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Doe mee met ons protest tegen KLM's frequent flyer-programma! Doneer een fiets en steun “Bicis contra el lodo”. In samenwerking met DO YOU BIKE, Duancillo The Contador Foundation en Vuelta de Tuerca Bike Shop. Met steun van Greenpeace NL. Meer info; [1/2]

In the serie of self-fulfilling prophecies by dictators. Last time Hitler with “We will triumph or perish” This time for all the #MAGA - #MakeAmericaGreatAgain fans #DonaldTrump with “You're not going to teach a criminal not to be a criminal. It's just not going to happen” ⤵️

Vandaag protesteerden we, tijdens de opening van de Keukenhof, tegen het grootschalige gebruik van gevaarlijke pesticiden in de bollenteelt. Wij eisen een gifvrije bollenteelt en maakten het gebruik van gif zichtbaar door “gif” over Spicey Rebels heen te gieten. [1/5]

Australia has joined the drone coalition for Ukraine which will provide drones for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Defense Minister Richard Marles made the announcement in a joint press conference with UK Minister of Defense Grant Shapps.

Journalist onthuld in Op1 hoe de Fransozen een NLdse miljardenorder binnenhaalden via hacken & bedrijfsspionage door hun geheime dienst 🕵️‍♂️ en met nepartikelen van niet bestaande journalisten Die deal zou gewoon alsnog de vuilnisbak 🚮 in moeten 💸

Dutch Journalist @huibmodderkolk revealed in Dutch talkshow Op1 how "allies" the French, secured a billion-dollar order by hacking & corporate espionage by their secret service 🕵️‍♂️ That deal should be terminated just as the submarine deal between France and Australia did as well.

It's official, Sweden has joined NAFO , pardon🤭 NATO 🧢 With Sweden and Finland, NATO is now stronger than ever before‼️ Bitter irony is, we have to thank #PutinWarCriminal for making NATO strong(er) again ⚠️ See the raising of the Swedish Flag ceremony here ⤵️

The #Oscar for best documentary goes to #20DaysInMariupol ‼️🥳 The filmer litterally risked his life to get the images out of #Mariupol of the bombing and deaths of civilians, children and infants by the #Russians Make sure every #Russian sees this documentary⚠️

Great if you donate to Ukraine. But do not donate to the Ukrainian squad as they are not located in Ukraine but in Afrika⁉️ They have no connections to Ukraine. If you donate to Ukraine do it to an organisation based in Ukraine or being active in Ukraine‼️ Spread this among pro-Ukraine supporters 🙏

Ukrainian Air Defenses Down 11 Russian Drones, Two Cruise Missiles

Footage of Ukrainian pilots and technicians training on the F-16 fighter jet in Denmark.

The 25-year-old woman and her mother blame the state’s abortion ban for a delay in care that doctors say put her “in extreme danger of losing her life.”

According to Dmitry Medvedev, Russia still has plans to annex Kyiv into the Russian Empire as, so says Medvedev 🗣 🥴 😵‍💫 Kyiv is from origin a Russian city and a threat to the security and survival of Russia as an independent state 🤯

As a Dutchman I'm pretty convinced that the Estonian 🇪🇪 Prime Ministre Kaja Kallas would be the best candidate for Secretary-General of NATO 🪖 instead of our own Dutch Ministre President Mark Rutte The new NATO Secretary-General should in any case come from a neighbouring country to Russia ⚠️

It may not come as a surprise. But Tucker Carlson keeps surprising us whit his unmatched stupidity‼️ 😵‍💫 He said when asked about the death of Alexei Navalny “Every leader kills people. Some kill more than others. Leadership requires killing people.” 🤯 🤬🖕 See also 👇

You could see this coming from far. Alexei Navalny died directly or indirectly murdered by the Russia of Putin. If not by direct poisoning than by illegally and unjustified imprisonment of Navalny under inhumane circumstances⚠️ Also 👇

Yesterday Dutch NAFO Fellas offered a petition in Dutch parliament to give Ukraine long distance 🚀 weapons to not longer only shoot missiles and drones out of the sky in Ukrainian territory but neutralize these weapons also before they leave Russia SlavaUkraini 💙💛 See 👇

Gisteren boden wij in de Tweede Kamer een petitie aan om Oekraïne (meer) lange afstandswapens 🚀 te geven zodat zij niet meer alleen raketten in hun eigen luchtruim hoeven neer te halen, maar ook in staat gaan zijn om deze te vernietigen op Russisch grondgebied. Zie ook 👇

Congratulations GOP🐘 😤 The work of the #Republican party in helping #Putin to win the War seems to start to pay off⚠️ 😫 #RepublicansAreTheProblem Say yes to the $60 billion 💰 support package for #Ukraine️ or rot in shame forever‼️🤬 #SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦 #HeroyamSlava ✊ See 👇

