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Hi! I’m a therapist specializing in toxic relationships and ADHD! I have a workbook, books, and course on toxic relationships! I also do ADHD assessments and write gender-affirming letters!! 🧠🏳️‍🌈💜
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I guess it was a misunderstanding then… 🙄 Idk it seemed he was conveying he was thinking about Rose while dancing Grant not taking accountability for that really created the rest of the “accountability” drama Which made women look like they were just creating drama Which I hate. Ugh #bachelor

Wait since when is Chubby Bunny played with Peeps? 😂 I like my one Peep per year, but that is so much sugar!! 😂😂 Also if this is the end of hashing things out on this episode, I feel so unsatisfied It was so toxic and didn’t get resolved :( #bachelor #womentellall #bachelornation

Alex and her llama 🥰 Serafina and her mama 🥰 It’s the sweet moments I love But let me be so for real I’m here for the drama 😂😂🥰🥰 #bachelor #womentellall #bachelornation

I hope they replay this bc I think Grant did say he was thinking of someone else, and idc Carolina had a right to bring that up when she heard it, And all that started so much drama… idk let’s also blame producers here #bachelor #womentellall #bachelornation

#loveisblind Watch how Ben and Dave are laughing when Mason says “I really appreciate how you think I’m smart enough to manipulate anyone” It seems Ben and Dave are laughing to hide their grins because they’re taking it as a compliment, since they did manipulate people #redflags #warningsigns

#loveisblind Dave gaslit Lauren on: Why he actually cared if she slept with someone before the show If he really still cares for her now If he gave his sister the letter These don’t necessarily make someone a narcissist, but these ARE manipulating behaviors #redflags #warningsigns

#loveisblind “I didn’t know my church’s stance on LGBTQ because there wasn’t anyone in my life that pertained to” Didn’t he say he had “friends who are like that”? Yeah we saw it as a red flag then, it’s just worse now

#loveisblind “wE can aGrEe to dIsAgrEe, jUsT lOvE eVeRyOnE… Unless they have different religions, have different sexualities, or want control of their bodies” 🤮 this is not agreeing to disagree and loving everyone, this is literally discriminating #redflags #warningsigns

#greysanatomy Ugh I was so excited for Grey’s Anatomy to come back, but really I still miss Station 19! When did Grey’s start leaning conservative? And why are Teddy and Owen still on the show? 🙄 Can someone tell me when they’re off and maybe I’ll start watching again 😂 #grey’sanatomy

#loveisblind Yes you should absolutely get to the emotional and physical depths, be able to communicate about the hard things, and trust one another before committing to someone in marriage 👏👏 #relationships #marriage

#loveisblind Just some key phrases one couple talked about… Hard to show feelings Analytical Sensory overload Not super touchy feely Rich inner world so could “have a relationship with a wall” 😂 I love to see Autistic people represented on TV 🥰 #autism #neurodiversity

#loveisblind Yesssss!!! Have the hard conversations, see if the actions align with the words, be curious, be with someone who is curious about your brain, and choose someone whose values align with yours!! 👏👏👏 #loveisblind #findinglove

Ok ok bachelor, can we stop having people fall in love over traumas?? Yes people can feel close over that, but that’s not love!! Fall in love over shared values and attitudes and complementing personalities, not over traumas #bachelor #bachelornation #fallinginlove #traumabonding

#bachelor Juliana saying “to be here with someone I got to connect with on this journey…” It sounds so impersonal, like there’s more than one person she connected with? Or it was just scripted to say that…? 🤔🤔 #bachelornation

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… If someone is saying “my sister”will let me go on the experiment but won’t let me get engaged… That person’s “sister” is probably actually a girlfriend 🤮🚩🚩🚩 #loveisblind #redflags #toxicrelationships

Watching the beginning of Love is Blind episode 11… I want to fast forward past this awful conversation!! But I’m watching 🚩🚩 here: Projection, gaslighting, manipulation, negging, what else do you all see? #toxicrelationships #relationships #redflags

Ugh “fiscally conservative and socially liberal” annoys me so much. I’ve seen it used so many times as a way for people to mask how conservative they really are. Follow the money to see people’s values! And btw yes therapists are allowed to share their political beliefs! #politics #loveisblind

When choosing to date someone, and seeing if your morals and values align, Discuss the politics!! Please don’t wait until you’re already engaged to see if you’re on the same page!! And have deep and nuanced conversations to ensure you both feel good!! #relationships #politics #loveisblind

Tomorrow! Friday Feb 28! Economic Blackout!! Don’t shop unless needed, don’t shop at big businesses! Send a message to the mega corporations! #economicblackout #thepeoplesunion #economicstrike #resist

Congress is considering cancelling telehealth, meaning no longer allowing therapy and doctor’s appointments online!! 😡😡 #mentalhealth #therapy #advocacy Email your senators here!

