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historian | digital curator | Humboldtian | professor | currently writing Full Frontal: A New History of the Sexual Revolution for Stanford Univ Press/Redwood Press latest book: Queer Art of History: Queer Kinship After Fascism (Duke UP, 2023)
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Tonight I can write, Pablo Neruda Tonight I can write the saddest lines. Write, for example, 'The night is starry and the stars are blue and shiver in the distance.' The night wind revolves in the sky and sings. Tonight I can write the saddest lines. I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.

When I see you later I'm gonna have to figure it out When I see you later I promise that you'll want me around All the stars in the sky start aligning or something Shimmering cheap nothings When I see you later YEAH

Nature, giving us hope.

An interesting read that revisits some of the earlier debates in my field around narrative and history.

Consider applying! “Queer Histories of East Central Europe in the 20th Century.” This conference aims to move beyond national frameworks and engage with the fluidity, hybridity, and interconnectedness of queer histories, emphasizing intersectional and interdisciplinary approaches. 👇

Visual politics indeed.

I posted this emotive photograph by Francesca Woodman on my Facebook page. META decided, in its infinite wisdom, that fine art photography contravenes community standards. And we are to trust AI and big tech with our collective futures. Francesca Woodman, Untitled 1977

Browsing your gorgeous webpage and landing on this It has me wondering. Do you know my friend, artist Benny Nemer? If not, you should

One of over 400 self portraits of the Countess of Castiglione by Pierre-Louis Pierson in the 1860s. Best known as Napoleon III's mistress, she had a keen interest in camera play, staking claims to self representation that defied age and expectation.

Hi, just a reminder that when you use for your audiobooks, you support independent bookshops vs. large corporations that drive them out of business. We also pay taxes. And so do indie bookshops.

Deleuze and Guattari had much to say on everyday microfascisms and desire. It is good to bring this back to view, now.

The attacks on DEI are a pretext for a much more radical agenda of reversing the gains of the civil rights movement, an objective the Trump administration is pursuing with zeal. A Great Resegregation.

We've already received several submissions and even more expressions of interest! Keep 'em coming. We love hearing about your work.

At the request of the Trump Admin, the Ntl Park Service removed references to trans people in this essay w/o consulting the writer, historian Read it here as Prof Rouse intended (and as the NPS published/maintained it until now). 🗃️

The LGBTQ+ History Association statement on our outrage and call to update National Park Service (NPS) websites after the removal of reference to the Transgender (T) and Queer (Q) communities and history. Please read our full statement:

Hard to believe. The amazing album - Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen by Tocotronic - released 20 years ago today.

I wrote up a report about the #Mosse60 conference in Rome, which brought together a killer group of scholars to assess the state of the field on fascism. Check it out here:

Save the date.

Hand Puppets by Paul Klee. He made them for his son...

It is launch day!!! We can finally announce the new book series with on Queer and Trans Histories. Help spread the word!

In the fall, the American-German Institute held a one day symposium revisiting recent German memory debates. The commentaries are slowly coming online. One can start via Helmut Smith and click through to Sultan Doughan, Dirk Moses and eventually others.

Everything about this photo is magical. Félix Thiollier (c. 1899)

"Er hat #Auschwitz, #MittelbauDora und #BergenBelsen sowie mehrere Todesmärsche überlebt, nach der Nazi-Diktatur jahrzehntelang nicht in Deutschland gelebt. In Ostfriesland demonstriert Albrecht Weinberg nun gegen Rechtsextremismus." finds inspiration and a new urgency in I Shall Bear Witness – Victor Klemperer in His Time, and Ours.

Während Medien + Politik in Deutschland nur noch über angeblich gefährliche Migrant:innen diskutieren, herrscht über den Amoklauf in #Örebro weitgehend Schweigen, denn der Täter ist Einheimischer. Nun deutet sich an, dass er gezielt Migrant:innen erschoss.

Hurra 🎉 Die neue Website ist online! Ab sofort gibt's alles Wissenswerte rund um den 55. Deutschen Historikertag in Bonn auf einen Blick - unter:

We've created a tracker that covers all executive orders affecting LGBTQ folks along with federal and state legislation. We're at 334 anti-LGBTQ bills. Credit

Thrilled that my wonderful colleague Audra Diptée is garnering the recognition she deserves.

I'll be focusing on the anti-trans, anti-queer, anti-migration nexus.

Johannes von Moltke's 2025 Mosse lectures couldn't be more timely.

How can we trace same-sex relationships in rural archives, when love letters were heavily euphemistic or burned after reading? For LGBTQ+ History Month, Tim Jerrome shares his research into queer rural relationships: from his first find, to the challenges faced.

Nothing short of disastrous for the US scholarly community. And by the looks of things globally, this wave is coming all our way too.

Ein Skandal. Ein Offenbarungseid. Eine tödliche Bedrohung für die akademische Freiheit in den USA. Aber ich bin überzeugt, das europäische Feuilleton wird nächstens ein empörtes Essay nach dem anderen raushauen. #känzelkaltschr

The American College of OB/GYN’s website is now hosting the critical documents purged by the CDC This is what every professional medical organization should be doing right now #MedSky

All eyes on Germany for guidelines on how quickly an anti trans agenda becomes salonfähig. The target? A law that removed incomprehensible barriers to trans people securing updated identification. An example of the before times 👇

“One of the worst things one can do with any body of theory is to hold it up to the problems of our present time and conclude that if the theory doesn’t furnish a wholly satisfactory response to all of them, it should be discarded as obsolete.”

Mladen Dolar, Rumors (2025)

Trenchant analysis by one of the best 👇

The great intellectual historian Anson Rabinbach, passed away a few days ago in Rome after a fall. The folks over at the George Mosse Program in Wisconsin have set up an online page to capture memories and reminiscences for friends and family. It is available here:

"Die Technologie ist kein politisch neutrales Werkzeug. Als Nostalgiemaschine und Klischeeverstärker drängt sie sich für den Entwurf rechter Weltbilder geradezu auf."

By omitting the tragic story behind Felix González-Torres "Untitled" (Portrait of Ross in L.A.), the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery is setting a perilous precedent, warns art scholar Ignacio Darnaude.