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This is my daily dose of my pups. Nikolai, a Golden Retriever who happens to be cream colored, is our older dog who is mostly blind so we got Charlemagne, a ruby King Charles Cavalier, to keep him company. Both are well-loved.
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I just love how much joy Nikolai gets from rolling on his back. #dogsofbluesky #goldenretriever #livingmybestlife

Charley takes the background of his photos very seriously. #dogsofbluesky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #whereAmI #petrussevalley

Take the photo, mum. (Nikolai is a very patient boy.) #dogsofbluesky #goldenretriever #englishcream #nomoresnow-fornow

Charley works hard to support our family. #dogsofbluesky #cavalierkingcharles #bringshomethebacon

For Nikolai making snow angels is the best. #dogsofbluesky #goldenretriever #snowscritches #snowangels

Charley likes to see everything going on when he’s out for a walk. (Those paws are a bit dirty.) #dogsofbluesky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #naturewalk

Nikolai gives great side eye #dogsofbluesky #goldenretriever #englishcream #stopwiththephotosmum

Crazy Charley after a bath and before bed. #dogsofbluesky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #crazyboy #rugneedstobestraightenedout

Snow’s getting a bit deep for Nikolai but he still loves it #dogsofbluesky #goldenretriever #englishcream #snowday

Charley likes to steal hats and gloves hoping we won’t leave him alone (which we barely do, Mr. Drama Llama 🐶🥰) #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #dramallama

Tongues out Tuesday for Nikolai (really he’s been eating a lot of snow) #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #snowfordays

Charley’s lovely, flowing tail. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #longhairdoggo

Snow on Nikolai’s snoot. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #snowday

Hypnotic Charley eyes. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles

And now Nikolai and his pup cup. He’s a little more of a messy eater (once he saw it) #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #pupcup

Charley’s first pup cup. He licked it up so delicately. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #starbucks #pupcup

Snowy evening and one big shadow #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #snowfordays

Another day, another tired Charley. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #exerciseisgood

Nikolai may be mostly blind but he’s very cheerful and happy. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #lovethisface

Our first photo of Charley. It was love at first sight. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #babyboy

Back when Nikolai could see, he loved playing tug with his brother Nico. Both are handsome boys. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #handsome

Charley is intently focused on something (and handsome in his coat) #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #focusedpup

Nikolai is just such a handsome boy #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #handsome

Charley takes up as much of the arm rest as he possibly can #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #mrsmooth

Nikolai still cannot get enough snow. “It’s yummy” #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #adorabletongue

Charley, the guard dog keeps us very safe (from squirrels, neighbours, birds and other dogs) #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #guarddoggo

Nikolai strikes a pose #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #modeldog

Charley loves his sticks and cute looks. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #sticks

Nikolai licking his chops after eating a ton of snow. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #snowfordays

Charley dislikes swimming but we decided he needed some exercise. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #cavalierkingcharles #safeswimming

Doesn’t matter how windy it is, Nikolai still loves eating snow. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #snowforlunch

Charley sleeping after a long day of gardening. Then the inevitable cleaning of the dirty Ewok paws. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #gardening #nowcleanEwokfeet

Nikolai is such a sleeping beauty #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #napstock

Who needs clean clothes when Charley is around?

Does one really need to do the dishes when Nikolai is lying in front of the dishwasher? #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream

Charley had a very tough day. Barely can keep those gorgeous eyes open. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbky #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #sotired

Nikolai enjoying the sun (and creeping buttercup) #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #dreamingofsun #throwback

Who can resist Charley’s tongue? #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel

Oh mum, please let me play in the snow longer. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #snowoneyesandsnoot

A freshly bathed and exhausted Charley #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel

Sometimes Nikolai finds the closet to be the most comfy place to take a nap #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #sleepingbeauty

Charley blends in well with the floor #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #gorgeousoakfloors

Nikolai is the best ponderer. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #snowthoughts

Charley loves his sticks. #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #sticks

Nikolai doing doggy snow angels #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #goldenretriever #englishcream #snowangels #doggyheaven

Charley’s “don’t mess with me” look. Also, he’s super cool sitting on this 2025 Harley-Davidson Tri Glide Ultra in mystic shift (is it purple or is it blue?) #dogsofbluesky #dogsofbsky #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #harley #harleydavidson