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Words in: Ghost Parachute, Milk Candy Review, Bending Genres, Ilanot Review, Sunlight Press and more... | Noms:Pushcart Prize &Best of Net &Best Microfiction.
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Excited to have a new micro, "A Poet, Maybe," out today at Gooseberry Pie! It’s about sandstone libraries, Lynx deodorant, and impossible questions. Big thanks to for giving it a home. It was written in an workshop.

New micro out today thanks to! Check out the amazing authors I am sharing this issue with 🤩 and read Paradise City here ⬇️

Curious about braided prose? Join me Feb. 1 - Braided prose creates a rich, layered narrative that captivates readers—that may seem complicated. But just like other craft techniques, it’s a trick that anyone can learn! #WritingCommunity #WritingWorkshop

Always open for submissions

So excited to have a story published in Your Impossible Voice. Thank you Keith J. Powell, managing editor, for choosing my story.

WEATHERGLASS NOVELLA PRIZE 2025 Submissions close March 1st 2025 The winner will be chosen by Ali Smith.

My December #WritingCraft article is a round-up of everything I've published over the last 5 years. If I've counted correctly, there are about 50 resources in total; feeling quite proud to see it all in one place. Hope it's useful!

What can you write when you're too tired to write? Some suggestions. #writingcommunity #amwriting #amnotwriting

Looking to generate writing for use at any length? Consider my 12-week Fiercely Flash class where you'll come up with beaucoup drafts and inspiration for longer work, too. Here's a helpful decision chart! #flashfiction #writingcommunity #amwriting More at:

Good advice here!

Congratulations to all the winners of our ‘haircut’ stories from the Oct 26t Festival Day judged by Check out who they are & their stories here https:/

So, I got starter-pack FOMO and decided to make one for writing people who know stuff and pass it on through courses, workshops, newsletters etc. It includes all the savants who teach me stuff. I've probably missed people but these were the ones who sprung to my head.

It’s not long now till we announce our theme for this year’s anthology. Watch this space !!.

Only one month left to submit to #flashfictionfebruary. WC 200-850w. Deadline 15th December. Please follow the link for our guidelines #microfiction #flashfiction #callforsubissions. Thank you to all who have submitted so far

You want some more micro fiction? Well ok, since you asked so nicely & all. I share with you "I Finished the Renovations on The Victorian Terraced House Right Before Kurt’s Funeral" by So much grief and longing in so few words.