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Writing a long book on roughness & class in Victorian Britain & a short book on biblical allusion in Victorian Lit; otherwise: Bible & literature, aesthetics & politics; sand & coastlines; teaches Eng Lit at Lancaster Uni, UK. Cat convert. She/her
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Prolific Poster

We’re live everybody— join us in DC in November 2025??

#ESRC Funded Studentships in #Politics at University of #Liverpool via the North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership - (How To Apply: Ad

Here's a list of journals, scholarly societies, and book series devoted to 19th-c. Britain. If you're aware of others that should be added, please let me know.

In "'So Many Friends!': Gregariousness and Its Discontents in Jane Austen," Michael Greaney provides a new reading of friendship across Austen's fiction. Out now in SEL 62.4, read on ProjectMUSE (Sense and Sensibility illustration c/o British Library 012624.g.5)

I’m pleased to say that English Literature at the University of Glasgow are advertising two new permanent posts. Applications for the James Murray Beattie Lectureships in Victorian Literature, and in Fantasy Literature, close on 6th May 24. More info here:

Join us next week for a pair of virtual events. Register for EVENT 2024 to gain access to the Zoom sessions as well as COVE Conferences, where social annotation is now live for both panels.

Social annotation is now live on COVE Conferences for next week’s EVENT 2024 virtual panels.

The EVENT 2024 Fellowship offers free conference registration to scholars in financial need. Apply by Feb 26:

For all your #18thC, #19thC, #Romantic, and #Victorian needs:

The deadline for proposal submissions is quickly approaching! Submit a proposal for the September face-to-face hub events by February 1, 2024 at

10 days until the deadline for submitting an abstract for Event2024. At the Lancaster hub we welcome papers or panels on any ‘Event’ theme and especially: the working classes, religion, the environment, and adaptation. The theme can be interpreted broadly: catastrophe; …

"It turns out the most effective way to improve employee mental health is by reducing stress, rather than adding new ways to cope with it." Quelle surprise.

#19thc to #20th English lit job alert for those doing environmental and medical humanities at Université Paris Cité, MCF level post

Live annotation for the Vcologies panel has begun in COVE Conferences! If you’ve registered, check your email for login info and instructions. For help using COVE, go to

VCOLOGIES online event, January 26, 2024 Panelists: Sukanya Banerjee (UC Berkeley), Nathan Hensley (Georgetown U), John Macneill Miller (Allegheney College), Liz Miller (UC Davis), Philip Steer (Massey U), Jesse Oak Taylor (U of Washington), Paul Young (U of Exeter) See

1st Feb is the deadline for Event2024 abstracts. Proposals can be for individual 20-min papers or for a panel (3 x 20-min or 5 x 10-min papers). Any ‘Event’-related topics welcome but especially on the working classes, religion, the environment or adaptation.

At the Lancaster hub we want to make the most of the face-to-face - so alongside the programme of talks there will be spaces and events to enable connection and collaboration among attendees. Visit to submit a proposal.

Only one group in the UK sees immigration as a big issue. From Financial Times research.

As our series on labour history and song nears an end, invites us to take inspiration from Wham! in challenging peoples, work and belonging

Terrific 5-yr career development post in OE-ME at Lincoln College, Oxford. Closing date 16 Feb.

Lancaster’s hub for Event2024 is one of many in-person gatherings that complement the brilliant online events going on across 2024. The first online panel is VCOLOGIES, on 26 Jan, and is free! Register via

Brilliant (and never dull) Lancaster hub keynotes : Professor Ruth Livesey - whose writing includes Stage Coaches, Middle England and the ‘dull life’ - and Professor John Bowen whose research spans from Dickens’s umbrellas to Wilkie Collins’s style

We've got lots of book to review at the BAVS newsletter, from a potential double Dickens review to important new perspectives on empire, poetry, and dress 📚 More info, including a full list and contact details, here:

Highly recommend this internship for the fabulous 19! I did it a few years ago and learned so much.

Victorianists! Lancaster Uni is excited to host a hub for Event2024 - a NAVSA / BAVS / AVSA / VI / DACH-V flightless conference on 19-21 Sept. Cfp deadline is 1st Feb - find out more at

Fantastic funded PHD opportunity in Romantic studies, working with colleagues at Queen's University Belfast and the Wordsworth Trust. 'Periodicals in the Life of a Literary House: Dove Cottage, 1799-1818‌'. See link for more details.

A reminder that at Bristol we are hiring a Lecturer in Early Modern History... closing date 12th Jan.

Who says a conference has to last only one weekend? Learn more about our year of virtual events at

Here's a mini blog post from the Huntington Library that gives the rundown about the speakers for this week's "Rethinking Maritime History from Below" conference. I guess that means it really is time to work on my PowerPoint! 🗃️

6 month postdoc on most incredible letters project at Uni of Birmingham, well paid and starting in January. This is partly to replace me (!) so if you want to know more about the job, drop me an email or message!

“Vcologies,” the first panel in our series of virtual events throughout 2024, takes place on 1/26. Registration opens in early January at Mark your calendars!

DH folks, I'm excited to announce that the English Department at UCSB is hiring an assistant professor (tenure-track) in Digital Humanities. Applications due Nov 10. Info here:

A job listing, so please share and repost: The University of Virginia Department of English is searching for an assistant-professor, tenure track, in Nineteenth-Century British Literature. Here's the link:


Showers dance across Morecambe Bay;  Lakeland fells shed their seven veils.

CFP: Event 2024. Submit your proposal by December 1, 2023 at

We're hiring up to four postdoc researchers to work on Written Worlds in 17th-century England at Birkbeck, led by Sue Wiseman (PI) and me (CI), focusing on #EarlyModern non-elite writers. £42K pro rata; 0.5FTE for 25 months, starting mid-Nov. Apply by 22 Oct: and I and I are co-editing a special issue of *Humanities* themed on 'Victorian Realism and Crime'! Full call for 250-word abstracts, due by 31 October, can be found here: Rebleets/reskeets very much appreciated, too!