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Researcher, consultant, coach | She/they All opinions belong to the tiny gremlin who writes my posts
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It's always been the case that "buying" an ebook from amazon was only actually a loan they could rescind at any point, but lately Amazon have gone harder on this, and it is 100% so that they can wipe banned books from your libraries without your consent. Buy direct from authors. Get your files.

As the forces of hatred are on the march, my promise is this: Our trans neighbors will continue to be safe, protected, and welcome in Minnesota.

My low stakes conspiracy theory is that all this love for beans in the cooking world is preparing us for the collapse of the meat/egg/dairy industry

I'm becoming convinced that banning trans people from sports is a long-term cultural psyop meant to push trans people away from culturally dominant interests, which would help normalize our existence

I think what's being done to trans people in this country is a FUCKING SCANDAL. It's absolutely an attempt at eradicating trans people from public life and ALL OF US must refuse this. Everyone. Stop being a loser mealy mouth person. This is bullshit. You should say so in all the places you inhabit.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, it makes perfect sense. I want to once again offer that it's so much better to immerse yourself in only one or two things. Follow the news about just those focus areas. Importantly find concrete small actions to take in those specific areas. Key is consistency.

Me: wow I finally finished reading lotr My sister: you most certainly have not, you haven't read the appendices

I hope wildfires just deleting American towns off the map provides a useful opportunity to maybe have a national discussion as to whether the energy costs and environmental impacts of AI and crypto are worth these results (they are not)

at its heart Nosferatu (2024) is a legal drama about the perils of contract law

Pro tip: spend today unsubscribing from emails to lessen the barrage of sale info this weekend

There's something I need people to understand. The studio that made this released some numbers. They had to produce 85 minutes of footage to find 15 usable seconds for this ad. The machine that creates moving images out of nothing has a failure rate of 340:1 and the best 15 seconds... is this.

Every AI product or application advertised on TV opens with the premise, "you, hog that you are, are very obviously too stupid to write even a brief email. Well great news, asshole." Thank you for solving all the problems I have doing basic stuff with your application that does them weirder/worse!

The deepest form of love you can share for someone is helping them schedule a doctor's appointment

Here's a take: Sean Evans of Hot Ones is this generation's James Lipton of Inside the Actor's Studio

I think the worst part of the US healthcare system is that they tell you it's your fault you can't afford care because you should have chosen a better insurance policy

The worst part of endometriosis isn't the pain or the horrible full body symptoms. It's having to plan your outfits to someone else's baby shower really carefully so that even with the endo belly bloat you won't be mistaken for the guest of honor in pictures.

My podiatrist: After this bunion surgery, you'll be back to running within 9 weeks! Me, to myself: That's great, because I couldn't play the piano before