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Entangled history of Europe,South Asia and the Middle East. "German Religious Women in Late Ottoman Beirut"(Leiden:Brill, 2015). "A Taste for Purity. An Entangled History of Vegetarianism"(NY:Columbia University Press, 2024).
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Leider wird es bei außeruniversitären Bewerbungen im öffentlichen Dienst immer häufiger, dass man - abgesehen von der Eingangsbestätigung - keinerlei Rückmeldung erhält. Selbst bei Personalmangel sollte das nicht vorkommen.

Looking forward to be back in Mumbai and to participate in this conference with

🔊*AUFRUF*: Wir, (Geschichtswissenschaften), (Medienkulturwissenschaften) & ich (anglistische Literatur- & Kulturwissenschaften) möchten alle PDs einladen, sich mit uns zu vernetzen, um sich einerseits weiter auszutauschen & 1/4 #IchBinHanna

Um den letzten Tag abzuschließen, möchte ich noch auf #PDprekär eingehen. Vorab @ alle PDs: Es braucht dringend mehr Vernetzung innerhalb dieser Statusgruppe. Wenn Ihr Interesse habt, meldet Euch gern bei . Zunächst: Warum existiert der hashtag #PDprekär überhaupt? 1/10

#PDprekär: Von der Habilitation bis zum Erstruf, *wenn* er denn kommt,müssen PDs im Schnitt 3-8 Jahre aushalten/-harren,mit Berufsverbot nach dem #WissZeitVG. Wenn man Glück hat,wird man *gefragt*, denn bewerben kann man sich nicht,ob man Professuren vertreten möchte. 1/7 #IchBinHanna #IchBinReyhan

I've made some additions based on requests, likes and shares. Please let me know if you would like to be added.

A delftware plate with the message 'You and I are earth' reminding us of our own mortality with the message. 1661. One of my favourite memento mori items - it was found in a London sewer and is now in the collection of the London Museum #mementomori #skystorians

Re-sharing this for the #foodstudies feed: still plenty of room to join this #foodstudies #foodhistory #starterpack, so holler if you'd like to be added (or removed for that matter)

We have also created a starter pack on Weimar history & culture so that we can connect and learn from one another! If you would like to be added/removed from the list, please get in touch.

As this site is coming alive, I tried to help my own orientation by creating a starter pack for global urban history. Suggestions welcome

it has arrived: the unstoppable Ottoman history starter pack, put together by and featuring lots of great scholars 👇

We've created a starter pack for History Podcasts - let us know if you want to be added!

I made a starter pack for German History!!! Please repost, and comment if you'd like to be added! :)

... as well as an illustrated global episodic #history of the #plague 4c/4

.... food as a cultural signifier 4b/4

Other book collaborations include a volume on foreign and local schools in Lebanon... 4/4a

My second book, A Taste for Purity, looks at debates on vegetarianianism between Europe, India, and the United States in the 19th and 20th century, and their political reverberations. 3/4

In my first book, German Religious Women in Late Ottoman Beirut, I analyzed the activities of the Kaiserswerth Deaconesses, a German Protestant female organization in late #Ottoman #Beirut. 2/4

Thanks to everyone following me here. My research is concerned with the entangled #history of #Europe and the #MiddleEast, as well as #Europe and #SouthAsia in the 19th and 20th century. 1/4

Quite a white list, tbh. Is there anyone else out there, German-speaking with migration background, who wants to join the discussion about working conditions in academia? Let's revive #ichBinReyhan

I am happy to announce a new article on Sri Aurobindo's and Mirra Alfassa's body politics at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. Stressing the importance of physical education, they hoped to advance the progress of humankind - and indeed, a new notion of gender.

Dear colleagues around the world, As you may know, the Netherlands has, since this summer, been governed by a radical right-wing administration with an agenda reminiscent of Orbán's Hungary.

To follow up on yesterday's post, who is currently a Privatdozent*in (non-salaried senior lecturer post-Habilitation) at a German university and would be interested in exchange with colleagues in the same situation online, but also in person? Please respond and spread the word. Thanks! #ichbinhanna

Privatdozent*innen auf Bluesky, wer hat Interesse an Vernetzung? #ichbinhanna