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For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways - Is. 55:8. Jewish stuff + bad jokes. All opinions subject to change.
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Gemara: Torah needs to write both "if one strikes a man" (and killed) Ex. 21:12 and "If one strikes a soul" (Num. 35:30) to include the death penalty for killing a minor but exclude the death penalty for killing a fetus (or non-viable newborn) #DafYomi 84b

For an authentic Indian meal, having fried flatbread is a sine qua naan.

Mishna: Someone who kills another w/o witnesses is jailed and fed little bread and water (Is. 30:20) Gemara: Until belly bursts Rav: Disjointed testimony Shmuel: No forwarning Note: Capital punishment w/o official death penalty #DafYomi 81b

Shmuel to R. Yehuda: When correcting a parent in Torah matters, don't say, "You violated Torah" but rather, "Father, is this written in the Torah?" #DafYomi 81a

Rava: All agree one who kills someone w/a fatal wound (i.e. will die in 12 mo) is exempt, and one who kills someone w/a fatal illness is liable. Dispute re killing someone who has a fatal wound caused by another person #DafYomi 78a

Sages: If 10 people struck someone w/10 sticks and the person died, they are exempt (from capital murder) R. Yehuda b. Beteira: If one after the other, the last is liable #DafYomi 78a

Business Idea: Hairstyling for boxers called, "Bob and Weave"

The Toddler made me watch the laundry channel. It was a rerun.

R. Kahana cit. R. Akiva: Beware of people who give advice according to their own interests #DafYomi 76b

R. Kahana: The poor cunning wicked person is the one who delays the marriage of his grown daughter #DafYomi 76b

Y. Sanhedrin 8:6 R. Zeira said in name of people of Jerusalem the suspected wife, rebellious son, and rebellious elder may be forgiven. R. Yehuda b. Beteira disagrees re rebellious elder so disputes wouldn't increase in Israel. #DafYomi

Y. Sanhedrin 8:3 One who says I give 5 and take 3 is an idiot, give 3 and takes 5 is a (normal) person, give 5 and takes 5 denigrates money. #DafYomi

Y. Sanhedrin 8:2 R. Yohanan: A person complains to the government to be free of the city council #DafYomi

I'm utterly depressed by this early poll. Is *this* the best NYC can do?

R. Yaakov cit R. Yohanan: "Public" = 10 Jews per Lev 22:32 R. Yannai brother of R. Hiyya b. Abba: Gentiles don't count per Num. 16:21, 14:27 #DafYomi 74b

Signing off. #ShabbatShalom everyone!

Mishna: Those pursuing to murder or rape are saved at the cost of their lives (i.e. may be killed before they complete the act) Note: Language isn't to protect the intended victim, but to "save" the perpetrator by killing before able to sin #DafYomi 73a

R. Yosi b. R. Yehuda: A haver does not need to be forewarned by witnesses bec warning is only used to distinguish between intentional and unintentional sinning #DafYomi 72b

R. Yosi HaGelili: Torah said better the rebellious son die now while innocent and not later when guilty bec death of the wicked is beneficial to them and the world, death of the righteous is detrimental. (Same w/sleep, tranquility, and dispersal) #DafYomi 71b

There never was and never will be an idolatrous city per R. Eliezer: Any city with a single mezzuzah cannot be an idolatrous city #DafYomi 71a

R. Shimon: There never was, nor ever will be, a rebellious son (due to the myriad of requirements). Why was it written? Study and receive reward R. Yonatan: I saw one and sat on his grave #DafYomi 71a

R. Zeira: Whoever sleeps in the study hall, his Torah will become tattered per Prov. 23:21 #DafYomi 71a

I just watched a graphic video about ablation as a medical treatment for chronic pain. It was unnerving.

R. Meir: The tree from which Adam ate was a grapevine R. Yehuda: It was wheat R. Nehemiya: Fig tree Note: Not an apple #DafYomi 70a-b

R. Hanan: Wine was created only to comfort mourners and reward the wicked per Prov. 31:6 #DafYomi 70a

R. Shimon: It would be reasonable to apply the laws of the rebellious son to a daughter, but the Biblical decree says "son" and not "daughter." #DafYomi 69b-70a

It's interesting how many people see everything as "Literally Hitler" except for the actual slaughter of Jews.

PSA: My article on CRT has been resurrected over at Quillette

R. Yehuda cit. Rav: Meat wasn't permitted to Adam per Gen. 1:29-30, only from the time of Noah per Gen 9:3 #DafYomi 59b

R. Yohanan: Gentiles who engage in Torah study are worthy of death per Deut. 33:4 R. Meir: They are like the High Priest per Lev. 18:5 Gemara: Depends if they study the 7 Noahide laws #DafYomi 59a

Signing off. #ShabbatShalom everyone!


Reish Lakish: One who raises a hand to strike another is called wicked per Ex. 2:13 R. Hanina: Called a sinner per 1 Sam 2:15-16 R. Huna: Hand should be cut off per Job 38:15 R. Elazar: No remedy but burial per Job 22:8 #DafYomi 58b

R. Hanina: Whoever slaps the cheek of a Jew is as if he slapped the Divine Presence per Prov. 20:25 #DafYomi 58b

Rava: Is there any action for which a Jew is not liable but a gentile is? I.e. Is there anything permitted to a Jew for forbidden to a gentile? #DafYomi 58b

I believe my family is always right. I guess you can say this makes me a moral relativist.

There are so many stories about egg shortages you'd think the Sages imprisoned the evil inclination for sexual transgressions.

Sages cit. R. Yishmael: Noahides are executed for killing fetuses R. Yehuda: Per Gen 9:5 Note: Discussions on abortion in Judaism that omit this source is incomplete. Also, see my father's article here: #DafYomi 57b

R. Huna, R. Yehuda, and all the students of Rava: All violations of Noahide commandments are capital offenses, stated explicitly re murder, same law for all #DafYomi 57a

R. Yehuda: Adam was only commanded regarding idolatry per Gen 2:16. R. Yehuda b. Beteira: Also re cursing God and some say establishing courts of judgment (Note: And the whole Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil thing) #DafYomi 56b

School of Menashe: The sons of Noah were commanded w/7 mitzvot: Prohibitions of idol worship, forbidden sexual relations, murder, robbery, eating from a limb of a living animal, castration, and diverse kinds #DafYomi 56b

I can't believe I passed this sign every day on my commute and never noticed.

Baraita (T. Tosefta 9:3) R. Yehuda to Sages: I know that decapitation (by way of putting the head on a chopping block) is a degrading death, but what can I do? The Torah mandates, "Do not follow in their statutes" (Lev. 18:3) (as opposed to decapitation w/a sword like the monarchy) #DafYomi 52b

At first a scholar is like a goblet of gold. Once he talks to an ignoramus ('am ha'aretz) he is like a goblet of silver. Once he receives benefit he is like an earthenware goblet that once broken cannot be fixed #DafYomi 52b

Of all the government agencies to sell off, the CIA has the most assets.

"Be the one who is cursed and not the one who curses others" #DafYomi 49a