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BlueSky will be my G̶i̶f̶t̶e̶d̶…̶ ̶S̶c̶h̶i̶z̶…̶ Mental Account! — Gifted School Dropout. Failed Actor/Athlete/Janitor/Podcaster… Cyber. Analyst? Forever Intellectually Gi̶f̶t̶… Sc̶h̶i̶z̶… Curious! #GIFTED4LIFE🎁
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Prolific Poster

I think I'd rather stay & fight The Nazis, rather than seek refuge here. Maybe I now know a little more of how myself would have acted in the 1920's & 30's

I prefer to jerk off to higher quality pornography and not all over my résumé.

Happy New Year To You & Yours, BlueSky. 4 Days into 2025 to remember that this exists, that's progress! #2025

The only thing keeping me from going totally insane is not scrolling through Twitter during the day as I used to but not anymore because of how broken that last standing App is; But by scrolling through Indeed looking for new opportunities when I'm driving from job site to job site.

*The deep baritone Andy Williams Voices In My Head* 🎵 It's the most wonderful time to kill yourself! 🎶

"Hey, can you head over to one of the Chinese Home Depots to pick up shit for next Monday?" Are you fucking kidding me? It's Friday late December past 5 PM, & I know a couple of the Chicks are cute there but I've mentally checked out & started drinking already on my way back to park the work truck

Took a new job after they hired me off the street basically with no background information or check except my word of mouth… And everyone at work is concerned about how stupid President Elect Trump's Tariffs are going to effect the industry. #Timing #FuckMe

Started a new job where they hired me off the street, basically. I don't know why I said yes to this opportunity, but I guess I'm here now. Is this how The Depression used to be?

It is INSANE how big of a loser I am. Not a sore loser, a content loser. I had all the winning beat out of me as a kid and got comfortable ending up being on the other side of that equation.

One of the most Schizo months of my life… And it's not getting better. Or is it?

#NewProfilePic Blue Sky… Get it? It should be mandatory, actually.

Just had one of my most Schizo days EVER. Insane that this App doesn't have a Drafts feature.

When Tony Soprano goes to Therapy and gets prescribed Xanax or Zoloft or whatever cocktail of depression medication, the unrealistic part is how he's still fucking these strippers and mistresses and NOT ONCE does he ask Dr Melfi if his cock should feel number than usual. Because it does.

Had a week so bad & unproductive, that I'm using Blue Sky to say to myself, hey, at least I was "Journaling" my "feelings". Happy Thanksgiving.

I am so Lost call me Jack Shephard.

I can't tell if I'm super depressed, or if the Twitter User Experience just fucking sucks now. Doesn't help I use the latter to help the former.

Great, all the Twitter Users are starting to migrate over to The Blue Sky with their socialist anti-social schizophrenic-type attitudes.

Normalcy is exhausting when you're not.

#MillionDollarIdea A website that asks you: "Should I Crash My Car?" For the insurance money, of course.

Twitter is extremely creepy these days because 90% of the responses are bots and it’s not exactly clear why. Usually it’s not even political, it’s not selling anything, it’s just bots pretending to be people. The vibe is like boarding a city bus and realizing none of the passengers have faces

I do not have a LinkedIn, as I do not have adequate cock sucking experience.

I'm not saying it's right… But as a deeply empathetic man, I understand jerking off in the Library.

I've accrued too many normal people on Twitter with jobs & reputations to uphold—Unlike me. So I will take the opportunity here on World Mental Health Day with 0 Followers & nobody watching, to fucking put out whatever horseshit is in my head out into the fediverse with no immediate repercussions.

I am losing my mind, going 0-Schizo here on this World Mental Health Day 2024 The Year Of Our Lord. So you know what? Fuck it—I'm going to start Blue Skying it—Instead of stashing it in my Twitter Drafts, or going to Therapy. In the name and sake of my Mental Health. #WorldMentalHealthDay

Everyday I'm strugglin' strugglin' Struggle, strugglin' strugglin' Struggle, strugglin' strugglin' Struggle, strugglin' strugglin' Everyday I'm strugglin' Everyday I'm strugglin' Everyday I'm strugglin' Everyday I'm strugglin' Everyday I'm strugglin' Everyday I'm strugglin' Everyday I'm, everyday

Bluesky now has over 10 million users, and I was #181,085! 181,085 Only? And for what? Couldn't even lock down my schizo alias username.

It's getting darker & colder, the walls are starting to cave in, the water level is rising, the oxygen is depleting, the gas is being empty, the transmission is starting to go, the HVAC isn't heating, the bills are starting to pile up, & no one, & no light is in sight. Ball season is almost over...

Twitter just locked me out with an Arkose Challenge harder than the Rorschach Blot Test I took when I was 8 Years old getting into The Gifted Program.

Being schizo helps me compartmentalize the aspects of how my life is a total disaster wreck.

The Once President Of The United States Of America And The Free World running in another current election campaign had an assassination attempt on his life a week ago, And I just thought about BlueSky now. #NotGood

The 23 Enigma is killing me. I believed in it before Jim Carrey FOH

I am very diffident. #WordOfTheDay

I only remember about BlueSky whenever I'm depressed, suicidal, or I read a Tweet about it. That can't be good for growth.

If you're smart smart, you can feel the perils of just looking smart and worry about looking too smart, affecting your smart.

Trying so hard to be the person I never met. Mentorship is such total fucking bullshit.

Got my ass kicked so badly, from Sun Up to Cold Rainy Night, it has me contemplating my entire life up until this point. That's how you know it was a real life changing ass kicking… And maybe I needed it. No, definitely needed it—just don't know how to make use of it. Again. #ExistentialDepression

Toolbag is actually NOT a slur Toolbags are one of the most useful things in the entire world, why did it ever get a negative connotation? #ProudToolbag #JackOfAllTrades

Oh right, I can talk about Intellectual Giftedness on here without looking like a total fucking toolbag here still in 2024.

Being put in The Gifted Program was the worst thing they could have done to me. OR MAYBE THE BEST THING, so I knew exactly where is the source of my problem. #Destiny

Or is that just the Schizo typal talking?

Nothing more depressing than realizing how truly delulu you are. #Delulu

All this energy And nowhere to focus in on it with. I blame all the light bulbs going on in my head.

NEWS: My friends and I now own and run The Onion. I’ll be the CEO. We’re keeping the entire staff, bringing back The Onion News Network, and will share the wealth with staff. Basically, we’re going to let them do whatever they want. Get excited.

Keep your head up, your Mindset positive! The top thoughts that constantly go through my head: - My Dog Max who died like 10 years ago but feels like yesterday - Fantasy Baseball teams - Waste of Gifted Programming potential - 🎵 I always feel like, somebody's watching me! 🎶 - Kill myself - Twitter

The thing about the Blue Sky Apps is that, there is no Draft feature… Yet? So I'm forced to post my unfiltered thoughts everytime I open this up and type shit out. Like how I want to shoot myself, constantly—But thankful I don't live in a gun nut society. #Thoughts

Get out of your comfort zone! They said. Great, I did… Now I'm just standing around, looking like a random lost dickhead.

It's not what you can see, it's who can see you.

"Why try and fit in when you were born to stand out!" Well, why not kill myself then?

Kill myself? Nope, can't do that, I've wasted too much potential for that to even worthy of a sunk cost fallacy.