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#Iraq Dawaya dist in NEDhi Qar facing water crisis No water coming from canal Water has high salt levels No govt relief Leading to mass displacement to cities

#Iraq claims that it will integrate all armed factions into Hashd now that Ramadan is ending All the groups are already part of the Hashd however This is doing nothing to try to appease threats from US to attack pro-Iran groups

#Iraq Mar 30 2019 Speaker Halbusi said would take until 2022 to lesson Iraq’s dependency upon electricity imports Asked US for 3 yrs waivers on Iranian sanctions as a result By 2022 Iraq still dependent on Iranian energy

#Iraq Mar 30 2019 Report Abdul Mahdi govt not spending on rebuilding war torn areas Mosul needed est $2 bil for rebuilding All of Ninewa only got $250 mil in 2019 budget Anbar got $150 mil Salahaddin got $170 mil

#Iraq Mar 30 2018 Report Anbar council accused Hashd of blocking displaced from returning to Khalidiya Island Ramadi dist Extorting people

#Iraq Mar 30 2017 KRG spokesman told newspaper it was time for KRG to divorce from rest of Iraq

#Iraq Mar 30 2016 Report Unaoil paid bribes to Iraqi officials to get its clients contracts Hosted Oil Ministry official and said ministry should charge inflated prices on products so they could steal the money Oil official agreed

#Iraq Mar 30 2016 Kurdish Alliance said they would not give up any of their ministers in PM Abadi’s reform program

#Iraq Mar 30 2014 ISIS held parade in Abu Ghraib

#Iraq Mar 30 2013 Report banks in Sulaymaniya facing crisis Couldn’t pay govt workers Couldn’t cash large checks Stories that PUK leadership taking money out of banks Placing it elsewhere Part of financial crisis due to dispute with Baghdad over oil&budget

#Iraq Mar 30 2012 Report KDP training Syrian Kurds to return to Syria and fight

#Iraq Mar 30 2012 MP on energy committee said electricity shortages would be worse in 2012 than 2011 Said power production would only be slightly up by 2014 Came after Dep PM Shahristani said that Iraq would become self-sufficient in power by end of 2013

#Iraq Mar 30 2012 Pres Barzani said PM Maliki becoming authoritarian Criticized Maliki for holding all security positions Said didn’t follow power sharing agreement

#Iraq Mar 30 2011 Report Iraqiya head Allawi refused to lead National Council for Strategic Policies which was part of power sharing agreement to get PM Maliki 2nd term

#Iraq Mar 30 2011 Report Small/medium sized business hardly developed in Iraq due to high start up costs Lack of govt support Power and water shortages Security High tariffs Iraq had 35000 industrial projects 85% of them idle

#Iraq Mar 30 2011 Turkey’s Erdogan went on tour of Iraq to Baghdad 1stSunni leader to go to Najaf shrine 1st Turkish leader to go to Irbil

#Iraq Mar 30 2011 Accountability and Justice Comm ruled PM Maliki’s nominees for Interior and Defense Ministers were disqualified for Baathist past

#Iraq Mar 30 2009 Report PM Maliki had sahwa leaders in Baghdad and Diyala arrested

#Iraq Mar 30 2009 PUK co-founder and media mogul Mustafa said his Gorran party would run in KRG elections

#Iraq Mar 30 2009 Report 200 Sadrists broke away from Sadr PM Maliki gave amnesty to Sadrists and Special Groups Supposed to be for reconciliation but was Maliki trying to split Sadrists

#Iraq Mar 30 2008 ISCI held pro-govt demonstration in Karbala against Sadr

#Iraq Mar 30 2008 Tribes in Dhi Qar and Dulaim in Wasit joined govt in crackdown against Mahdi Army

#Iraq Mar 30 2008 Report PM Maliki was shocked that his offensive in Basra caused fighting throughout south and Baghdad Was actually warned by ISF that would happen beforehand but he ignored it

#Iraq mar 30 2008 UK report situation in Basra unchanged during Charge of Knights Said ISF had no coherent plan and morale low

#Iraq Mar 30 2008 Fighting continued in Babil and Karbala between ISF and Mahdi Army Green Zone hit by rockets

#Iraq Mar 30 2008 Sadr announced ceasefire in fight vs ISF Mahdi Army handed over weapons to ISF in 2 Baghdad neighborhoods Deal worked out between Dawa ISCI Badr and Sadr with Iran Rev Guards Quds Force cmdr Gen Suleimani as moderator

#Iraq Mar 30 2007 Report Ali Salah WBaghdad only had 3 Sunni families left after militias forced out rest in March despite US and Iraqi units in area during Surge

#Iraq Mar 30 2006 Report Albu Mahal tribe went from insurgency to fighting Al Qaeda in Iraq after objected to Islamic law being imposed Tribe entered into months of fighting with Salmani and Karabila tribes allied with Al Qaeda in Iraq in WAnbar Qaim dist

#Iraq Mar 30 2004 New Iraq Survey Group head Duelfer told Congress most important work not done Still looking for critical Iraqis involved in WMD program Said found equipment to make biological and chemical agents

#Iraq Mar 30 2003 CENTCOM issued order to disarm Badr members who were in the streets Not enforced

#Iraq Mar 30 2003 SCIRI head Ayatollah Hakim told followers in south Iraq that they shouldn’t support Coalition invasion Demanded foreign troops leave Iraq as soon as possible Warned of armed struggle if they turned into occupiers

#Iraq Mar 30 2003 Pentagon memo on creating an Iraqi authority after war Said had to be friendly to the US Had to end Sunni rule Wanted rule of law individual liberty representative govt private enterprise Didn’t say how that was to be achieved

#Iraq Mar 30 2003 PM Blair foreign policy adv Sir Manning worried that Baghdad when attacked could turn into drawn out urban battle

#Iraq Mar 30 2003 Dep Sec of Def Wolfowtiz said Iraq war about WMD and that they would eventually be found

#Iraq Mar 30 2003 Sec Def Rumsfeld accused Syria of giving military aid to Iraq Syria claimed US committed crimes vs Iraqi civilians

#Iraq Mar 30 2003 Sec Def Rumsfeld told ABC that US knew exactly where Iraq’s WMD were Claimed they were around Tikrit and Baghdad

#Iraq Mar 30 2003 Iraqi TV aired footage of Saddam Qusay and Uday handing out medals and money to soldiers

#Iraq Mar 30 2003 Iraqi Republican Guard II Corps cmdr Gen Hamdani asked Qusay if he could defend Karbala Gap where US forces were going to move through during advance on Baghdad Chief of Staff of Republican Guard criticized him

#Iraq Mar 30 2003 Saddam’s secretary told Iraqi Foreign Ministry to tell France and Russia Iraq would only accept an unconditional withdrawal by U.S.

#Iraq Mar 30 2003 Saddam believed U.S. invasion was stalemated

#Iraq Mar 30 2003 US intensified air strikes on Republican Guard units with 800 sorties PUK and 10th Special Forces Group took Ansar al-Islam camp in Halabja Most of Ansar fled to Iran

#Iraq Mar 30 2003 British began 2nd attack to take Basra city with 600 commandos attacking western Abu al-Kacib

#Iraq Mar 30 2003 US restarted advance on Baghdad after stop for supplies 3rd Inf Div cleared Kifl Najaf

#Iraq Mar 30 1995 INC and PUK attacked Iraqi forces in Kirkuk district destroying 2 brigades hoping to create a revolt against Saddam

#Iraq Mar 30 1991 Majid al-Khoei son of Grand Ayatollah al-Khoei met with Saudi intelligence and was turned down for aid to help uprising because US objected