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American, based in UK nearly 20 years. I like stuff.
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I'm not advocating violence/assassination or anything else remotely close to it. But as a purely hypothetical philosophical thought experiment, isn't it interesting to think of how many of the current political issues might just vanish with a well-timed trip at the top of the stairs? #TearsInTheRain

I'm so sorry, #DollyParton. My heart aches for you.

It's the easiest thing.

Слава Україні Slava Ukraini Glory to #Ukraine

No, it fucking well is not, Marco.

#MarcoRubio should resign. #PotUS 47 should resign. #JDVance should resign. #LindseyGraham should resign. Absolutely disgusting behaviour by US. Utterly disgraceful. #Zelenskyy did well to keep a cool head and I fear for the future. #Ukraine

Ladies and gentlemen, ❤️❤️❤️

"Very fine people on both sides..."

Soundtrack for today. #RIPRobertaFlack

#Oasis sucks. Always have. That is all.

You can read the full speech at the link below, and in the collection Dancing at the Edge of the World (Grove Press, 1989).

I'm on your side if you'll just admit that. Come on in. We have coffee, cake, and a healthy distain for Nazi dictators. Just like America used to have.

Who would you sit in between or next to at the Council of Elrond? #LOTR #Luinellë #Tolkien

Nuh-uh. This is HUGELY your fault, Bitch. All the support you gave him over the years? All the lies you told on his behalf? Preventing Obama's SCOTUS election and ensuring 47's stacking with Conservatives? You don't get to wash your hands now, Bitch. This is your mess.

Artist Jonathan Harris and his painting, 'Critical Race Theory' #CRT #CriticalRaceTheory

"I hear so much about the word 'groceries'. I used to use 'groceries' so much on that trail. A word that's sort of like an old-fashioned word, 'groceries'. But 'groceries' is the word that's the most accurate word." —Potus47 100% chance he discovered what groceries are last week.

I have been a solid user of #Google products since 2004. I got my Gmail invite from himself back in the Tech TV days. I pay for 1. I've used Android handsets (mostly Google-produced) since 2012. And I'm starting to rethink our relationship. Shame on you. #GoogleLacksPride

What in the flying, orange, flibbertigibbet?

Having now seen #TheInbetweeners for the first time, I can think of no better example of "target demo" syndrome. Maybe I'd've liked this in my teens or early 20s. But in my 40s? They're all just horrible, annoying, disgusting, misogynistic, sexist, homophobic wankers. Jay is an awful person.

Celebriting #androgynous style with #AnnieLennox today. I remember being absolutely FASCINATED by the cover of "Who's That Girl?" waaaay back when I was a kid (shut up and get off my lawn). I've never HAD androgynous style. But the likes of Lennox, Bowie, and glam rock have always fascinated me.

Why is everything #PotUS47 says hyperbolic? It's "nobody has ever seen anything like <thing>" or "<thing> was more <adjective> than ever before" or "nobody would have ever believed <thing>". It's hard to take anything seriously or as being of particular note when EVERYTHING is so very <something>.

Deleted #LOTR (1978) footage from the Bakshi archives: Gandalf vs. Balrog

Sorry I'm iconic, I was just born that way I can't help ittttttttt

Storm Éowyn, with a name inspired by Tolkien, is heading for the British Isles. I hope everyone can stay safe. Meanwhile, read how he imagined a gale hitting Ireland with historic force… Go here: #StormÉowyn #Tolkien #Eire #Ireland #Atomic #Númenor

Following the logic through, it also means all men, including Trump, are trans. I stand proudly with my trans sisters. Seriously though, you're safe with me. #TransAllies

This is what y'all voted for. Pamela Hemphill, 71, who served 60 days in prison after pleading guilty to her role in the 2021 attack, believes there should be no pardons.

If you went to college 1. what was your career goal when you started? 2. your initial major? 3. if you changed majors, what did you change to? 4. what do you do now? 1. Had no idea. Did a semester in philosophy and Electronic publishing. Dropped out. Wasted money. 2. - 3. - 4. Network Engineer

"Why did you leave Facebook?" Because I saw this sort of bullshit coming a mile off. #trumpisafascist

When that new #Tolkien book isn't quite what you expected. Hope y'all are paying attention.

And well-deserved.

Absolutely stunning! What a thread! Thanks for sharing, Miriam. Goes great with morning coffee.

#bluemonday is coming up. What do you listen to when you want to break the blues?

Guilty pleasure listens? #vinyl #records #guiltypleasures

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