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Democratizing platform ownership by helping anyone create their own online marketplace. CEO & Co-Founder @
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Hanna kirjoittaa aiheesta, jota olen aika obsessiivisesti seurannut koko viikon: miten journalistiset mediat käsittelevät Muskin vallankaappausta. Jos luet yhden artikkelin tänään, toivottavasti se on tämä.

TikTok on ollut politiikan kiistakapulana useampaan otteeseen, mutta nyt somealustojen politisoituessa se onnistuu alustana näyttäytymään neutraalina. Oivallus tuli kun juttelimme kanssa tätä juttua varten. Mainio terävä teksti ylipäätään!

Lukusuositus Antero Mukan erinomaiselle ja tärkeälle kolumnille: Riippumaton virkamies on kansanvallan asialla. #oikeusvaltio #demokratia #hallinto #riippumattomuus

Marc Andreessen said the quiet part out loud: anti-woke is really about anti-worker-power. It is pretty simple.

”If one denies to all what is offensive to some, it is the least powerful among us who will ultimately pay the price.” An insightful piece on the challenges of content moderation in fediverse

It’s great to see Mastodon transitioning to steward-ownership to become a real global town square, one that is owned by the people. Perhaps Bluesky should follow suit?

It's clear the #WordPress world needs a change. So I wrote a post about exactly that: Breaking the Status Quo: A vision for a new WordPress era

Search is one of the most profitable businesses online. Imagine if all its profits would be used for tackling climate change. That’s what steward-owned search engine Ecosia is doing. It is completely bootstrapped and donates all its profits (nearly 100 million euros do far) towards climate action.

Today is a special day at - we just crossed $20M in ARR 🎉🚀 What makes it extra special, is that this is the second time we've reached this milestone. It's been a years-long whole-team effort to achieve the turnaround. Read my longer reflection:

Yesterday Suzanne Innes-Stubb, spouse of the President of the Republic of Finland, welcomed the audience of the traditional independence day reception wearing shoes and earrings she had rented from a peer-to-peer clothing sharing platform Robes Rental. A great day for circular economy!

As open social advances, I really appreciate/recommend the client—and hope that they can find a user-accountantable business model. Seems like a perfect case for a co-op.

I got my inspiration to join Bluesky from who wrote an excellent post on his transition from X to Bluesky (it also has great tips for importi h your X contacts and what to do after you join):

Juho here, CEO of, helping founders build amazing marketplace businesses and taking the power from platform goants I’m done with X. I signed up for Threads and Mastodon earlier, but rarely visit them these days. Will Bluesky be different? We’ll see.