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Professor of Educational Technology | CIO/CDO | Consultant | Heidelberg University of Education| “There‘s a crack in everything, that‘s how the light gets in“. Every tweet a typo!
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Gleich geht es los in unserer #didacta Session zu journalistischen Kompetenzen von Studierenden.

Beautiful piece of music w. a sad story behind: Olafur Arnalds/Talos & Friends: We didn’t know we were ready. Live with Talos: Making of tribute: Live performance: Release:

The age of moneytocracy is unfolding and the end of institutions is coming. A very different version of freedom.

Oh my god! Ist das das neue KI-basierte Marketing, von dem alle sprechen? 😱

„So know that what you choose to stand for is what will inform you of what you’ve chosen to stand against, so stand.“ (Shane Koyczan, How to be a person) Let‘s all stand for our values of freedom and democracy and also stand against the destruction of those values.

The real problem with generative AI is not the hallucination of the large language models, but the hallucination of the millions of education experts about its use for learning.

Our special issue "Methodologies for Research on Educational Technology. Emerging Approaches" of Educational Technology Research & Development (ETRD) has been issued as October 2024 issue with 20 articles. Thanks to, P. Antonenko & L. Lipsmeyer

Heute mal den Jackpot bei der #DeutschenBahn #DB Ersatzbus, Polizeieinsatz, Notarzteinsatz, Umleitung, Güterzug liegen geblieben, Personen im Gleis. 3h Verspätung 🤷🏼‍♂️

Einige Gedanken zum KI-Campus

RIP Paul Auster. One of the few authors I have read nearly everything ever published.

New publication with Markus Knöpfel as first author and Patric Meyer as third author: General Problem-solving Skills Can be Enhanced by Short-time Use of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) #pbl #problemsolving #highered #analogies

Was für ein schöner Song über „Eltern sein“

And finally the plagiarized book „Educational Data Mining and Learning Anslytics“ has been retracted by the so called editors. Curious to see if there will be a retraction message at all.

CfP: Einreichung zur AG Mediendidaktik (in der DGfE-Sektion Medienpädagogik) noch möglich bis 15.04.!

BaWue übertreibt es dann doch etwas mit der „The Länd“ Kampagne: „The Bländed Learning“ 🤷🏼‍♂️

Skillflation Folge 214: Offenheitskompetenz. Wann kommt das Ende der rein normativen Kompetenzkataloge?

A masterpiece of invisible horror behind the shades of the banality of family happyness

This is a very inspiring set of tutorials for data analysis accompanying a book on learning analytics

Impressive stage today at the #icmandbeyond conference. Very nice atmosphere and hospitality.

W3-Professur für Medienbildung an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Heidelberg: Bewerbungsschluss ist der 29. März und ich stehe für alle Fragen zur Verfügung. Nettes Team, tolle Stadt!

First trip with the Nightjet to Vienna. Very nice way to travel. #Bucketlist ✅

Das lädt ein: Treffen der AG Mediendidaktik (in der DGfE-Sektion Medienpädagogik) mit EdTech Research Forum, 29./30. August 2024, U Duisburg-Essen, Call for Paper: und

Ich habe mich dehr gefreut, die Keynote zu geben zum Thema „What are Universities for? Ein kritischer Überblick zur Integration von überfachlichen Kompetenzen in Hochschulcurricula“. Der Diskurs zu überfachlichen Kompetenzen wird spannend und ich freue mich, diesen begleiten zu dürfen.

An early Christmas present: After years of shaky internet connection our house has finally been upgraded to glass fibre. I will no longer be the one with an unstable connection in meetings 😄.

And this one has a free educational edition with many online analysis options

Finally a reliable tool to coduct some basic social network analysis and text analysis with my students

Interesting visualisation of the academic life of professors by Susan Wardell. Finally an answer option to the question „What the hell are you doing all day?“

RIP Lucy (23.11.2023) 🥲

Nun ist meine Kritik an den Zukunftskompetenzen endlich publiziert in der MedienPädagogik:

#Jobs #Stellenausschreibungen #academia Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in im Bereich Digitales Lernen und Lehren am Institut für Medien und Schule der Pädagogischen Hochschule Schwyz  zum 1. Februar 2024 I 60-80 % | befristet auf 4 Jahre (^mk)

Leider ein Klassiker.

Rest in peace Jeroen (van Merriënboer) So sad!

My keynote today at the University of Marburg on generative AI in education

I sometimes accept keynotes where my knowledge is half-baked at best to urge myself to deal systematically with a topic. Would a conference organizer belief that 12 hours of work went into a one-hour talk? Probably not…

Wear a mask in crowded‘s not „over“. #corona

Am Rande des Symposiums "Brückenschlag: Lernprozesse in analogen, hybriden und digitalen Formaten" an der FAU Nürnberg-Erlangen hat Uwe Fahr mit mir ein Interview zur Nutzung von Peer-Feedback in der Hochschullehre geführt. 👇👇👇 #peerfeedback #feedback #campus

Good to see that Anne Will-Harzing´s application "Publish or Perish" is now available as a native Mac OS application

So beautiful and fitting to the current situation: Why don’t we speak with each other?

Very interesting editorial by Peter Goodyear: „An education in educational technology“ in AJET

Kurzer Beitrag im Speaker´s Corner des Magazins Managerseminare "Der Hype um Future Skills lähmt uns!". #futureskills #notfutureskills #lerntransfer

I am happy about our new publication „Students’ feedback literacy in higher education: an initial scale validation study“ in Teaching in Higher Education. The study is result of a master thesis and was based on a collaboration with the Edutec group at DIPF.