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Hihi! Welcome! A little bit about the writer. Goes by She/Her and is 24 years old. Is a lesbian as well
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//slayers has been mentioned, peak is here

“Oh? What’s the ring for? Was for it for a special occasion?” -she looked at her ring with curiosity, usually rings were meant for special occasions so she had assumed the same her- “Though it looks really pretty! It’s so shiny and suits you well”

“Ooo maybe! But you should get something for yourself if you want! There’s so much stuff I think would make you look so cute!” -she giggled grabbing one and putting it up to the appropriate part of her body and smiling seeing how nice they looked-

-flonne’s smile rose as she looked around, all of the jewelry catching her eye how could she choose just one, that was until her eyes landed on a heart shaped earrings- “Oh these look so cute! A shame I don’t think they have them in blue but red is still pretty!” -she smiled at the earrings-

-the blonde was too caught up in the rings and jewelry to pay attention to sayori behind Her- “These look so well made! I wonder if this is where Celestia got its idea for their own jewelry, they look just like the ones up there!” -she continued looking at every piece of jewelry there was-

// heyyyyyy what's up

“Hmmm I’m not sure theses just so much stuff how could I-hmm?” -Flonne cut herself off looking at a particular shop, it was smaller than the rest but seemingly selling small pieces of jewelry- “Oh, that looks interesting, I didn’t know people mass produced this much jewelry. Yet it all looks nice”

“Oooo ok! Let’s go then!” -the angel eagerly took her hand in her own as she ran off deep into the mall, looking around at all sorts of different stores and restaurants- “Woah! There’s way more than I originally had though, but which is the best to start with hmm….”

“Ooo that sounds fun! And since we finished getting Monika some stuff why don’t we see if there’s anything we want?” -Flonne would smile, the seemingly endless parade of people walking back and forth to different shops excited her to no end-

“Ooohh so like what people do on Halloween! I’ve heard of it yeah! And..I guess I can see why people mistook my outfit for cosplay tehe” -the angel would giggle slightly at her comment before her intrigue was piqued by what she said about the watch- “A watch that can turn someone into an alien? —>

“Ooo that sounds super! And styles? Well I have seen different angels wear different outfits I’ve only ever worn variants of this outfit” -she smiled, the outfit in question did look like it had been taken care of well- “What style would you want to try sayori?”

//alright! I should be back for a few days, last words before my chemistry mid term rips me apart. So sorry I haven’t been replying much I’ll reply in a bit

//apologies for not being online much as of late, college be beating me down currently

“Um…not really what’s cosplaying?” -The girl didn’t exactly understand, she had seen angels dressing up for certain holidays but was unsure if that was cosplaying- “And a certain watch? Huh I’ve never seen it before, what does it do?” -that piqued the angels curiosity as she listened intently-

“Tehe yeah! That’d be fun! If I can find any more red bows that look like mine we can go for it!” -the angel trainee giggled cutely at the thought of the idea, unlike the Celestial hosts and hostess who wear their uniforms for their own duties having a for fun dress would sounded so cute to her-

“Ooo that’d be super fun! I wonder if they’ll have the same bow I have in one of these since they seem to have everything” -the angel giggled looking around as she had also gotten herself the bunny ears for another time, for now she grabbed sayori’s hand again so she wouldn’t get lost-

“Yeah! The green looks really nice, ooo but how about this one?” -I’d pick up a dark blue hair clip a bit smaller but in the shape of a small flower- “I’m not sure if she likes flowers but I think it’ll look cute!” -she would giggle as she continued to browser the different hair accessories-

“Hmmm, not many I tried a bunch of pasties with sayori the other day and they were really nice!” -the angel would smile looking at her before looking at her a bit confused- “Though I’m surprised you’re not exactly surprised by the fact I am an angel most humans I’ve seen give me weird looks” —>

-the angel would’ve been listening if the other items in the store didn’t catch her eye, her eyes where darting all over the place looking at them- “Wow! They’re so much stuff! Look at these!” -the angel would pick up a small pair of red bunny ears, the fabric was surprisingly soft- —>

“E-ehh, how’d you know I was going down to the netherworld for important work?”

