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Lover of words, reading and writing them. Rescuer of dogs. Proud mom of two strong daughters. One more crazy liberal who believes we should all live and let live.
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Hey, there. Happy Sunday ❤️ #MabelBlue #beautifulday #Sundayfunday #dogsofbluesky


‘Sup? #MabelBlue #leaderofthepack #enforceroftherules #adoptdontshop #dogsofbluesky

It’s this little nugget’s Gotcha Day. Brought her home as a foster one year ago today, and I think both she and I (and the hubs) pretty much knew that first second of meeting that she was home 💕 Love you, Tallulah Belle #babyofmypack #myshadow #adoptdontshop #dogsofbluesky

My nerves are about shot, and we still have such a long way to go 🫤 #2025 #howdidwegethere #notfeelinggoodaboutanyofit

How 2025 has us feeling so far… #olivemarieosmond #myspiritanimal #makeamericasaneagain #dogsofbluesky


Icicles ❄️ #afterthestorm #Snowmaggeden2025

The weather outside is frightful, but also beautifully delightful ❄️❄️ #snowmageddon2025 #snowday #letitsnow

Thankful for this moment and the many years of friendship that led up to it. But heartbroken that this group won’t be reunited in this lifetime again. Loss is sad, unfair and never understandable. Until we see each other again, friend ❤️ #friendloss #pricelessmemories

The Orange Chair Chronicles 🧡 #olivemarieosmond #sheknowstheorangechairisofflimits #shelaughsatrules #itsolivesworldwearejustvisiting #adoptdontshop #dogsofbluesky

Airport goodbyes are never easy 💔 #theodorejames #djangothegolden #furnephews #itshardwhentheholidayfunisover #idontgetcreditforthisperfectpic #dogsofbluesky

My sidekick. He never gets far away 💙 #HuckFinnegan #bestboy #adoptdontshop #dogsofbluesky

My daughter made me a stained glass replica of our OG girl, who we lost two years ago. Love the gift and my Emma-girl 💕 #christmasgifts #dogsogbluesky

Merry Christmas to all, and ⬇️

Sharing is caring… #TallulahBelle #shewillfinishupwhatyoudontwant #frenchfriesarelife #adoptdontshop #dogsofbluesky

I’ve made my onlyfans 80% off this month only 😘. #onlyfans #artnude #petite #milf #ass #christmas

Just because this face makes me smile…💕

Three of the seven. A rare moment of chilling in unison… #RubyRenee #OliveMarieOsmond #HuckFinnegan

It’s what I’m afraid of…

“We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist” - James Baldwin

This face always makes me feel better 💕 My “middle child,” Elliot Ann