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Assistant Professor of Psychology at Wake Forest University Research on children’s social cognition and prejudice reduction interventions in childhood
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AERA has just learned that all restricted-use NCES data licenses will be cancelled, possibly as early as March 20. We urgently request that all AERA members and others in the research community with restricted-use licenses take these two actions:

I'm going to be teaching Intro Psych for the first time this fall semester. Would anyone be willing to share syllabi, activities, slides, anything else? I would also love to teach this using only open-access materials, so I'm especially interested in open-access courses!

The people of Gaza have a right to self-determination. I hope to God this is just bluster, and not a serious attempt to take control of a territory, force 1.8 million people into exile, and build a tourist attraction in Middle East.

I’m thrilled to share that I will be moving to Bowdoin College where I will continue as an Assist. Prof. of Psychology (starting Fall 2025)! I'm so excited to continue my teaching and research in a SLAC environment with fantastic students and colleagues, and to move to the beautiful state of Maine!

I am looking forward to presenting about picture books as tools for parent-child ethnic-racial socialization at #SRCR2025 alongside Grace Reid (presenting her work with,, and Christina Rucinski! #devpsych #devsci #psychscisky

I used to run a summer internship for expanding psychology... if you don't remember here it is: The news is that we're back up and running in partnership with the Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) at Northwestern: Applications are open!

I’m considering integrating a class-run experiment in my stereotyping/prejudice grad class next semester. Has anyone done something similar and would be willing to share their assignments/syllabus?

Underrepresented minority faculty in the USA face a double standard in promotion & tenure decisions, with more negative votes, lower chance of receiving unanimous votes and harsher evaluation of scholarly productivity. URM women experience largest double standards.

Leeds has a fully funded scholarship program for undergraduate and Masters study for Gaza students. **Tell Everyone**

Overparenting is on the rise and hurts children’s motivation starting in early childhood. How can we help parents step back? Our new paper in Child Dev shows that pointing out learning opportunities reduces overparenting.

Super-proud of Grace's new paper at SPPS on anti-racist and anti-sexist allyship and solidarity! Check it out👇

The Department of Psychology at University of Wisconsin–Madison is searching for an assistant professor in the area of computational approaches to language (broadly construed). Please share widely!

The rumor is true. I *will* review PhD applications for my lab, newly located at the University of Illinois Chicago! Please apply if you're interested in social identity (with focus on Asian, MENA, Hispanic Americans) and intraminority coalition-conflict. Lab: (jk there's no rumor)

Excited to share a new preprint (accepted for publication in Group Processes and Intergroup Relations)! In prior work, we've found that thinking about God increase cross-religious prosociality. Here we ask: But what about when intergroup conflict is salient?

For those interested, my department has a FULLY FUNDED Masters Program in Experimental Psychology. The deadline is February 1. Faculty support student interests in behavioral neuroscience, social, cognitive, clinical, and developmental psychology.

The starter pack I was looking for but couldn't find: Social psychologists who study diversity, equity, inclusivity, and related topics, broadly construed. DM me if you want to be added (or removed)! #PsychSci #socialpsyc

Thanks to for visiting us our brown bag! Such important work designing and testing interventions with parents to get them to talk about race with their kids! #psychscisky

Reading Whistling Vivaldi in one of my classes right now. Overheard in small group discussions: "Vivaldi is one of the Beatles, right?" "Yea, I think so."

🚨 NEW PAPER ALERT 🚨 Our new paper (led by the amazing Onnie Rogers) explores whether and how Black and White parents talked with their children about Black Lives Matter following the summer of 2020.

I just finished reviewing the most amazing paper. I cannot wait to see who wrote this beauty! Cheers to my first ever suggestion for accept with no revisions (just a couple take or leave suggestions!).

I'm still figuring out how to use Bluesky, but sharing a paper seemed like a good time to learn! My paper with and other amazing people is now available! We explored how 4-12yo US children think about inheritance!

Missing a few, but getting there! Similarly unsure how to define the different categories…

This week I really faced the consequences of my own actions as I graded an assignment that was clearly too ambiguous. My students may have suffered writing it, but I guarantee that I suffered more grading 70 submissions that all seemed to have completed a different assignment. Ya live and learn...

📢 I am recruiting a PhD student to start Fall 2024 @UofNH! Interested in gender and other social groups, language, NLP...? Check out the Join Us! section of our lab website for a letter to prospective students w/ more info and FAQs. Apply by 1/15/24! Please RT 🙏

Field data collection began this week in the CARE (Children’s approaches to race and equality) lab at Wake Forest!!

Palestinian children (~ half of the population in Gaza) still don't have regular access to water. Fade is trying to raise $10k to help innocent Palestinian children (55% there). I know I've posted this already but I won't stop posting til Fade reaches his goal. So if you want me to stop, pls help!

Teaching about Diener et al.’s trick-or-treat study in Social Psych just in time for Halloween. As a first time home owner, I now also have to decide whether to buy enough candy for children to behave as if they are individuated or deindividuated. Experienced candy buyers, send recs!

Please donate to my fundraiser, the Palestine Children Relief's Fund. Regardless of your side, I hope you can agree that innocent children should not suffer for the acts of adults. I'm hoping for $10,000, but any amount you can donate will certainly help.

Get to know your mutuals. List ten things you’re into: 1. Biking (mountain, road, gravel, love them all) 2. Berries 🍓 🫐 3. Rock climbing 🧗‍♀️ 4. Political organizing 5. Hiking🏞 6. Open water swimming 7. Dinner parties 👩‍🍳 8. Intervention science 9. Gardening 👩‍🌾 10. Children’s books 📚

A few people going to SESP have asked for Madison suggestions, so here's a (non-comprehensive) list of some of my favorites. #PsychSciSky #socialpsyc #AcademicSky