The Embassy of Russia in South Africa tells complete lies and fabrications again about #MH17 The Russian Army and #PutinWarCriminal brought a buk-system into occupied Ukraine️ territory. And Russians fired it killing 298 innocent people⚠️ I call out a #NAFOarticle5 🪖 on the @EmbassyofRussia 👇

Oorlog 🪖 is lelijk 😖 Dat is nou eenmaal zo. Maar Rusland is deze oorlog begonnen. Oekraïne heeft om zich effectief te kunnen verdedigen naast luchtafweer, ook lange afstandswapens nodig om de slagkracht van de Russen uit te kunnen schakelen. Vandaar deze petitie ✍ 👇

Opnieuw blokkeert XR de A12, geweldloos☮️ En de protesterende boeren ❓ Héél wat minder geweldloos⚠️ Hoor je daar ook al die lui over, inclusief politici, die de blokkade van de A12 door Extinction Rebellion wél veroordelen⁉️ Túúrlijk niet‼️ Meten 📐 met twee maten🤥 Zie ook👇

Putin addresses mother Russia The bit you didn't see in the media. Whole video on Twitter 👇 💙💛 Путін звертається до народу матінки Росії Те, що ви не бачили. Ціле відео в Twitter 👇 #SlavaUkraini #HeroyamSlava ✊ #UkraineWillWin ✌️

#Russia gets what they sow 👊🌰🌱 #Wildberries warehouse in #SintPetersburg in a blazing 💥 fire 🔥 See my tweet with a short video from it with ACDC's 👨‍🎤🎸🎶"Highway to Hell" ⤵️ 👇

Putin sends Russia on a highway to hell⚠️ Путін відправляє #Росію на шосе в пекло⚠️ I discovered how to put music in a video. ACDC's 👨‍🎤 🎸 🎶 Highway to Hell seemed appropriate for Putin and Russia. See my tweet for the video 👇 #RussiaOnFire 🔥 #SlavaUkraini #HeroyamSlava 💙💛

Wat als de politie niet meer zou zorgen voor de veiligheid van Geert Wilders en alle andere politici omdat dezelfde politici weigeren actie te ondernemen voor de veiligheid van hulpverleners❓  Die hulpverleners lopen nooit weg voor hun verantwoordelijkheid‼️ Op Twitter ⤵️

Ook de Politie zélf spreekt zich keihard uit voor een landelijk vuurwerkverbod⚠️🚫🧨 Politici als GeertWilders en Dilan Yesilgoz doen huilie huilie 😭 hoe erg ze het geweld tegen politie en Brandweer vinden. Mooie woorden⁉️ Maar geen daden‼️🤥 Voor wie nog op Twitter zit ⤵️

Politici die geweld tegen hulpverleners tijdens oud & nieuw afkeuren maar een vuurwerkverbod tegenhouden zijn zó hypocriet⚠️ Politiebonden, Brandweer en politie pleiten al járen voor een geheel vuurwerk verbod‼️ Waar wacht de politiek op❓ Voor wie ook nog op Twitter zit 👇

Doordat Benjamin Netanyahu zegt dat er tot dusver 8000 terroristen zijn gedood, geeft hij toe dat alle andere ruim 20.000 doden, waarvan zeker de helft kinderen, onschuldige vermoorde burgers zijn⁉️‼️ Feitelijk zijn bekentenis om aangeklaagd te kunnen worden voor het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC)⚠️

Netanyahu says that in Gaza so far 8000 terrorists have been killed, admitting the other 20.000 deaths ⚰️ are totally innocent people, including 10.000's of children. Netanyahu Is A war criminal This is basically his confession for which he can be prosecuted for the International Criminal Court(ICC)

Zelensky delivers new year’s address thanking Ukrainian troops, civil society

#putincaricature #putin #putler #putinwarcriminal #russiaisaterrorisstate #ruzzia #stoprussia #Ukraine #UkraineWillWin #StandWithUkraine #GloryToUkraine #NAFO

Blokkade in Groningen at the office of Dutch multinational bank 🤑 ING as they continue to invest 💰 in fossil fuels 🛢 ⛽ 💸 Tomorrow there will be a big blokkade of the A10 around 🔄 Amsterdam, at the spot where the worldwide head office of ING is situated. Will you repost this ❓🙏

Any state allowing his name to appear on the ballot is supporting his attempt to overthrow democracy.

Not only #Christmas comes earlier this year in #Ukraine The #ukrainecounteroffensive also celebrates #newyears eve earlier with #FIREWORK 💥 at #Feodosia in #Crimea Enjoy the show 🎇 🎆 #VladimirPutin 🖕 Towards a year without a #Russian sea fleet in the #BlackSea Greetings from the #NAFOfellas 👋💙💛

A merry (very last ever) #Christmas to #Putin 🖕 🇺🇦 Веселого (останнього в історії) Різдва Путіну 🖕 🇷🇺 Счастливого (последнего) Рождества Путину 🖕 #NAFOfellas 🐕 🐺 🦊

Price of freedom