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Pattern Maker, costume designer, Path/Starfinder fan, all around nerd, disaster demi, 'tism
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Nearing the end of my sewing on Niffty, so of course I'm thinking through the finer details of the props, so tomorrow will be hardware store day. Now to decide if I'm going to wear her once or twice during WonderCon, and if I do go for only once if it'll be Friday or Sunday. #CosplayProblems

Help, I'm drowning in floof

My philosophy on design is less is more. Could I make this pattern with more points? Yes, but the elegance of doing it with fewer draws me. Could I make this garment fit with multiple darts and/or seams? Sure, but I want someone to question how it works with less.

If Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight" comes on and you don't jam when the drums drop are you even alive?

I do know one thing… 🙏🔥🍾

I got my giant needles for Niffty today, and I'm so happy

Pocket equality for all!

I've been slowly telling certain trusted people in my work life about my ASD diagnosis. Today, I told one of those people and he in turn told me his young daughter is likely on the spectrum. Now, we're planning to have more conversations so I can give him a first person view of autistic life.

The best part about making costumes is when I run into something I didn't expect and then get to figure out how to fix it. Today, I realized Niffty's sleeves are too big to support themselves, so now I'm thinking about what I'm going to use to make a sleeve head. 6" horsehair is in the running.

I got a couple of paper towel holders for holding rolls of tulle and teim while I'm sewing and I'm so much happier. I don't have to worry about stopping to unwind anymore!

Reminder: change your sewing machine's needle. It probably needs it.

Being an asshole (especially when checked on it) is not being unable to read social cues. Hate is not an inability to read social cues. Worldview (shitty or otherwise) is informed by autism, but not controlled or caused by it. If you're an autistic asshole, you'd still be an asshole without autism.

Some of you say "autistics are so cute with their interests and quirkiness and it's so cute" until we stim, sensory overload, don't understand your tone, infodump, or do anything that relates to autism. If you want to support us, support all parts of us, not just parts you find "cute" and "quirky".

Sometimes I say things like, "this will be a pretty simple costume." I then decide that the 100 yard hem of my petticoat needs lace trim, the dress needs to have self-bias finishing (on the skirt and sleeves which are unlined), and I need to style a wig with a flat iron (which I've never done)

I have a fabric/costume problem. I don't believe in plain solids for large expanses of costume. Fortunately for Niffty, quilting cotton from M&L exists in large quantities at low cost

My favorite relationship dynamic to read or write is when one person looks at the other and Hozier's "Too Sweet" is their feelings, only for them to find out that other can and will wreck shit but chooses not to (most of the time)

My grandfather and his family were in one of these camps. I remember hearing stories about them. One of the photos my father has is of him and his family in this camp. I cannot forget this and no one else should be allowed to either. Unfortunately, we're already making the same mistakes again.

The oddness of my shopping list always grows when it's costume work time. Fabric, tulle rolls, lace trim, wig normal. Giant needle and knife props, ok. Face shield and chrome window tint..... OK, that's a little weird.

The best part about having both ovointollerance and the texture ick for eggs from my autism is not missing eggs in this economy

I'm so glad I have a new example to show people when they ask why I, the traditionally football oriented one, loves hockey. The first 9 seconds of US-Canada was beautiful, as has the game since. Any sport that has giant dudes moving fast that also has rules for having fights is good with me.

Thank you to the people of Canada for not only booing the US National Anthem the whole way through, but also the arena announcer for the "respect the anthem" announcement in Montreal. I'm with you. We deserve to be booed for the absolute bullshit we have allowed to occur.

With all due respect to the arena announcer in Montreal and the 4 Nations planners, don't respect the US national anthem. Boo the shit out of us. Sincerely, an American who is also sick of our government's shit.

Vaccines DO NOT cause autism. But what the autistic people in your life hear when you spread that widely debunked misinformation is that you would prefer to have a child die a painful death from eradicated communicable disease than to be like them. That's nasty work. Hope this helps!

I was going to ready Yumi and the Nightmare Painter for my next book, but it turns out, I needed The Fairy Godmother. Nevermind that I've read it a billion times and Yumi is new for me. I just needed a comfort book and for some tasty, tasty enemies to lovers to inspire my ongoing writing

As an autistic person who also diabetes, half of my meal prep planning is figuring out how I'm going to get the foods that are good for me but give me ick to hide in the foods that I want to eat. Hidden vegetable recipes intended for kids are a life saver and I'm not ashamed to use them.

Sometimes, inspiration and drive hit you in the head with a giant hammer. Today, it was two hammers in the form of desire to be Niffty from Hazbin Hotel and Baron from the Baronies from Fantasy High (Dimension 20). I might have a type. That type might be adorable psychopath. Don't judge me.

I'm fine with people sitting on celebrities and others in the public view for being terrible people, but when you attack them for neurodiveristy or being fat or things like that, know that they will never hear you. But your friend who struggles with something you're making fun of will.

Autism doesn't make you do anything. It just changes how you interact with the world. I'm autistic and adamantly believe that all people are people and deserve to be treated that way. You can be autistic and a good person. You can be autistic and an asshole. The autism doesn't make you an asshole.

There's nothing wrong with me. There's nothing wrong with Amy autistic person. We don't need to be "fixed" or "prevented"

"league officials recently changed one of the slogans expected to be stenciled in the back of an end zone from “End Racism” to “Choose Love.”" Not a great look, but not as bad as the headline makes it seem