tiene un plan para reducir los incendios forestales en el país. Es cosa mía, o parece que el plan es básicamente talar los árboles? Lo he leído y me sorprende la falta de referencias científicas en él

💥Oferta de empleo para Esfera Climática/CREAF💥

⚛️ Os queremos presentar «Puentes de Ciencia», un programa de divulgación científica inclusiva que busca acercar la investigación realizada en los centros del CSIC en Granada y el Instituto DaSCI (UGR) a colectivos en riesgo de exclusión social. ℹ️

Sad to report that 7 students were killed and another 82 were injured at the Businda Secondary School in Tanzania as a result of #lightning. Schools in Africa are often the site of mass casualty lightning incidents. #LightningSafety ⚡🧪🧵 (1/6)

NEW 💥 Study published in 'Nature Climate Change' shows southern #Europe, #California and #Australia are some of the regions where recovery from drought and #wildfires takes longest 🔥🥀 According to the results, three factors determinate it: water availability, solar radiation, and biodiversity.

¿Sabéis esa sensación casi infantil de "¡oh, no! Nadie va a venir a mi fiesta de cumpleaños"? Pues esto es mañana en Madrid y va a llover y estoy un poco así :/

About a decade ago, we published that searching for halos could be an effective strategy for detecting lightning on Venus. The radar on EnVision will soon provide valuable measurements to further advance the debate on the existence of Venusian lightning

Impact on mortality of biomass combustion from wildfires in Spain: A regional analysis Wildfires are likely to become increasingly frequent in the context of climate change makes this type of analysis necessary

Postdoc opportunity w/Solomon Dobrowski and me! U Montana, in partnership with the NC Climate Adaptation Science Center, is hiring a talented scientist with an interest in climate connectivity and species range shifts among protected areas. $70k/year. #SpeciesOnTheMove #RangeShifts


✔️ Sonificación de datos: una nueva forma de estudiar el universo 🇪🇸 🇬🇧

The amount of water in the atmosphere hit a record high in 2024 with 4.9% above the 1991–2020 average. This trend heightens the potential for extreme rainfall events. Explore the Global Climate Highlights 2024 report: #C3S #GCH2024

I'm hiring, two fully funded PhD positions! Come work in Umeå in Arctic Sweden, a leading place for high-latitude ecosystem ecology and carbon biogeochemistry

Se ha registrado un enjambre sísmico en el volcán Bárðarbunga, bajo el glaciar Vatnajökull, en Islandia. Una erupción subglaciar en este estratovolcán podría afectar al tráfico aéreo europeo.

Cuando uno mira estas gráficas, cabe preguntarse si realmente estamos haciendo algo para solucionar el problema

#PPOD: This spectacular view of Earth was made from images captured by NASA’s Juno spacecraft from about 4000 km away during a flyby on October 9, 2013. South America is filling the picture; Antarctica is at the bottom. 🧪 🔭 Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS /

Scientists developed the first climate models in the late 1960s (for which the Nobel Prize in physics was recently awarded!). How have these models held up against what happened in the real world after they were published? Surprisingly well, it turns out:

The insanity of being a fire ecologist in the epicenter of a major fire event, bags packed and ready to evacuate, watching active fire from my window, while taking media requests and explaining to the public, for the 100,000th time how climate change is largely responsible for this

Es un privilegio tener un museo de ciencia como este en Granada. Ojalá pueda mantener el nivel muchos años más

There is a measured relationship between lightning activity and tbe production of NOx per flash. In this preprint, we evaluate the sensitivity of climate models to NOx parameterizations based on lightning rate. Feel free to join the discussion #lightning

Why are the recently discovered sprite ghosts green? Thanks to our spectrograph, our team found significant iron emissions from the mesosphere due to the electromagnetic field produced by thunderstorms ⚡️🧪

Postdoc opportunity working on cryosphere and mountain geohazards with my friend Umesh Haritashya (not yet on Bluesky) at U Dayton: 🧪⚒️❄️🏔️


👇 Postdoctoral position in small-scale #fisheries in East Africa (Based at Uppsala University Sweden, and working in in East Africa in close collaboration with Kenyan and Tanzanian colleagues). 🦑🧪🌏🦈🎣

We invite you to contribute to our EGU2025 session! ⚡️🔥🌲🧪 Title: Lightning and Thunderstorms: Multi-Hazards, Including Wildfires, and Impacts on the Environment and Society 📍 When & Where: 27 April – 2 May 2025 | Vienna, Austria & Online

We have a new paper out in today, led by Helge Goessling from #AWI: The recent global temperature surge in 2023 was intensified by a record-low planetary #albedo 👉 This is what we found (🧵1/8)

As a reminder, land areas (where we live) are warming around twice as fast as the oceans. Subsequently, most of us are 'experiencing' temperatures rising faster than the global mean record. Data from NASA GISTEMPv4: ⚒️🧪

Os tengo que contar una cosa que me hace mucha ilusión. Pero mucha, eh, nivel que bailoteé en la oficina cuando nos notificaron. Nos admiten el recurso de casación y el Supremo va a debatir sobre transparencia de programas y algoritmos, propiedad intelectual y esas cosicas

I am looking for a PhD student for the OCT 2025 intake to work on dynamical compactification of extra dimensions or on boson stars GW signatures!

Somos Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC), un centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa ubicado en Granada que desarrolla investigación en astrofísica, así como tecnología para el estudio del Cosmos 🌌🛰️ En este link podréis tenéis info para conocernos un poquito mejor 👉

Mediante el análisis de isótopos de cloro en la sal depositada en el lecho del Mediterráneo, se ha podido establecer cuándo y cómo desapareció el 70% del agua de este mar: 35.000 años de restricción del flujo de agua y aislamiento total durante 10.000 años.

🚨🚨 I'm hiring!!! 🚨🚨 Postdoc and PhD positions available to join my ERC project Exo-PEA at The project aims to understand weather in giant extrasolar worlds ☁️⚡🪐 📆 Deadline: Jan 6th Postdoc ad: PhD ad: Please share widely! 🔭🪐

Monday ice update - #Arctic sea ice extent is currently the *2nd* lowest on record (JAXA data)... • about 550,000 km² below the 2010s mean • about 1,070,000 km² below the 2000s mean • about 1,760,000 km² below the 1990s mean • about 2,240,000 km² below the 1980s mean

Global #wildfires #openburning intensity & emissions for November 2024 in #CopernicusAtmosphere Monitoring Service GFAS data Some notable fires in N Brazil & N Australia, but overall lowest Nov total and fairly average Jan-Nov total 🌊🧪

Two postdoc positions in my group are opening: First is part of SOCCOM3 (3 years, NSF funded, S. Ocean carbon/oxygen/nutrient budgets), Second is part of InMOS (4.25 yrs, Schmidt Sciences / OBVI funded, long-term oxygen/carbon flux and inventory constraints). More info:

¿Sabías que en la Tierra hay entre 40 y 50 volcanes en actividad (con eventos eruptivos intermitentes sin una interrupción de 3 meses o más) y que 20 estarán en erupción de forma simultánea en cualquier punto, cualquier día del año? Puedes consultarlo aquí