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nos médias, chiens de garde de la démocratie 🙂↕️

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Le prix des oeufs va baisser d'une minute à l'autre!!!

Uhhh this really something you wanna be retweeting? 👀

Le maire de Hampstead s’est surpassé dans ses dérapages ces derniers jours, estimant de bon goût de faire de l’humour sur le thème du nettoyage ethnique et la déportation de 2 millions de civils palestiniens. Comment un élu peut-il dire pareilles choses en toute impunité ? 👇🏽

Microsoft's own research confirms something that was already pretty obvious: relying on a text generating machine to come up with answers erodes critical thinking, and is a method favoured by those who never liked doing critical thinking in the first place

Bonne blague... "When there are serious repercussions for a bad lifestyle, people smarten up very quickly. So my plan is to import 10 polar bears and let them go in front of the Ledge," Daudrich said, referring to the Manitoba Legislature."

🚨!!! Canada's prime minister just got caught on a hot mic. What he said is, um, chilling. Justin Trudeau thinks Trump's threat of annexing Canada is "very real" and is linked to our country's natural resources. But even if Trump wants to absorb Canada, *can* he do it? Let's talk:

le PQ va sortir la langue de bois la plus cringe pour ne pas dénoncer l'intimidation des enfants queers.

C’est important plus que jamais d’avoir de bons cours d’éducation à la sexualité dans nos écoles pour faire face à la montée de l’homophobie, du sexisme et de la transphobie! Bâtissons une société où tous nos jeunes peuvent s'épanouir.🧡

Conservatives warning about George Soros but make the footage Elon Musk

This is insane: Edmonton Police authorized a *7 month* surveillance operation targeting a journalist critical of police and followed his family doing mundane things This covert operation was supposedly necessary to determine who vandalized a statue honouring a literal WW2 Nazi

You can’t post your way out of fascism Authoritarians and tech CEOs now share the same goal: to keep us locked in an eternal doomscroll instead of organizing against them 🔗

Désirer la violence : Ce(ux) que la pop culture nous apprend à aimer #Cinéma #Culture #Féminisme

Aux jeux olympiques de Berlin, en 1936, la délégation du Canada fait volontiers le salut nazi, comme une marque de respect à l’égard du du régime mit en place par un certain Adolf Hitler. Les Canadiens ne sont pas les seuls à agir de la sorte.

The Treasury Department right now. People are turning out against Musk and DOGE staging a takeover of the Treasury’s payment system. This crowd is big. The whole block is packed. “Lock him up,” everyone yells.

Lors de son passage au Frenchcast, le chef du PQ a dit que son gouvernement allait « se réapproprier démocratiquement le contenu en éducation » pour lutter contre le « wokisme ».

REPORTAGE | À l’antenne d’un balado, le chef du Parti québécois dit que son gouvernement va « se réapproprier démocratiquement le contenu en éducation ». #polmtl #polqc #pq Un reportage signé Sam Harper, pour Pivot 👇

«Le “capitalisme de la finitude” n’a clairement pas besoin de la démocratie» Par Fabien Escalona, Romaric Godin

BREAKING NEWS: CDC orders mass retraction and revision of submitted research across all science and medicine journals. Banned terms must be scrubbed. Goes beyond MMWR +other CDC pubs. Applies to research already submitted to top medical journals. Take a look.

By now you've seen a dozen headlines about a dubious COVID report from the Alberta government that's full of junk science. If you click on any of them, let it be this one. My latest:

Quand les bulletins nouvelles répètent, sans recadrer les faits, que Donald Trump a blâmé les programmes de diversité pour la catastrophe aérienne, qu’est-ce qu’on apprend ? qu’est-ce qu’on comprend ? à quoi sert l’information ?

This is a big deal, y'all. Federal health websites are being stripped of content or removed in their entirety. Stick with this thread for a look at what's disappeared so far! 1/x

La Russie constitue une liste des personnes LGBT+ vivant sur son territoire. Ce registre est mis à jour au fil des raids policiers, qui se sont multipliés dans le pays depuis le classement des personnes LGBT+ comme "mouvement terroriste".

Apropros of nothing, I’m reupping my article arguing that the so-called “anti-DEI movement” is a segregationist movement, and journalists should state this clearly. There is no need to help evil by adopting their language.

Wrote something for today:

REPORTAGE | Pour la première fois depuis des décennies, les jeunes sont plus intolérant·es vis-à-vis de la diversité sexuelle et de genre. Pourquoi? Et surtout, que faire? #polmtl #polqc #droitslgbt L'article de Léa Beaulieu-Kratchanov pour Pivot 👇

🟧 «USA: la politique de la terreur a commencé. Les rafles ont commencé.» Sylvie Laurent, historienne, convoquée #AuPoste pour #Extremorama Rencontre intégrale en accès libre sur ⏭️ (adonnez-vous)

Father Calvin Robinson finished his remarks at the National Pro-Life Summit by throwing an Elon Musk salute, much to the delight of the crowd.

Hey, it only took Trump 9 days to announce his first concentration camp of the new administration.

Ma lettre dans le Devoir:

Setting quotas of arrests per day. You know what happens when you have a quota to meet? Scoop them up and let the court sort it out. They will be grabbing anyone they can. No proof of citizenship on your person? Too bad. That’s an arrest. Look “illegal?” Explain it to the court someday.

texte intéressant sur la difficulté de quitter Facebook, Instagram et X. Si vous avez du temps, je conseille aussi de lire les liens présents dans le texte, il y a pas mal de trucs intéressants, entre autres sur la nécessité de permettre l'interopérabilité de Bluesky.

”(Colombian President Gustavo) Petro earlier on Sunday said he had denied entry to US military deportation flights. He said he would ’receive our fellow citizens on civilian planes, without treating them like criminals‘ and migrants must be returned ’with dignity and respect’“

This is what happens to trans women placed in men's prisons. They are subjected to daily horrific rapes and used as human chattel to pacify aggressive and violent inmates. It's called v coding.

C-17s cost $25,000 per flight hour to run. Even a short south Texas to Guatemala round trip will be 5 hours per plane. A quarter million dollars to move 160 people, not including the cost of the logistical trail. Mexico saved a lot of spending denying flight #3

The Libertarianism-to-Fascism Pipeline: Adam Smith to Richard Spencer: Why Libertarians turn to the Alt-Right: The Libertarian to Fascist Pipeline Could be Shorter Than You Think:

"By not wasting too much energy doing a frame-by-frame analysis to determine if something meets an exacting definition of a "Nazi" salute, progressives and smart journalists have learned to spend time on what really matters: the context and impacts"