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Norwegian forest ape. Elder millenial. Profile picture represents default state of being. Anti-fascist. Healthcare worker. He/him/his. Opinions expressed are entirely my own.
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Jeg får drapstrusler omtrent hver gang jeg snakker om det her, men prøver igjen. DERFOR er det viktig med god seksualundervisning i skolen. Også for små. Derfor er det viktig å snakke om det i skolen! Det forebygger overgrep! Det er dritviktig!

If only we could calculate Scope 3 emissions of <100 top emitters and regulate those as if the fate of the world depended on it! But no let's focus on what is actually more feasible - finger-wag at 8 billion people about their individual carbon footprints. Naughty naughty!

Tenk å redde livet til mer enn 2 millioner bare ved å gi blod og plasma! Bli blodgiver hvis du kan 🩸

dems are probably going to eat shit from fox & newsmax & the NYT for this for a news cycle. or until the recession hits. you’re going to hate that i’m asking this, but if you have a dem senator who voted to stop this, you should call & tell them “good job. we like when you fight. keep it up.”

just wanna remind people that the person who snitched on luigi got none of the promised reward because of random technicalities. you have nothing to gain by being a rat.

Jeg fremmer disse forslagene i landsstyret til MDG i mars, sammen med funkisnettverket: Gjøre det mulig for transpersoner å søke asyl i Norge på bakgrunn av politisk forfølgelse. Opprette et eget hurtigspor for visum for LGBTQ+ personer fra USA.

Jeg husker ikke hvem som mente #Bolt var et trygt taxiselskap (pga app og sporing av bil), men fasit sier sitt.

Hvorfor bruker folk Spotify egentlig?

You know it's real bad.

JK Rowling on LOLITA

Freddie Mercury didn't go into the studio and nail the vocals for "The Show Must Go On" in one take while dying of AIDS for you to despair and give up now. Take the time you need, but then get up and get back out there. The show must go on.

Statsministerkandidaten fra høyresidens største parti syntes at dette var en person hun burde ha som sin nærmeste rådgiver. Sånn er hennes dømmekraft. Verdt å huske.

Onion don’t miss.

Tell more stories unrelated to Skywalkers or Jedi. Movies about Ewoks, about Hutt space, about life on the absolute rim of known space. Also open up to more genres. A horror movie here, a sitcom there, maybe a martial arts movie in the vein of the Bruce Lee movies.

Høyrebyrådet i Oslo fortsetter å selge unna VÅR eiendom billig som gavepakker til sine rike donorer. Dette er så idiotisk dårlig politikk! Fra Sigrid Z. Heiberg på Facebook: 🧵

Det er en grunn til at "føkk riksen" er en av de vanligste tingen man hører transfolk si. Informert samtykke er en mye bedre behandlingsmodell enn gatekeeping. Fastleger må få kompetanse og regionale tilbud må opprettes for mindreårige transpersoner.

Loving and Lawrence are next after they dismantle same-sex marriage. I have no doubt about it. Amd I've been saying it for years, but no one listens to me.

Jeg har to observasjoner knyttet til dette "maskuline verdier blir sett ned på" greien. Du mener aggresjon. Du mener at det at det er et PROBLEM at det har blitt mindre sosialt akseptabelt å fremstå truende eller ha implisitt voldsbruk som et virkemiddel for å få viljen din i ulike sammenhenger.

Dear lord, MDG people, people DO think you only have environmental policies. That’s not a them problem that’s a you problem. Stop being defensive and start seeing it as an opportunity. If the reason people aren’t voting for you is because they don’t know your other policies: push them everywhere!

En langt mer tvetydig gest enn noen nazihilsen.

Angående dette med sosial smitte, mytene om ROGD, hva gjelder trans: Som jeg skrev i Morgenbladet 3.6 2022: "Jeg mener fortsatt at når en i løpet av et trekvart århundre har gått fra å betrakte det å være transkjønnet som en perversjon som diskvalifiserer fra å tilhøre menneskeheten, 1/

FrP og Høyre:

*sette Google Norge på liste over bedrifter jeg aldri skal søke jobb i*

spoiler: the answer it spat out was from an already published paper but the BBC is basically the yellow pages for llm scams at this point so that part was conveniently left out of this piece

Sorry bro I'm not doing your job for you


Please UK artists and art enthusiasts: do this! I have filled in the form and contacted my MP (took two attempts to get a reply - and it was honestly a very good reply I receive). Please do it too! There's only a few days left to do this!🙏

Just saw a thread about a guy calling into cspan saying his diabetic supplies increased from 5 dollars to 80 dollars and somebody in the comments, probably multiple people but I stopped reading, replied “FAFO” and I can’t stress enough how much you need to stop doing that shit

På tide for NBIM å gjøre det samme.

In terms of the female bald Centauri, some of those were skull caps, and others weren't; we let it be known that we wanted to support women going through chemo or other treatments who had lost their hair by casting them here, money that could also help pay for medical bills.

Dear Germoney. Don’t fuck this up. We have had to put Poland on anxiety meds again.

Sorry, @HeinzUK , but I’m afraid it looks like time to #BoycottHeinz.

Kristin ligger som vanlig langt foran gjennomsnittlig norsk diskurs, og oppsummerer klart og tydelig. Lik og del.

Hvis Nederland kan selge sine kan Norge også det. Dette er uholdbart:

Just a quick signal boost for those of you who understand what and who you support with your dollars matters.

Dette er så farlig som det ser ut som.

Justin Baldoni Sues Justin Baldoni For Getting Him Into This Mess

Visste dere at Posten Digipost har hatt en åpen søkbar database over folks gamle og nye navn? Der har man kunnet slå opp om noen er transperson eller ikke. Og finne voldsutsatte kvinners nye identiteter og bosted ved å søke på gammelt navn. Jeg varslet i august. De fikset det i dag.

Another way to put this: Musk and his twerps have exposed us to pandemics, broken science, stolen all your data, endangered the U.S. payments system, threatened air traffic control, and cut off HIV medication to 20m people in order to save ::checks notes:: 2/10th of a percent of the federal budget.

Dem Senator: Case law favors our lawsuit. Under section 14 clause c3, this is illegal within the precedent of de locta maximus et in parte wingardium leviosa 16-year-old with haircut that has never existed before: *presses button to turn off electrical grid*

Don’t sleep on this point, if they put the axe to the U.S. Antarctic Program like how they did to USAID there will be hundreds of people in harms way. Antarctica is no place to be stranded.

Stoppa tilfeldigvis ved en tesla ladestasjon. Hva ramla gjennom hodet mitt? «Aaah yes, swasticar nursing pod»

Lock your activism down. Stop talking about needing a Super Mario Bro. You have to stop. Look up ways to find out how to do your activism contacts NOT ON HERE. They may get you or they may come for your brown neighborsm Now, even more than a week ago, just shut the fuck up.

Jeg er spent på å snart presentere foreløpige funn fra et (hemmelig) prosjekt jeg har jobbet på i de siste månedene. Dette er ikke knytta til doktorgradarbeidet mitt men jeg har alltid ønska å forske på dette temaet! Etter hvert håper jeg å skrive en hel forskningsartikkel fra funnene.

"Felles geopolitiske interesser og historiske investeringsmuligheter". 👀

"Regulation" means your aspirin isn't full of cadmium. "Regulation" means that your car will let you escape if it's on fire or underwater, unless it's a Tesla.