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Australian newspaper "The Sun-Herald" opinion piece calls it out. American msm, take notes.

No, this is the most ashamed you've felt as an American *so far*.

Yes, why doesn’t our media continually remind the liars - Trump, Farage, Johnson and the rest - of their lies? By failing in this minimal of journalistic tasks, they collude with these monsters.

The lawsuit about this is going to be real fun, especially considering the tweets Musk is posting where he straight up brags about his no-bid corruption being a direct result of his role in the government

I research news media for a living. I teach media systems every semester. I supervise students who write about, among other things, journalism in challenged democracies. I know what I'm talking about. This statement from the in-coming FBI Director is incredibly dangerous for democracy in the US.

Tillad mig lige at fremhæve både Rolling Stone og Wired for at levere fremragende journalistik med perspektiv i en kaotisk tid

The Papua New Guinea Courier is in rare form.

I just love this figure from in their paper on "Discourses of Climate Delay". You can find all the arguments of your colleagues and influencers taking the world in the wrong direction. Perhaps we need another paper rebutting each?

Don't let Trump flood your zone. Stay focused. Keep your eye on what this corrupt regime is really doing — looting the government to line their own pockets with massive tax cuts and the ability to steer more federal contracts their way.


Trump created a window of opportunity for the independence movement in Greenland. It now seems as if the process is spiralling out of control. Think #brexit but with broader geopolitical ramifications. Here is what is happening & how I predict the chaos to unfold. 🧵 (1/9)

Hvis et forslag fra regeringen alene handler om udenlandske donationer, vil det være ren symbolpolitik. Uden effekt. Vil nemt kunne omgås. Der er kun en vej frem. Fuld åbenhed fra første krone i realtid:

Vigtigt træk af Grønland at forbyde udenlandske penge i politik. Det bør #dkpol lære af, og som understøttelse bør vi lave fuld gennemsigtighed i alle penge over 1000,- i politik, samt sætte max grænse på donationer. #dkmedier

Vi gentager leaving Meta eventet i morgen, men online. Kom med eller send til folk I tænker kunne bruge det; det er live fra cybernauternes Instagram konto

Worst part about the Tariffs is that it's taking our eyes of the Treasury

Jeg har på min Substack skrevet et indlæg om #dkmedier's dækning af Musks kontroversielle hilsen. Min overordnede pointe i indlægget er, at der er tale om et journalistisk svigt fordi dækningen fortier afgørende kontekst om Musks rabiate højrefløjsagenda.

“Her bliver tonsvis af spisefisk ført ind i store bunker for at blive pulveriseret, sammenpresset og centrifugeret til mel og olie, der bliver eksporteret til…foder i fiskeopdræt. …DKs mangeårige handel med fiskemel og -olie (har) store konsekvenser for…Senegal. Det samme gælder…Mauretanien”

Coming just 9 days after the anniversary of January 6, this may be the most ironic tweet I have ever read

If you see anyone talking about how the Amazon strike could disrupt the flow of packages:

Perfekt. Vi ses bare i morgen.

"Nu står vi her, hvor modstanderne mod kritikken af slutrunden i Qatar ønskede vi stod. 10 år før slutrunden skal afholdes – så skal kampen tages, så er det nu. Det er ikke næste år, eller ved næste FIFA-præsidentvalg eller næste kongres. Nej, det er nu – og hellere i går end i morgen." 🎯🎯🎯

Så er der flyvende juletræ #kbh

Did you know? Black Friday is named in honor of Rebecca Black, who invented Friday in 2011.

Kan anbefale - her kan man se hvilke starterpacks man er i, samt hvem der har blokeret én. Kan se jeg allerede er ganske upopulær 🥴

A reminder that this is an open platform: you can look up any account and who blocked it, who it blocks, what lists it's on (including starter packs), and more details — by simply going, for instance, to

Dagens Bluesky-tips: En verden af starterpacks, og du kan søge på emner: Se live staus på den danske del af den blå sky: (via RT gerne