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Hope remains 空の広いところに住みたい The photos I post are taken with my smartphone unless otherwise indicated. #TeamPixel #Pixel8Pro
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A Tiny Blue Sky on a Leaf #nature #SpringField #raindrops #reflection #photograph #strawberry geranium

Yellow spring vibes #nature #flowers #photograph

Spring Composition #nature #brook #shadow #reflection #diffusion #overlapping #photograph

Yellow blooms alight, Streetlamp's glow in darkest night, Spring's soft whisper near - #HAIKU #nature #flowers #SpringColor #SpringNight #photograph

I'd rather stay home... #cityscape #sleet #blurred #buildings #photograph

Whispering Pink in Spring #nature #flowers #pink #SpringColor #photograph #haru-no-pink

Rain Shelter #NatureInTheCity #cityscape #bird #sparrow #photograph #within2feet

Pencil shavings #nature #MushroomMonday #FungiFriend #fungi #photograph

Spring Ephemeral #nature #flowers #anemone #photograph

Spring is coming #nature #wildlife #bird #flowers #color #photograph

Spring is coming #nature #wildlife #Japanese rice fish #photograph

Spring is coming #nature #flowers #edible #color #photograph

February's last breath #nature #flower #rose #RoseWednesday #WinterColor #photograph #FP

Träumerei #nature #flower #camellia #WinterColor #photograph #FP

Concentric ring patterns #nature #MushroomMonday #FungiFriend #fungi #photograph

宝剣鋒従磨砺出 梅花香自苦寒来 #nature #flowers #plum #triplets #WinterColor #photograph

Embracement - Time is the sculptor and we are just the clay - #nature #tree #LivingAndDying #photograph

Don't Mind the Human #NatureInTheCity #cityscape #bird #crow #within2feet #photograph

"The silence was heavy with the things that had been left unsaid" Nevil Shute #OnTheBeach #nature #landscape #photograph

A bird in a cage #NatureInTheCity #cityscape #bird #sparrow #photograph #within2feet

Harbinger of Spring #NatureInTheCity #cityscape #plum #flowers #photograph

Art Nouveau #reflection #water #breeze #architecture #cityscape #photograph

Triforce of Wisdom #nature #MushroomMonday #FungiFriend #fungi #photograph

"He no longer felt the need to prove himself to anyone, not even to himself. He was free." Richard Bach #nature #wildlife #bird #winter #cityscape #photograph

"I do not know what I may appear to the world but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." Isaac Newton

Einsamer Nachmittag #nature #flower #rose #RoseWednesday #WinterColor #photograph #FP


A sliver of sky #cityscape #architecture #twilight

Good evening Bluesky #nature #flowers #WinterColor #waitingForSpring #photograph

Dried mushrooms #nature #MushroomMonday #FungiFriend #fungi #photograph

Sunny spot #nature #flowers #daffodils #cluster #WinterColor #WaitingForSpring #photograph #FP

Fallen leaves lie still Golden flowers peek through them Hope in winter's chill #HAIKU #nature #forest #flowers #adonis #WinterColor #WaitingForSpring #photograph

Wintersweet #nature #flowers #WinterColor #fragrance #photograph

Answer Poem #nature #reflection #water #tree #wavering #yura-yura-no-ki

Winter's Gift #nature #quince #WinterColor #photograph

The new normal #horizon #cityscape #photograph

Peacefulness #nature #free #WinterColor #WaitingForSpring #photograph

Good evening Bluesky #nature #FungiFriday #FungiFriend #mushroom #fungi #WinterColor

Good evening Bluesky #nature #forest #WinterColor #photograph

Good evening Bluesky #nature #flower #rose #RoseWednesday #photograph

Tomorrow will be fine #nature #landscape #sunset #photograph

Imaginary Landscape #reflections #fluctuations #photograph

Winter's icy grip, Cannot hide the beauty, Of the snowy narcissus - #haiku #nature #flowers #white #WinterColor #WaitingForSpring #photograph

Good evening Bluesky #nature #flowers #WinterColor #WaitingForSpring #photograph

Serendipity #tree #cityscape #sunset #WinterOnly