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Programme Leader Open Scholarly Communication at | Dutch Research Council (NWO) | | co-founded | #openaccess | views my own | posts in 🇳🇱 & 🇬🇧 |
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Alle media die dit beschrijven als ‘ruzie’, ‘a shouting match’ enz. geven Zelensky verantwoordelijkheid voor de onvoorstelbaar beschamende behandeling die hem ten deel viel. Hier zat een eervol mens tegenover de ergste bullies van het schoolplein. Verschrikkelijk.

Calling scientists from all knowledge institutions! Lowlands Science is looking for interactive research projects for #LL25. Want to bring your experiment to one of the biggest festivals in the Netherlands? Submit your proposal before 18 March. More info 🔗

Thinking about applying for a grant for a replication study? The deadline is just one week away! Please note that we've added an extra authorisation step to our application system ISAAC—so even if you already have an account, be sure to update in time. More info:

Openjournals is a platform which enables scientific journals to publish Diamond Open Access. Open Science is an important theme in the scientific community and open access publishing is key to that. Openjournals is based at the Humanities Cluster.

NWO endorses international statement on threats to academic freedom and international cooperation Read further:

NWO onderschrijft internationaal statement (ALLEA) over bedreigingen academische vrijheid en internationale samenwerking. Lees hier meer:

We've reached 40,000 #OAbooks in the OAPEN Library! 🥳 The transition to #openaccess for books is far from complete, but this milestone is proof great things are happening because of passionate people who want to see knowledge open to all 🙌 Browse the collection today:

Call for a Managing Editor – LIBER Quarterly

If you've signed the Declaration to #DefendResearch & requested updates from us ... we're working on it! Too many sign-ups for regular email (nice problem to have!) so we're looking at alternatives. Quick update for now - we have 2,200+ signatories 🎉 🎉🎉 Please keep them coming!

Nee, Europa heeft de steun aan Oekraïne niet 'geleend'. Ja, Zelensky ís democratisch gekozen (en Poetin is een dictator). Russische propaganda is overal, van Trump in het Witte Huis tot Faber op de stoep van het Catshuis. Macron laat zien hoe je het aanpakt. Fabels nooit onweersproken laten!

NWO kondigde eerder de invoering aan van een nieuwe beveiligingsmaatregel voor haar digitale systeem ISAAC: twee-factor authenticatie (2FA). Vanaf 25 februari begint de gefaseerde uitrol van 2FA op ISAAC. Wees op tijd met je account opzetten voor indieningen.

ALLEA (European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities) Statement on Threats to Academic Freedom and International Research Collaboration in the United States

De leugens van Poetin uit de mond van een Nederlandse minister. Verdeeldheid in het kabinet, nu ons land juist eenheid dringend nodig heeft.

ALLEA comes with a statement on the current threats to academic freedom and international research collaboration in the US. 4 Dutch institutions amongst the first signatories:

Not a fan of corporate virtue signaling but right now it feels important to stand up and be counted. We’re determined to stand firmly behind our mission, our values and our principles, & against censorship & any attempt to compromise the core principles of scientific inquiry.

Short video of the oficial launch of the European Diamond Capacity Hub #diamondOA #openaccess

Happening today. Still time to join almost 700 others and register free at With help from our webinar sponsor Royal Society of Chemistry we are able to continue offering our webinars cost free. Get in touch to hear how to support our webinars and work.

Join us on Thursday for our latest webinar - "Practical Applications of Open Infrastructure Tools for Scholarly Communication" #oa #openaccess

New paper on: 'Stealth corrections' These are post-publications changes, without providing any indication that the publication was temporarily or permanently altered. They found 131 articles altered by stealth corrections, across different scientific fields.

Nog niet zo heel lang geleden was het ‘wat er nu in Amerika gebeurt, komt hier 5 à 10 jaar later’. Maak daar maar twee weken van… Treurig, en weer een voorbeeld van kortzichtigheid en navelstaarderij.

We kunnen wel (terecht) klagen over Trump, maar we moeten ons daar niet door af laten leiden. Hier gebeurt hetzelfde, alleen liggen we nog een paar stappen achter op de VS. En protesteren via gevatte social media-posts is te gemakzuchtig om het tij te keren.

