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Pokemon fan, writer
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Indigo Episodes 36-40 done. I know he gets a Snorlax eventually so having the whole episode waking one up was a tease for having forgotten how he catches one. Also funny how long it took for Ash to keep using his other Pokemon than Pikachu, but Psyduck is in several straight for gags alone.

Indigo League episodes 31-35 caught up on. Sadly missing the Tauros episode. Though with the Kangaskhan episode, shooting the herd, Jenny pointing a gun, and flying a helicopter into a giant robot to explode and kill the parents for like half a minute, I’m surprised it’s Tauros EP that gets banned.

Today, we kick off into the Galar region to talk about a great many things, including what it might mean to BE great. This video is a flurry of feelings I've had brewing since 2019 and serves as a 'soft' end to this set of 'classic' Pokémon games. Sword and Shield:

Catching up again on Indigo League ep. 26-30, a mix of ones I remember and ones I don’t. But with one clip of Delia I don’t remember, I am reminded of the contest episode they cut that I did watch growing up, and its answered for me why the Pokerap is out of sync. Pic for the human and Bulb hairs.

PKMN episodes 21-25 down. Haunter and Primeape met. With Erika’s gym, Ash does nothing wrong. If you ban battles because someone hates perfume you shouldn’t be a gym leader. Also I think this quote unintentionally explains why Ash never has a psychic Pokemon of his own after all those years.

Episodes 16-20 watched. Wanted to talk about Jessie “Jessica,” followed by island of giant robots, followed by giant Tentacruel, followed by image courtesy of a Gastly, but of course 20 is Bye Bye Butterfree. It can be the old episode or I Choose You reanimating it, I’ll still get choked up by it.

Pokemon episodes 11-15 done. Forgot this shot was with the Squirtle Sqaud, and that Ash got all three starters back to back. Also to see Krabby the next episode explain the on-the-go Pokemon team building Let’s Go brought to the games. We’ll be playing the anime soon enough.

Another five episodes down. Episode 9 has a lot of animation, the most fluid and stylized episode thus far. Very noticeable compared to the episodes before and after it, how little they just have still frames for long stretches. Curious to see that team again At least episode ten had this shot.

Rewatching the Pokemon anime through the new TV channel on YouTube, first five down today. Been well over a decade since I’ve seen these episodes but I remember plenty about them still. Weird audio problems first few episodes making music, sfx and the mons sound electronic, but not so much later on.

A dashboard of stars

A good December start

Clouds bring me peace.

