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apparently I post a lot of memes. [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
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[shitposting, funny] Transit announcements be like #humor #memes #funny #funnyVideos

Nuff said

junge warum sind #eingedeutschtehits so #cringe

Tunnelsyn 054: Majorstua. 📷 Minolta XD-7 🔎 Hanimex 28 mm f/2.8 🎞 Cinestill 800T (2023) #Tunnelsyn #AnalogPhotography #UrbanPhotography

Warum heißt es mikroskopischer Kratzer und nicht Müritz

@devbot warum postest du Bilder von playbuttons.

spot the #offbyone error. now I only want continuous playback. #chakra #meme #puredata

[sui] Ich könnte mich erschießen. Gestern wollten 3 Leute eng mit mir tanzen, und wer fragt mich?

es ist eine

diesen Samstag im #para 15.3. ab 23 Uhr mit Rolex3k, DJ Flounce, Eggo Fresh und kim. Friedrich-Rauers-Straße 30 #Bremen #rave #ukgarage

Results from tracking 32,416 images across 1,526 instances from the federated timeline. Then filtering down to the top 1000 instances by active user from who had posted at least 42 images (2x the average).

uuund gestern noch auf einem Konzert von Guts Pie Earshot, einem Schlagzeug-Cello-Duo, in der #Friese #Bremen gewesen. Beides ausgezeichnete Musiker, klangen zeitweise nach (#psy)trance, dann wieder Metal

war gestern erst auf einem #Noise-Konzert von Friedrich Merzbow (aka Kalmen Rossbreiten) im Studio Illegale, danach gab's im Kulturbunker Live-#Ambient vom Sen Ensemble gefolgt von DJ Eggo Fresh, der irgendwie einen Übergang zu #UKGarage hingelegt hat […] [Original post on]

#Mercury is the furthest away from the sun these days, so if you're lucky, you can see it just after sunset, next to #Venus. #Saturn will pass the sun on 12. (next Wednesday) and become visible in the mornings, followed by Neptune (which isn't visible anyway) on the 19th, Venus on 22th and […]

This is the color of infinite hotness. This is the color something gets in the limit where its temperature approaches infinity. Of course you’d instantly be fried by gamma rays of arbitrarily high frequency, but this would be its spectrum in the visible […] [Original post on]

[#3goodthings] @3goodthings - hab einen Tipp für hochhackige Stiefel bekommen (onlymaker) - habe nach einem Date gefragt - habe mit meine*r Expartner*in telefoniert

[dating] habe gerade eine Absage erhalten, weil ich "nur Fragen gestellt habe, um das Gespräch in gang zu halten" immerhin #dating

[mh-?] das Gute am Kranksein ist ja, dass man sich wieder lebendig fühlt.

#google Groups shut down #Usenet access a year ago.

Heyo! I'm still looking for a job in Germany. I have 5+ yrs of professional experience in developing backend python, even more years as hobby. I know how to work with the infra bits too, and have embedded and networking experience on the side! I know some rust and have done projects with it […]

Results from tracking 32,017 images across 1,542 instances from the federated timeline. Then filtering down to the top 1000 instances by active user from who had posted at least 42 images (2x the average).

Fantastic music video from Bass Cadet #commodore64 #c64 #demoscene #theremin

The German Federal Foreign Office's USA travel advisory now has warnings for trans folks that they might be denied entry. Pregnant people might not get life-saving healthcare. No worries, let's continue planning "global" "community" events there. After all, cis-het white men are still […]

WYOMING: “Thank you, Madam chairman.” “I prefer ‘Mister’ chairman.” “Well you all voted preferred pronouns cannot be compelled speech.”

[depol] hat jemand eigentlich schon darauf hingewiesen, dass #merz' Memevorlage diskriminierend gegenüber psychisch Kranken ist? #tassenimschrank

[depol] durfte nicht wählen, weil ich nicht mehr gemeldet bin 😢 bin ich auch selber schuld, aber wer hat mich abgemeldet? Hätte bis 15 Uhr zum Wahlamt gemusst. (Abgelaufener Perso war egal.) #btw #depressiontax

Negativ-Wahlkampf: Wer kritisiert vor allem die anderen? Überraschung (not) - die FDP. Die FDP hat allein (!) mehr negative Posts ("starke Kritik") über andere Parteien abgesetzt wie LINKE, Grüne, CDU/CSU und SPD zusammen. Interessante Auswertung der […] [Original post on]

“Hitler's Enabling Act (1933) let his cabinet bypass parliament while claiming to ‘save democracy.’ Yesterday's Executive Order lets White House control all independent agencies while claiming to ‘restore democracy.’ They're not even changing the playbook […] [Original post on]

Results from tracking 37,144 images across 1,632 instances from the federated timeline. Then filtering down to the top 1000 instances by active user from who had posted at least 46 images (2x the average).

12m² mitten in der Stadt für max. 30€ im Monat – klingt nach einem unschlagbaren Angebot, oder? Leider gilt das nur für Autos. Während Parkplätze spottbillig sind, kostet die gleiche Fläche Wohnraum oft mehrere hundert Euro monatlich. Das zeigt, wie ungerecht […] [Original post on]

not sure if I should keep my messenger open so I can reply immediately or keep it closed because nobody texts anyway #lonely

Public notice: If you want to read a research article, please don't pay for the paper on the publisher's website. All that money goes to the publisher, we don't get any of it. Instead, contact us. We'll be happy to send you the paper :-).

my dad was checking the photo #backup s (good on him!), but couldn’t read back the CDs, so he delved into the bit-level coding. Turns out read permissions just weren’t set. Pics to follow.


Results from tracking 31,817 images across 1,553 instances from the federated timeline. Then filtering down to the top 1000 instances by active user from who had posted at least 41 images (2x the average).

I’m won’t complain about your missing #alttext. But I won’t Like it either

ist es zuviel, #alttext auch für Videos zu verlangen? Die laden bei mir langsam und ich lese lieber.