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Following traditional New Orleans jazz around the world with a few other bits thrown in. Videos here
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The Dixie Blue Blowers playing at bar New York Ascona for @jazzascona 2024 #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #festival #swing #sousaphone #jazzascona #ascona #dixieblueblowers

The Spice of life pub #soho #London #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #festival #swing #sousaphone #spiceoflife

Mahogany Jazz Hall #neworleans #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #festival #swing #sousaphone #frenchquarter

David Hepworth playing #clarinet with The Roaring Twenties Jazz Band at the 35th Bude jazz festival 2024 #musician #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #bude #festival #budejazzfestival #swing #roaringtwentiesjazzband #roaring20s

Julia Titus the Empress of the blues, performing The Bessie Smith story @crazycoqs #London #crazycoqs #bessiesmith #bass #clarinet #saxophone #singing #piano

Just cracked 1000 subscribers on my YouTube channel. Join the party #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #festival #swing #sousaphone

Just cracked 1000 subscribers on my YouTube channel. Join the party #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #festival #swing #sousaphone

Rory Clark playing #sousaphone with @tenementjazzband at the Spice of life pub #Soho ##london #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba

Marc Caparone playing #trumpet at the Arizona Classic Jazz Festival 2024 #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #festival #swing #arizona #chandler #arizonaclassicjazzfestival #stlouisstompers #arizonaclassic #arizonaclassicjazz

Danielle Price playing #tuba with the Traveling Janes at the 40th Ascona Jazz Festival #tradjazz #jazz #blues #Ascona #Neworleans #trumpet #clarinet #piano #saxophone #drums #banjo #festival #swing #tuba #washboard #travelingjanes #switzerland🇨🇭 #asconajazz #asconajazzfestival #washboard #jazzascona

Trombones ahoy! French Quarter Festival Parade 2024 New Orleans #Jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #festival #swing #sousaphone #fqf #parade #datruthbrassband

Secret Six jazz band #fqf #fqf2024 #neworleans #trad #tradjazz #blues #piano #trumpet #trombone #bass #doublebass #drums #clarinet #guitar #piano #music #saxophone #tuba #parade #festival #sax #brass #frenchquarterfestival #bourbonstreet #neworleans #secretsix #secret6 #frenchquarter #washboard

Dirty Rotten Vipers playing on Royal St #neworleans during the 2024 French Quarter Festival #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #guitar #festival #swing #sousaphone #royalstreet #dirtyrottenvipers

Katie Cavera playing #banjo #guitar with the Traveling Janes at the 40th Ascona Jazz Festival #tradjazz #jazz #blues #Ascona #Neworleans #music #trumpet #bass #drums #festival #swing #washboard #sousaphone #travelingjanes #switzerland🇨🇭 #asconajazz #asconajazzfestival #washboard #jazzascona

Waiting for the parade #fqf #bourbonstreet #neworleans #paulinbrothers #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #festival #swing #sousaphone #umbrella #parade #nola #nolatradition

#neworleans #Jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #festival #swing #sousaphone #bourbonstreet

#Jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #festival #swing #sousaphone

Howard Miyata playing #trombone with Cheryl’s vintage jazz band at the Arizona Classic Jazz Festival 2024 #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #tuba #festival #swing #arizona #chandler #piano #arizonaclassicjazzfestival #arizonaclassic #arizonaclassicjazz

Caleb Nelson playing #trumpet with the sweet potatoes during #fqfest 2024 #fqf #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trombone #drums #saxophone #bass #banjo #piano #tuba #tuba #clarinet #festival #swing #trumpet #sousaphone #neworleans

Gerald French playing #drums @mahoganyjazz_hall #frenchquarter #neworleans #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #festival #swing #sousaphone

The Shinyribs band at the #Austin 10k run #guitar #blues #funk #R&B #soul #country #music #roots #rock #swing #texas #shinyribs #saxophone

John O’Neill playing #saxophone with @thefallenheroesband @nightjar #shoreditch #London #nightjar #cocktail #musician #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trombone #saxophone #bass #drums #piano #swing

Cadillac Xpress playing at at the 35th Bude jazz festival 2024 #musician #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #bude #festival #budejazzfestival #swing

The Fallen Heros @nightjar #shoreditch #London #musician #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trombone #saxophone #bass #drums #piano #swing

Opening parade at the 35th Bude jazz festival 2024 #musician #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #bude #festival #budejazzfestival #swing

Bria Skonberg playing #trumpet for her first London gig @thejazzcafe in the @londonjazzfest #efg #londonjazzfest #londonjazzfestival #trumpet #jazz #tradjazz #blues #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #swing #briaskonberg #london #camden #jazzcafe #thejazzcafe

Thomas “Spats”Langham #banjo #guitar Danny Blyth #clarinet #bassclarinet #madolin #guitar #harmonica Malcolm Sked #bass #tuba Emily Campbell #singing @spicejazzsoho #soho #London #spiceoflife #trad #tradjazz #jazz #blues #1910s #1920s #1930s

Tom Carradine playing #piano for a good old cockney Singer-A-Long @mrfoggsgb St Martins Lane #London every Monday night through December. 🎅 🎄🎹 #mrfoggs #singing #singeralong #cockney

Pete Allen playing #clarinet @pizzaexpresslive Max Brittain #guitar #Soho #London #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #swing #guitar #pizzaexpresslive

Parade, Arizona Classic Jazz Festival 2024 #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trumpet #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #drums #banjo #piano #tuba #festival #swing #arizona #chandler #arizonaclassicjazzfestival #arizonaclassic #arizonaclassicjazz

Bria Skonberg playing #trumpet for her first London gig @thejazzcafe in the @londonjazzfest #efg #londonjazzfest #londonjazzfestival #trumpet #musician #jazz #tradjazz #blues #music #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #swing #briaskonberg #london #camden #jazzcafe #londonjazzfestival2024 #thejazzcafe

Dan Levinson and Evan Dain playing with Cheryl’s Vintage Jazz band at the Arizona Classic Jazz Festival 2024 #jazz #tradjazz #blues #trombone #clarinet #saxophone #bass #swing #arizona #chandler #arizonaclassicjazzfestival #danlevinson #cherylsvintagejazzband #arizonaclassic #arizonaclassicjazz