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South Australian retiree, superfan of ABC Newsradio. Enjoy red ball cricket and Australian Rules.
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Played 'weather cricket today. Set the outside temp probe to Fahrenheit to watch it climb from 75 at breakfast to 113 mid afternoon. #Adelaide #summer #scorcher

The house across the road is no more. For nearly 14 years it housed the oddest neighbours I've ever had in my 58 years. As is usual now, it's to be replaced by 4 new homes. #neighbourhood

Incredible, he finished at 6:45pm last night and returned at 6:45am this morning. Still at it now at nearly 5:15pm. He's done more work in 2 days than I've done in my entire life.

Demolition has slowly started at the house across the road, one guy working alone for a few days. The amount of work he's got done by himself is staggering, the guy's a machine.

Great to visit the Matthew Flinders exhibit yesterday. A bit smaller than expected but I was truly mesmerised by an original letter he wrote to his wife Ann. To think that bit of paper was written on so long by a hero of mine was quite something. #MatthewFlinders #legend

Certainly reminded of the Dorothy McKellar poem today. Barely a raindrop here in 3 months, a metre of rain for fellow Australians in Queensland in a few days. My heart sure goes out to them the poor devils. #weather #Australia #extremes

Work being done on the sold house across the road. The suited up workers and 'Danger Asbestos' sign didn't thrill me!

One of those tongue biting moments. My godson in Sydney is mad on the Sixers. Give me an Academy Award for feigning excitement for a version of cricket I despise!

To think, 20 years ago, that I thought the US had hit rock bottom with George W Bush. GWB may as well be Lincoln by comparison with the horrible reality of this day. #isit2029yet

I've watched/listened to every US president inauguration since 1980, this only the 2nd time I'll deliberately sleep through it.

It's a very rare day that ABC Newsradio is off at my place but with the Trump inauguration at 03:30 tomorrow, I'll be on music or even static for a few days. And roll on 21/1/2029

The secret is in the left number of 9% humidity. Completely tolerable with the high temperature. When I was in Cairns recently and it was 26 but 80% humidity all but killed me. #Adelaide #perfectclimate

Anyone know about green cards? Just listening to a pre inauguration rally of Trump's; boy the entire US society and indeed, the world, will be like the movie Pleasantville inside a fortnight. Never realised World War III was so imminent and I grew up in a MAD Cold War era.

For no particular reason I was thinking of Dan Quayle, and looked him up assuming he's about 50 to 55 now. Um 77! It really doesn't seem that long along that he was VP.

I love my summer Sunday arvos at the barrel with ice cold beer but have to admit winter does have the advantage of football being on.

More contractors at the empty house across the road including a pool company. If the new development goes ahead have to get in the new neighbours' good books by the look of it.

Great to catch up with old work friends today at my favourite pub, The Cumberland Arms Hotel. Time of life unfortunately to hear about the death of another former colleague #cumbo

Back from a car service, couple of things to watch out for in the short term. With my 60th birthday way too close on the horizon, was like getting a metaphor for my own health! #aging

I was in Cowra NSW 6 weeks ago, they were picking up the pieces after 2 bad storms. Poor bastards copped yet another one last night, sheesh what a summer so far for them. #summerstorms #climatechange

52 days till the first bounce!

Terrific to have a Premier with such great taste in beer! #Southwark #SouthwarkBitter