“Speaking of, what are some things she likes, other than you of course” -she giggled at her little joke as she looked around at the shops, all sorts of popular store brands that the small angel had never seen before- “E-ehh there’s so many options! I-It’s kind of overwhelming looking at them all”

“Tehe thanks! Your hands are even smoother though!” -Her thoughts were interrupted as the Brunette opened the door allowing entry for the smaller angel- —>

“Well why don’t we do that next! There are so many shops around I’m sure you’ll find something and even if you don’t making her something is just a good!” -she smiled warmly, for being an angel trainee she sure knew and cared a lot about love, some form of love freak as one overlord would say-

“Wow! The best in this world? Who knew humans could already have the best food” -a little naive from the angel and this world? How many worlds are there? Well it didn’t bother the angel in the slightest as she felt her hands in the poets- “Tehe your hands are very soft Monika, they’re so comfy”

-the angels face lit up in joy as she let the girl spill her heart out about her feelings she couldn’t help but get excited for her- “Oh that’s wonderful! I knew your love for her was strong but never to that degree, that’s love in its purest form!“ -the angel thought for a few moments before —>

“Well that does sound like a lot of fun…let’s go then!” -flonne would smile happily taking sayori’s hand as they walked across the mall, a thought running through the angels head- “Hey sayori? How much do you like Monika? I-I know you said you like her a lot but still it’s always nice to know”

“Ummm…I don’t think so. Should I have?” -the tiny angel had mostly eaten fruits and other stuff celestia permitted…and that the prinnys could make so her palettes were definitely less expansive- “I think I’ve heard of them though, people up in celestia have talked about them a bit”

“Uhh what’s an arcade?” -The angel trainee would stare at the colorette confused, she had never heard of an arcade before nor new what purpose it served but since her best friend suggested it she couldn’t say no- “Well whatever it is I’m sure it’ll be super fun!”

“Sandwiches? You mean like the things that are in between two pieces of bread? Sure!” -it seems the trainee didn’t know exactly what sandwiches where but got the general idea of them, plus she was a bit hungry so she wouldn’t say no to some food-

“Yeah! Though I wanna explore more of the mall! We should save these for another day if we can” -flonne would smile, grabbing one last cookie and eating it, smiling as a bit of its frosting got on her lips-

“Tehe yeah! But she does love you a lot! And it’s nice to see that even in the human realm love is able to be spread far and wide” -she smiled and gazed up with her, using her naive imagination to see shapes and animals in the clouds, smiling as she did so-

“Aww well for my first ever human I’ve talked to you’re the sweetest one I’ve met!” -the angel giggled as she continued to eat more and more, seemingly not tiring out, in fact every piece of sugary sweetness was just causing her to get more excited- “Mmmm~! This is all so gooood!”

“Yeah! She talked about-“ -she was about to say something but cut herself off, it wouldn’t be wise to spoil the surprise they had talked about so she continued- “-talked about how much she loves you! And that you always make her smile and seeing you now I can see why!”

“Yeah! It was probably a crumb or something on your lip, and no problem! Complements are the best way to spread friendship and love!” -I giggle cutely as I look around before at our supply of treats, despite eating a lot it seemed the stack was still barely halfway done-

“Tehe yeah! But it’s not as sweet as you have been to me!” -she smiled as she complimented the colorette, giggling a bit as she continued to dine and enjoy all of the sweet treats, before noticing a bit on sayori’s lip- “Oh! You have something on your lip sayori, do you need to clean it off?”

“Wait Monika…Monika…” -the angel trainee would be lost in thought for a few moments before she let out an excited gasp, looking over to face the girl- “Gasp! You’re Monika! The one Sayori keeps talking about! Oh the love between you two is amazing! I can feel the compassion for each other!”

//I’ll try this out too! Stolen

//for the few times I’ve interacted with this account is been super fun! I’ve always liked the fear and hunger games and seeing someone muse one of the characters makes me really happy plus you do an amazing job with her as your muse

“Woah that’s so-Wait you’re an angel like me? But you say you come from heaven and I come or at least WAS from celestia” -the fallen angel pondered for moment about how this could be before coming to an assumption- “Maybe Celestia has like different branches and stuff! I mean celestia is big” —>

“Oh! I completely forgot to introduce myself! I’m the angel of love and courage, flonne!” -she smiled and took off her costume, revealing actual outfit and…saying she was an angel may be a bit out there, she seemed much more like a fallen angel that anything else- “My job is to make sure —>

“Of course! Even demons deserve the best valentines ever! I even got you a little something! Here!” -the fallen angel would smile and hand her a pack of chocolates, they didn’t seem to be from any normal brand but still looked high quality- “I hope you enjoy them!”

“It’s much more than that! Valentines is allll about spreading love to the people you care about!” -the fallen angel would appear out of seemingly nowhere, seemingly extremely excited about the holiday- “Love and friendships are the key that makes valentines so wonderful!”