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Community-backed independent candidate for Riverina, Federal election 2025. #RealRepresentation Authorised by J.Rolfe Wagga Wagga 2660.
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It’s an incredible privilege to be the #communitybackedindependent for the seat of Riverina. We’re holding an onboarding night for volunteers in Wagga on Wednesday. We’d love you to join us! Details are in the image and also in the events section of our website

18,000+ km of roads in Riverina, and I’m on a mission to travel them all because every community and every person matters. Let’s do this! #rolfeforriverina #communitybackedindependent #jennyrolfe #riverinadeservesbetter #auspol #peoplebeforepolitics #yourvoicematters #communityfirst

When the family vehicle officially becomes the #campaigncar What a weekend we have in store! @boorowashow @tumutshowsociety today and @riverinaharvestfestival

Come and say hi - we’ll be wearing orange!

What do cost of living, housing affordability, small business survival, and regional renewal have in common? The need for effective #taxreform. My background is economics. Our tax system is skewed to benefit big business and billionaires. Ordinary people are getting screwed. It’s time for change.

Hey #hardenmurrumburrah! We put off visiting in the wake of the terrible storms a couple of weeks ago, but we’re stopping in tomorrow afternoon on our way to #Boorowa for the show. It will be a bit of a whistle stop, but we’d still love to have a chat if you spot us - and we will be back!

Riverina isn't a safe seat anymore. It's winnable with your help. Get behind the Rolfe for Riveirna campaign to make a real difference for our electorate! #RolfeForRiverina #RealRepresentation #JennyRolfe #CommunityBackedIndependent #PeopleBeforePolitics #WeDeserveBetter #AusPol2025

Hey @tumbafest! Music, food, markets, community, and a daily duck race - it’s so good that even a few sprinkles this morning couldn’t dampen the atmosphere. Congrats to everyone involved in bringing this fantastic event to life. #tumbarumba #tumbafest #riverina #community

Social housing used to provide a safety net for Australians experiencing vulnerability. Continued disinvestment by successive governments - especially over the past 30 years - has laid the foundation for the current crisis. Housing is a human right. It shouldn’t be a political football. #auspol

A shout out to this very special campaign volunteer - my sister, Heather, who has been there every step of the way and jumped in at the last minute to travel with me to Yass and Murrumbateman. We had such a great trip!

A night on the road travelling the #Riverina electorate means a chance to finally finish reading “Minority Report: The New Shape of Australian Politics” by George Megalogenis in Quarterly Essay. Don’t believe the rhetoric that a vote for an independent is a wasted vote. #rolfeforriverina #auspol

Hey #YassValley! I’m so looking forward to seeing you! *Yass this afternoon * Murrumbateman markets Saturday morning Let’s have a chat about what’s important to you, and how I can bring #realrepresentation in Federal Parliament. #yassvalley #rolfeforriverina #letstalk #communitybackedindependent

Think the federal government should be doing more to support the 12 regional councils in the Riverina electorate? I’ll be in Yass tomorrow (Friday) and at the Murrumbateman markets on Saturday morning - let’s chat! You can read the full story at

On Tuesday night I attended the launch of the @waggawib 2025 Mentor Program. This free program has been running since 2011 and aims to support local women realise their career and leadership goals. I was a mentee in 2019, and this is my second year as a mentor.

Such a delight to visit UNISONg Community Choir last night and to be surrounded by women singing with joy and encouraging each other. Organisations like UNISONg, supported by the tireless work of volunteers, are such an asset to our communities. #rolfeforriverina #peoplebeforepolitics

It was a busy afternoon yesterday dropping off corflutes to just some of the people who offered to pop one in their front yard, window, or on their fence and giving a hand with installation where needed. Let’s get community-backed, independent, #realrepresentation for Riverina! #auspol #jennyrolfe

Hey #cootamundra! How good is the atmosphere at the @cootabeach Volleyball Comp?! Over 20+ years this comp has grown from a 1 day, 1 court comp with 16 teams to a 3 day, 10 court festival attracting 3,000 participants. Well done to everyone involved! #cootamundra #cootabeachvolleyball #auspol

Hey #Gundagai! We’re at the show, it’s a cracking day, and we’d love for you to come and say hi. While you’re here, buy some jerky from @murruccigourmetmeats and sign the petition from to keep health services in the Cootamundra area. #realrepresentation #auspol

Many residents across Riverina travel to Wagga for cancer treatment, often requiring an extended stay. That’s where not-for-profit Lilier Lodge comes in, offering a home away from home. GM Richard Moffat invited us to tour and join the weekly community dinner with guests. Thanks for having us!

Put Jenny’s face at your place! Support our campaign by signing up for a corflute for your home or business, just like Maggie our four legged friend did 🐶 Help us get Jenny’s face ALL OVER the place. Order here: #RolfeForRiverina #CommunityBackedIndependent

We squeezed in a sneaky visit to beautiful Boorowa today, grabbing a coffee at @themarsdenstgeneral Local residents shared the need for a secure water supply - something that needs state and federal funding commitment. We also heard about the impact of the closure of the medical centre.

Had a great chat to Jamie from The Land about Together for Riverina endorsing me as the community-backed independent for Riverina. Regional electorates deserve representatives fight for our needs. I’m here for that. #RealRepresentation #communitybackedindependent #rolfeforriverina #AusPol

You know an election campaign is getting real when... Today we picked up our first piece of campaign collateral and we're excited about it! Jenny and team will be in Yass Valley this week, chatting to Geoff Frost YassFM 9am Fri and Murrumbateman markets on Sat. #RealRepresentationForYassValley

🌟WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU 🌟 We've launched a Community Survey to help us better understand the concerns of residents across the Riverina electorate. Your voice matters! Head to the link below to share your thoughts. #peoplebeforepolitics #RolfeForRiverina

As a local I know there are challenges facing our communities. From concerns about cost of living and housing security, to farming and small business I’m here to listen and bring your voice to the Parliament. #RolfeForRiverina #FairGoForRiverina #PeopleBeforePolitics #LocalVoice #RealRepresentation

Happy New Year, Riverina! It’s time for fresh leadership and a stronger future. I’m Jenny Rolfe, and I’m running for the seat of Riverina in the next Federal election. This is the year we make real change together. Let’s build a prosperous future for our community.