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PhD student @ UFZ Leipzig and ScaDS.AI. Interested in applying ML to study weather, climate, and compound extreme events.
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Das 1,5-Grad-Ziel ist gefährdet, wie aktuelle Berechnungen zeigen. Trotzdem rät Klimaforscher Emanuele Bevacqua, daran festzuhalten: Noch sei es möglich, die Erderwärmung zu verlangsamen.

Tausende bei Kundgebung auf dem Leipziger Markt vor der CDU Zentrale. Menschen bauen #Brandmauer aus Kartons auf, rufen „alle zusammen gegen den Faschismus“. Reden von Einzelpersonen und Vertreter:innen von Flüchtlingsrat, Gewerkschaften, Kirche. #le3001

PhD opportunity at Bristol: "Machine Learning for Understanding Extreme Weather in a Changing Climate". Please share with potential applicants. Deadline is Jan 31 12:00.

I love everything in this thread (fun web toys that show the explosion that is happening in bsky)

Coming soon: I’ll be hiring a PhD candidate to explore regions in Germany disproportionately affected by floods & droughts, focusing on cross-sector impacts and using NLP-driven datasets #academicjobs

Strangers On A Bench Tom Rosenthal has spent the last 6 months walking the many parks of London, approaching random bench-dwellers and asking if he can sit next to them and record their chat. Leading to a wonderful, intimate conversation. #podcastrecommendations


In a gratuitous attempt to acquire more followers myself 😁, I've made a start on a "starter pack". Hopefully as more people from 🐦 make it over to 🦋, we can extend this a bit. Suggestions welcome! I've noticed not all accounts seem to be eligible to be added, anyone know what's up with that? 🤔

Welcome to all the Bluesky newbies! We've created a starter pack of compound events and multi hazard researchers and groups. Please send through suggestions for who else to add to the list

Hey there 👋 If you want to do phd within the intersection between Earth Science and Machine Learning. There is an opportunity to do it with me now: