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Ecologist, Institute of Botany Czech Academy of Science, functional morphology of plants, plant architecture & lino cut
46 posts 952 followers 1,518 following
Prolific Poster

Sink or source driven? A new contribution on blog: A Paradigm Shift in Plant Growth: Why Roots May Act as Protagonists of a Never-ending Story

I am extremely proud to say, my new book, HOW TO SURVIVE A BEAR ATTACK, is published today. A memoir, an investigation, nature writing, plus a dash of fiction, it's a blend because I started writing with a question -- if I'm attacked by a bear, will I survive? #booksky #naturewriting #bearsky

Very happy to see this review on the #root economics space lead by being published! We show support and limitations of the concept, map extensions and discus future research avenues. Amazing team of coauthors!

Robinsoni mezi kytkama:

📢To grow is not always to become big – Plants of high-#Himalayan #mountains▶️ In extremes, vertical #growth can be detrimental. Instead, growth is better defined #belowground enabling #plants to endure and thrive in challenging conditions. #GoBelowground

New on "Plant Life Belowground" blog: To grow is not always to become big – Plants of high-Himalayan mountains

GNU Terry Pratchett. #Speakhisname

Halucinace? Ne, podzemní orgány rostlin! Inspiration to look belowground: Body form

"Cosmos in the Greenhouse" by UK contemporary printmaker Janis Goodman #WomensArt

My beloved wife has a new paper! 😊

📢 Nedávno vyvolal velkou diskuzi průzkum Vysokoškolského odborového svazu o podmínkách a mzdách akademiků. 📊 Na mzdy akademiků se zaměřila i analýza, kterou vypracoval Govlab spolu s pro MŠMT. 📈 Ta ukazuje, že průměrná mzda akademiků v roce 2022 byla 62 tisíc Kč. 👉

Morfologická (a funkční!) diverzita podzemních rostlinných orgánů je obrovská: koukněte na cibulky u afrických šťavelů zde (je to hračka a zároveň vzdělávací pomůcka):

JUST OUT! 🚨 Time capsule birds' nests! 🪹 I'm proud to share our discovery of layers of vintage plastic in urban birds’ nests... going back decades in time! 👀 “You flip through these nests like through pages of a history book, uncovering the past.” 📚 Let's dive in! 🧵👇 1/x #scicomm 🧪🪶

A new super cute genus in the sunflower family just dropped 🌻 It's known as "Woolly devil" (Ovicula biradiata). It was found by a park volunteer and supervisor in the Chihuahuan Desert in Big Bend National Park, Texas. 🌱 🗞️

"Go Belowground!" 2025 is here! 14 – 20 September 2025 🌸🪻🪴 Applications ▶️ #GoBelowground #ExFuMo

Oddenky kam se podíváš!

Merry surprices:

Plan you September belowground activities already now!

Čas na nebajku o rostlinách

Bloodroot (Papaveraceae: Sanguinaria canadensis) is a spring ephemeral that inhabits woodlands of eastern North America. The common name comes from the toxic red sap stored in its rhizomes. It's pollinated by a number of insects, and ants help disperse its seeds. Blissfield Michigan, 15 Apr 2011.

A Native American legend tells of an old woman crying piteously by a stream, grieving for her starving grandchildren. The Sun sent a spirit in the form of a redbird that turned her tears into the bitterroot plant, which grew each year to help her people survive. #FolkloreThursday

What is happening in the US is utterly terrifying. Read this anonymous letter from a voice within the US federal research system.

Interesting story of clonal quercus:

"There’s something different, I think, between writing a book when you set out to write a book, and writing a book based on something you did and then thought, ‘this would make a great book’." Thoughts from me on preparing a #creativenonfiction #book proposal for submission, w advice from an agent:

The 2025 has been awarded to Sandra Díaz & Eduardo Brondízio for their stellar bodies-of-work. Not only are they the 1st recipients from S. America, but they were also 2/3 co-Chairs of #GlobalAssessment. 🌍🧪 Congratulations! Read more:

Event with Robin Wall Kimmerer is now virtual so sign up to watch this Friday evening! #ecology #indigenousstem

Bitvy o termíny jsou tady! Pro česky čtoucí přikládám také svůj článek v Živě:

Co znamená, že je rostlinné společenstvo bohaté?

PhD position at the Institute of Botany CAS (Trebon): Tree-ring-based investigations of the effects of tropical cyclones on various forest ecosystems across the Northern Hemisphere

🗣️🧪 Jak dobře komunikovat vědecké výsledky veřejnosti a zaujmout nejen fanoušky poznání, ale i ty, kteří se o vědu běžně nestarají? 🔎 Podobné otázky si pokládá stále více vědců, PR pracovníků výzkumných ústavů i vědeckých novinářů. Inspiraci hledají v zahraničí i od sebe navzájem.

Tento králík na ranní silflay nám kdys zpříjemnil snídani v jednom skotském kempu. Ač se nejslavnější králičí epos odehrává v sousední Anglii, původní domov králíků je jinde. A byť "dobyli" celý svět, právě "doma" jsou ohroženi. Více v novém článku pro

Interesting discussion - I think the opt out point is particularly important and ensuring that ECRs and ALL the people that contribute to a paper throughout its development should be included

You buy an interactive book for your kid realising its texts are based on scientific results of your wife!😍 Proud a lot💪

Měli jsme v Třeboni seminář: Díky organizátorům a účastníkům!

Cal Lane, Canadian trained welder and artist, transforms common and industrial steel products into intricate sculptures #womensart

Vychází únorový Vesmír. Tentokrát je hlavním tématem SKLO. Poznáte, co je na obálce? Dále mimo jiné: 🔹 rozhovor se Zuzanou Musilovou 🔹 jihomoravská mikrorefugia, v nichž poslední dobu ledovou přečkaly i duby nebo jasany 🔹 LISA: okno do raného vesmíru

☘ The first Editorial of the open-access society-owned Vegetation Ecology and Diversity (VED) journal is finally out! We introduce the Editorial Board, Social Media Team, Topical Collections, and initiatives for young researchers.

🌱 Check the newly published article ‘Toward a comprehensive understanding of the phenological responses of nonnative plants to climate warming: A review’ in by and co-authors 🧵(1/8) 👉 #AoBpapers #PlantScience

A new article from Ohrazení is out!

What is a #biome? 🌳🌲🌱 How can we delineate past, present and future biomes, despite the patchy and incomplete data we have on the distribution of nature on Earth? 🌍🌐 Our review 👉 🧪 #ecology #biogeography #paleoecology #climate #vegetation #FunctionalTraits

Really nice to see the second paper of PhD student Fangbin Hou out in SBB!!! She did a massive experiment and found that across 17 grassland species, root exudates from plants that experienced drought trigger more microbial respiration. (1)

Two cool post-doc positions available at Umeå Uni to work on David Wardle's unique long-term experiments on lake islands in N-Sweden! One position focuses on microbial communities, the other on above-belowground linkages. Please, share! 🧬🦠🌲🍂

Antistress or educational material about plants

question for the sci-twitter refugees: What was the most interesting/inspiring lecture or paper you have seen lately, which was OUTSIDE of your research field? Retweets will be more than appreciated?

Fruit and flower of Ruscus aculeatus (petit houx / butcher's-broom). Its "leaves" are in fact phylloclades, with intermediate features between leaf & shoot 🌿 (see for example, or ) #botany #iamabotanist