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Professor of criminology, University of Helsinki, Finland. Criminologist, sociologist. Research themes: history of criminology, homicide, International Self-Report Delinquency Study.
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My new book Crime and Civilization was published last month. Today I learned that it will be available as audiobook from 25 Feb 2025! For more info about the content and the print/ebook version see:

Happy to report that my new book “Crime and Civilization” will be published this week. The book offers a new interpretation on the origins of criminology as a data-driven intellectual field. The first chapter is open for a month.

“Discovery of Hidden Crime” (2011) approached the history of 20th century criminology from data perspective: why the crime survey emerged, and how it impacted substantial thought. The book is now open access at OUP web page!

The data of the 3rd sweep of the International Self-Report Delinquency Study is now open and available in Harvard Dataverse.

Uusi kriminaalipolitiikan oppikirja on ilmestynyt! Teos painottaa empiiristä näkökulmaa kriminaalipolitiikan eri keinojen arvioinnissa ja tutkimuksessa. Kiitos Noora Ellonen & Satu Rantaeskola, Mikko Aaltonen, Antti Latvala ja Sasu Tyni!

In a recent article co-authored with Nora Markwalder and Marieke Liem, we take stock of the first 15 years of the European Homicide Monitor approach. New developments: the EHM is growing beyond Europe, and backwards in time to the historical dimension.

Idag blir det offentligt, Malmö center for policing and prevention är ett faktum efter en donation på 30+10 miljoner från Länsförsäkringar Skåne. Vi kommer snart att inleda rekryteringsarbete av forskare och doktorander.

Quite a few of our authors are already here in Bluesky! Allow us to introduce, one of the editors of 'Nordic Homicide in Deep Time: Lethal Violence in the Early Modern Era and Present Times'. Check out the book at: It's #OpenAccess! #AcademicSky

Uusi Kriminologia-lehden numero ilmestynyt. Siinä on peräti neljän väitöskirjan lectio praecursoria. Vahvassa nousussa oleva tutkimusala!

Kolmannet kriminologian päivät pidetään Tampereella 31.10.-1.11.2024. Päivät järjestetään joka toinen vuosi, kannattaa merkitä kalenteriin.