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I am a 27 year old who enjoys nature and wildlife photography. All photos are my own. Have any questions? Feel free to DM me and I will answer as soon as possible. Windsor-Essex Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦
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Some nice lighting for this chickadee To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #chickadee #windsor #ontario #canada #songbird #canon #sigma

Managed to find another eastern screech owl. This one was in the afternoon soaking up some sun. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #easternscreech #screechowl #birdofprey #owl #windsor #ontario

Great blue heron looking for its next meal through the ice. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #heron #amherstburg #ontario #greatblueheron

A blue jay and red bellied wood pecker sharing some seeds. To view more of my photos or for prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #bluejay #woodpecker #redbelliedwoodpecker #windsor #ontario

A close encounter with a red bellied woodpecker. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #woodpecker #ojibwaypark #windsor #ontario

A young bald eagle in flight over the Detroit River from Windsor Ontario. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #baldeagle #birdsinflight #birdofprey #eagle #windsor #ontario

Not my best photo but it was cool to see a Northern saw-whet owl To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #sawwhetowl #birdofprey #owl #windsor #ontario

A screech owl and snow covered face of a deer. Snow makes for some nice photos. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #deer #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

This screech owl was just trying to rest a bit, but the bluejays had other ideas. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #owl #screechowl #windsor #ontario

I always enjoy an action shot. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #woodpecker #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

Looking around for its next snack. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #squirrel #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

I am hoping to see some of these little guys nest in my yard this year. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #hummingbird #canon #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

Another angle of the screech owl from yesterday. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #owl #screechowl #easternscreechowl #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

Had a great spot this morning. An eastern screech owl sitting in the sun before it goes to sleep. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #owl #screechowl #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

My favourite photos I have taken this year. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #newyears #windsor #ontario

Close up of this downy woodpecker. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #woodpecker #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

Merry christmas to all who celebrate it and happy holidays to anyone who doesn't. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #Cardinal #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

Cardinals in the snow make for some nice photos. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #cardinal #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

A curious looking blue jay. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #bluejay #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

The buck may have been wondering why I was taking it's picture. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #deer #buck #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

A squirrel that appears to be hoarding from the others. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #squirrel #amherstburg #ontario

This american tree sparrow didnt seem to be to scared to come close. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #sparrow #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

Cardinals are my favourite, they are always up for a picture To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #cardinal #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

This white-throated sparrow is looking a little puffy trying to stay warm. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #sparrow #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

A mallard I was able to photography earlier this year. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #mallard #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

Juncos are all over the place this time of year. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #junco #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

A house finch attempting to stay warm on a cold and windy day. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #finch #amherstburg #ontario

Looks like this woodpecker found something. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #woodpecker #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark #woodpeckerwednesday

Wanted to correct this post. This is a downy woodpecker that i had got close to not long ago. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. Thanks for the tip #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #woodpecker #windsor

This young woodpecker was very curious landing on a branch only about a foot from me. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #woodpecker #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

This is one of the photos I showcase in my first video on youtube. Watch here: #wildlife #photography #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #birds #kinglet #ojibway #windsor #ontario

I guess it was lunch time, this chipmunk was stuffing its cheeks with a ton of seeds it found. To view more of my photos and prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #lunchtime #chipmunk #windsor #ontario

A close up of a mallard from this past summer, the colours on the head and how the water drops on the feathers just roll off is really cool. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #windsor #ontario

A cold morning at Ojibway Park,but the birds are out and looking for food. To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #sparrow #whitethroatsparrow #windsor #ontario #ojibway

This mallard has a determined look to him. To view more of my photos or to get prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #duck #mallard #windsor #ontario #ojibwaypark

A young cedar waxwing on a berry bush back in August. To view more of my photos or to purchase prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #waxwing #amherstburg #ontario

Seems a little cold for this blue jay. To view more of my photos or to purchase prints check the link in my bio #wildlife #photography #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #birds #bluejay #ontario #windsor #ojibway

This little racoon seemed to be getting ready for a nap To view more of my photos or prints visit the link in my bio #wildlife #photography #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #amherstburg #ontario #racoon

This red winged blackbird was trying to tell me someyhing. To view more of my photos or select prints visit the link in my bio. #wildlife #photography #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #birds #ontario #windsor #OjibwayPark #Ojibway

A close encounter with a curious Osprey. To view more of my photos or select prints visit the link in my bio. #nature #photography #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #osprey #amherstburg #ontario #raptor