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Librarian and Textician § Inopinum intactumque – Martianus Capella
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"Jane Austen's Bookshelf" spotlights eight women writers, largely lost to history, who influenced the English novelist.

What tortures a snowman? Deficiency of tin Turns a snowman into an owman #happeningnow

Web site now up for new reference book ——————————————————— Catalogue of Donna Tartt Phenomena 999+ Sources Discovered & Described ——————————————————— Release projected for later 2025 #booksky #writingcommunity #selfpub #indie

Isn't sublime always supernatural? Something wizened this way comes ...

Biggest laugh of the year so far

Cannily within the confines David Lynch did things his own way ===

Just set a DNF record maybe Creation Lake / Rachel Kushner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Looking forward to the anarchists Can't get past the Neanderthals ————————— Such bad writing ————————— p11 big ¶ on advantages of "the room I'd chosen" p16 "I chose my room for its strategic view"

While I do not follow this parsing in the details it does give me a useful feel for the architectonics

A handful of non-random books do not a library make === [ word misuse alert ] === Can you take a selfie without help? ===

My only visitor today was this character. They flew in to perch on a stanchion rail for a short rest, and I got a quick snapshot before it flew away.

febrile projector inspiration of the moment ... um ... create a bot system call it – KUDZU™ – aieee ! or: be enslaved by another's wherefore? I will not reason & compare

Any Yewessir whose teens & twenties got wrecked by the protracted Vietnam War knows who the Establishment & the System are ———————————————————————

A skim through 286 posts of Luigi Mangione up on TwiX < @PepMangione > === Long string at the old end all on 14 Apr 2016 "Random Tweet" w 5/6-digit no === Then 8 June 2021 Bertrand Russell quotation "Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric"

File under: Competing Extras Offstage Rites d'hiver Opposite of getaway Camera osculum

‪ Human extraction of essay epitome follows: === AI synthesises sources into a flat monotone. ChatGPT describes its voice as trained to answer in a neutral and clear tone. The point of the platform is to sound like no one. ===

My end of the month newsletter post covers the surrealism exhibit at Centre Pompidou (especially automatic and occult bits), and then the creative AI roundup of links, articles, and the kitchen sink. Plus an unloved poem.

graffiti on tree === along Kingsway in Vancouver BC === not painted by me

United States of America has only ever fought two wars with much to lose besides face ——— Continental Genocide 1609-1918 ——— Civil War 1861-1865 ———

Looks like tripped an activation switch a few days ago === Based on Bluesky 2.F protocol certain adamant Tartt reifiers may be in for a surprise 📚💙

Conventional warfare lays waste to swaths of territory in a struggle over the power to dominate a space. Whether conducted as internecine civil war or incursion across border, the target of desire turns into nothing except the act of destruction.

"At the edge of chaos" Roots of parametric polynomials. Made with #python, #matplotlib, #numpy and #sympy.

Free-to-use 14,000 woodblocks in high resolution.

What I learned today from NYT crossword working === Peter Lorre was the first filmed James Bond villain – 1954

Breaking news from Beirut via @Levantinette on TwiX

For me (the only place to start – a priori true for any one), the transactionality of the "follow" game has always felt like utter ick. If I do not "follow" you that does not mean that I am/will/do not pay(ing) attention to you. I roam. Bluesky = TwiX in this facet of algorithmicity. Woe & alas.

Less Than Zero / Bret Easton Ellis - 1985 === Salinger channels Hemingway while Didion dabs on poker-face make-up. 📚💙 Please share widely & reply below if you'd like to be added📚!

In 11 minutes and 36 seconds of today's concession speech Kamala Harris used the word ⫸ fight ⫷ nineteen times === This is the sort of quantitative analysis that a textician performs ... also observing other contexts associated with a particular word ...

DERIVATIVE MEDIA is out today with ! It's the first in-depth book on how Wall Street is harming film, television, and popular music. It's available in print or for free as an ebook. Please share!

Caroline Fowler examines the fundamental role of the transatlantic slave trade in the production and evolution of seventeenth-century Dutch art in "Slavery and the Invention of Dutch Art." Read the introduction for free on our website now.