Signed the declaration. It is now more important than ever to close ranks and show solidarity and support. This ultimately affects us all.

New preprint: we developed an open method to track transformative agreements using OpenAlex & Journal Checker Tool data. Testing with Dutch Research Council NWO publications showed 89% accuracy 🎯w/

New preprint! Tracking transformative agreements w/ #openmetadata. We developed and tested a method to identify papers published under these contracts using data from OpenAlex & Journal Checker Tool. w/

🔍 Tracking transformative agreements and the articles that are part of them is harder than it should be. We developed a method combining #openmetadata from OpenAlex & Journal Checker Tool data. w/ and

Dit is heftig, en vooral heel eng.

Today is the 23d birthday of the Budapest Open Access Initiative. BOAI is still active and issued its 20th anniversary recommendations in 2022. Unlike previous BOAI statements, which made […]

In a study for, we examined data & software use, creation, and sharing practices in NWO & ZonMw funded research. While attribution is improving, still only a minority of publications explicitly mention or cite datasets & software. 🔗 #OpenScience #FAIR

RE the Trump admin’s assault on academic freedom we call on the #scholcomm community to sign this Declaration To #DefendResearch Against US Gov Censorship: |,,,

My open letter and FRS resignations reported in Nature:

The Royal Society in London has called a meeting to discuss the behaviour of fellows following a growing campaign by scientists over the membership of Elon Musk.

Great validation of the use of open metadata to assess #openaccess under transformative agreements, using Dutch research information. I particularly liked the discussion of cases where a match did not work, highlighting the complexity of some agreements and gaps in open metadata!

Ten koste van…

Researchers at universities of applies sciences, and others: looking to publish your book open access? Consider applying for funding through the #NWO Open Access Books call, which is open to those with NWO-funded projects. Contribute to broader knowledge sharing, see:

An open letter to the President of the – time to stand up for your values.

To what extent do researchers funded by Dutch Research Council NWO and ZonMw share the research data and code underlying their publications? Today we published an analysis based on 10.000+ papers using the open source tool Grobid: All underlying data openly available!

UKRI provides updates on its #openaccess book policy, and publishes case studies and tools for researchers and publishers on publishing open access.

Research data and software resulting from NWO & ZonMw funding should be shared as openly as possible. But to what extent does this actually happen? A report published today sheds light on compliance with the RDM policy. And link to the report:

Followers gezocht. Nu we niet meer actief zijn op X (algemeen FS-account 150k followers) en Mastodon helaas niet het volume van het oude Twitter lijkt te krijgen, hoop ik dat BlueSky die plaats kan innemen. Social media is toch een goedkope manier om publiek te informeren. pls rt

Congratulations to and! This will be a great boost for expanding the work on getting more institutions engaged and actual implementations of open metadata in the #openscience realm. 🙏🏽

Excited to announce I've been appointed Executive Director of the Barcelona Declaration , (alongside my other consulting activities). We have funding for the next 3 years and will soon discuss the creation of a governance board.

Wow - this is extraordinarily concerning, on multiple grounds ...

De NL'se gedragscode wetenschappelijke integriteit krijgt een update om goed te blijven aansluiten op ontwikkelingen, het onderzoeksveld en de maatschappij. Denk aan onderwerpen als AI, datagebruik en verantwoordelijkheid van het collectief. Lees meer via

Very glad to see the outcome of this collaboration between and #MetaROR. A significant step forward in strengthening infrastructures for preprinting and publish-review-curate!

🚀 New on OSF: DOI Versioning for Preprints! This feature enables researchers to manage preprint updates, transparently track changes & show version history. This aligns with community-driven models like MetaROR’s Publish, Review, Curate for a more open peer review process:

At the 17th Berlin OA Conference licensing and copyright, and more specifically in relation to AI, is on the top of minds. I sense some regression - moving to more restrictive CC licensing. Would a CC AI version be helpful? (CC-BY-AI: yes, you can use my content in LLM’s without attribution)?