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Climate activist. Opinions are my own. He/Him. Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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Mens verden er opptatt av en rablende gal diktatorspire i USA fortsetter Israels palestinske folkemord. 'Den israelske hæren har gitt 40.000 palestinere ordre om å forlate tre flyktningleirer på den okkuperte Vestbredden. Det sier forsvarsminister Israel Katz til avisa Haaretz.' #Israel #genocide

Two-thirds of the Earth’s surface experienced record heat in 2024.

the receipts on Elon's incompetence are absolutely wild. Everything really falls apart on the lightest scrutiny (thread here:

So now occupying _more_ of Syria, Lebanon (and refusing to honor the ceasefire) and Palestine.

Hvorfor skriver ikke norsk presse om de 250+ bruddene på våpenhvilen som Israel har begått? Om det var 132 drepte Israelere hadde våpenhvilen vært avblåst for lenge siden og det hadde vært endeløse artikler om terror fra Hamas.

During its war on Gaza, the Israeli military killed 37 family members of Palestinian journalist Youssef Sharaf. “The occupation arrested me, tortured me, hung me, beat me, and insulted and humiliated me. I was not detained in prisons but in torture centres,” he said.

I have a piece out today in arguing that we should be realistic -- or even pessimistic -- about the potential for climate adaptation.

Corporate media be like:

"But a metaphor of hallucination reinforces the misconception that AI is conscious; it implies that AI experiences reality and sometimes becomes delirious"

I'm frequently struck by the phrase "unintentional bias" which comes up frequently in work on LLMs. Whose intentions are in question? Why do we have to absolve those people all the time?

Transfolk i USA blir tvangs-detransisjonert. Transfolk som tidligere har fått anerkjent et nytt juridisk kjønn blir nå byttet tilbake når de søker ny id. Trans slettes, strykes fra historien. Bøker forbys. Vern mot diskriminering fjernes. Og det gjøres nesten umulig å forske på. Da mister en midler.

Unreal. The US government is dumping Asian and African families and children in random countries that they have no connection to. Dumping, not "deporting." Deportation implies the return of a person to their home country. This is treating people like toxic waste.

Hvorfor, NRK-desken? Hvorfor i all verden er dere med pĂĄ dette?


Proud to be one of the 350 rabbis signing this statement — an ad in the NYT today and a declaration of our values. For more—and to sign— go to

Very often I think about what we as an industry could have built. If we had managed to make it a place where anyone could flourish.

Klarer ikke for bare livet å forstå hvordan voksne, særlig menn dessverre, får gørra ut av seg om Thunberg og unges engasjement for natur og fremtid. Det er jo som om de setter en kniv i korsryggen på neste generasjon og sier "hold kjeften din unge". Fryktelig å se dritten i SoMe fra "voksne" folk

In 2011, David Graeber wrote: Revolutions in Reverse This is an extract!

"92 million low-income people in the U.S. states—everyone whose income is less than 200 percent of the federal poverty line—have some basic aspect of their lives decided by AI" this is a damning report

Microsoft's own research confirms something that was already pretty obvious: relying on a text generating machine to come up with answers erodes critical thinking, and is a method favoured by those who never liked doing critical thinking in the first place

Folkemordet fortsetter. Israel har drept 110 mennesker siden vĂĄpenhvilen ble inngĂĄtt; 6 mennesker hver dag. I tillegg stanser de medisinsk utstyr, utstyr til matproduksjon og fortsetter ĂĄ skape forhold som ikke er forenlig med liv.

Framing. The Palestinians are "prisoners" but the Israelis are "hostages", according to the BBC. But 111 of the 183 Palestinians released today were taken by force (and brutally) from Gaza by the Israeli army, and detained without charges or trial. That also meets the definition of hostage.

#Palestine: Our latest report, “Inflicting harm and denying care”, contains testimony from medical personnel in the #WestBank who have been tied up, shot at, and harassed by Israeli forces while trying to perform their lifesaving duties.

Non-tech media is really not managing to report what Elon is doing. If you have the computers you control EVERYTHING. You can decide what gets done and what doesn’t, where money goes, what is true. It can eliminate all other branches of government. You have the money for everyone’s paychecks.

NRK, dere synes det er for kontroversielt ĂĄ kalle noe for en 'nazihilsen', men ĂĄ kalle noe for 'woke-tiltak' synes dere er helt rimelig?

Jeg trygler, trygler, TRYGLER norske medier om å tenke nøye gjennom hvordan de hadde omtalt disse tingene dersom de skjedde i Burundi eller Laos. Dette er alvorlig.

There has never been a war in history where 80% of the country has been destroyed, 100% of the population displaced, and 50% of the deaths children. Call it what it is: GENOCIDE. Palestine is the most well-documented genocide in history, yet the most denied.

1/ Hva slags selskap er det vi eier, egentlig? Her er det du mĂĄ vite om Equinors rapport om hvordan det gikk i 2024: - Kun 0,4% av Equinors energiproduksjon var i 2024 fra fornybar energi. Opp fra 0,34% i fjor - De reduserer fornybarmĂĄlet for 2030 med 25%. Oljeproduksjonen skal pĂĄ sin side vokse

Midweek ice update - #Arctic sea ice extent is currently the lowest on record (JAXA data) • about 690,000 km² below the 2010s mean • about 1,330,000 km² below the 2000s mean • about 1,910,000 km² below the 1990s mean • about 2,330,000 km² below the 1980s mean Plots: 🌊

Trump is capitalism in human form, stripped of its disguises. The violent seizure of other people's resources, the exploitation of other people's catastrophes, the predatory gleam in the psychopath's eye. #Gaza #Genocide

Som en venn av meg sa: NRK omtaler det som om man diskuterer et renoversings-prosjekt og ikke som «Trump foreslår folkemord og etnisk rensing».

Fortvilende ĂĄ lese NRKs vinkling av denne saken. At Trump vil kolonisere Gaza og sende alle palestinerne pĂĄ flukt blir fremstilt som en sak om oppussing.

I cannot even begin to state how sick this makes me feel. This is evil. And must be resisted with everything.