For all you fellow audiobook lovers out there, I just wanna share: Hoopla has a better audio quality than Libby and has lots of free books through the library! Also Libro.FM > Audible for supporting indie bookstores! #audiobooks #booklovers

Today my brain tried to say two words at once and it came out “monipulating” 😂 monopolizing and manipulating I think it’s a good word and it has good use in talking about toxic relationships And it may have had some use for tonight’s episode of #bachelor 😂 #bachelornation

#bachelor Grant and Letitia are adorbs Here’s hoping they make it far 🤞🥰 #bachelornation

#bachelor People who gaslight will most likely keep gaslighting. When people act like they don’t care about others, they probably don’t. #bachelornation #actionsspeaklouderthanwords #trustyourgut

#bachelor If a person frequently requires more time than others, it might be because they really need it, and it might also be a sign that they’ll frequently need more time from you #bachelornation #trustyourgut

It's nearly 5am and Republicans just rammed through their pro-billionaire, anti-middle class budget blueprint. In order to pass massive tax giveaways for billionaires, they're going to defund Medicaid, slash veterans benefits, & force kids to go hungry. Make sure everyone knows it.

If someone responds to an allegation by: Not sharing allegation with their partner Says they don’t remember what happened Minimizing the situation and their part in it … 🚩🚩🚩 #loveisblind #redflags

If someone in a relationship brings up something that seems insignificant, it could actually be a gut sign that’s just being articulated as that insignificant thing it could be a sign of them looking for an excuse to end things, or a way to later exert control over the person #loveisblind

“wE DoN’t HaVe DiVoRcE iN tHiS fAmiLY” “DiVoRcE iS nOt aN oPtIoN” These are such toxic outlooks! You always have the option to change your mind - especially if you feel unsafe in any way, psychologically or otherwise!! #loveisblind

Listening to your gut to make decisions is so important! Our guts create neurotransmitters, sending messages to our brains It’s also important to listen to family and loved ones, while considering how much influence others have on you, and respecting your own decision making process. #loveisblind

#loveisblind If a person says they “accept and believe in equality” that’s not the same thing as saying equality is a core value, a requirement, a way for living. When checking to see if values align, also assess based on actions, and deeper more nuanced conversations on the topics.

#loveisblind When family members get involved, I hope the participants can really determine if those family members are: being supportive or projecting their own fears and concerns about marriage. It’s always important to trust your instincts!

#loveisblind On the new episodes, they’re seeing each others apartments. If we see someone’s apartment and they have empty cupboards and no decorations, THAT IS AN AIRBNB!! We have seen this before on LIB, come on people, where is your honesty?? 🚩🚩🚩 #redflags

Drama ending with women being kind to each other on TV?! Whaaaattt?! I’m here for it!! 👏👏🥰🥰

#bachelor 🥂 to Grant and Serafina! Their chemistry is real and authentic! I hope we see her in the front running 🥰

#bachelor I sincerely hope they ask the women if they like heights before they choose them for these bungee jumping dates. I would be high tailing it out of there! 😂

#bachelor I mean Carolina’s not wrong! 😂 they date for what, 6 weeks before getting engaged?! Idk why they all need to harp on her

#bachelor Okay idk what it is but there’s something about this date with Dina, I feel there’s something she’s hiding or there’s more to her story… anyone else feel that way?

People with disabilities deserve equity, not exclusion. Rolling back Section 504 protections is cruel and unjust. We must fight for their right to learn and thrive. #Protect504 #DisabilityJustice #Blind #LowVision #RetinitisPigmentosa #Coats #Accessibility

PLEASE share This With Anyone Who Has A Child With An IEP or 504