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Self-Unemployed Author, Novelist, Journalist, Broadcaster, The Sick Man of The Stately Telly Topping Manor. Hobbies include socialising with fiends, loud guitar-based pop-music; watching football, cricket, TV and cinema and irking the purists.
47 posts 173 followers 134 following
Prolific Poster

I'll say one thing about That There Mr David Howe, he's a sound bloke, an outstanding publisher and a world class lover. Except, that's three things. Okay, I'll say *three* things about That There David Howe then ...

Anyone else have one of those days where you go rooting through a box of DVDs recorded 15-20 years ago looking for something specific, find a disc you'd forgotten you had, spend an hour-and-a-half watching it and STILL not find what you were looking for in the first place? Just me then? Figures.

It's that time again.

Jolly important incoming announcement from The Stately Telly Topping Manor (near Uranus).

Another little piece of my past, gone.

A small present or nine to-myself from-myself for when I've finished the final edit of Island of Terror (hopefully by the end of next week). And, why not?!

For today's "THAT's not a fortune, that's a ..." daftness, "THAT's not a fortune, that's a paraphrase from a lyric by The Rubettes which should be followed by 'you can do it/you can really move/from your head right down to your blue-suede shoes'". True story.

Well, this is rapidly turning into one of THOSE sort of days ...

Further From The North bloggerisationism update with all the news that's fit to ... be blogged about.

First From The North bloggerisationism update of 2025, dearest fiends. What can I? I've been busy!!!

Is at The King Neptune, with Young Malcolm. And it was very nice.

A thought. If Mikel Arteta was to sign Michael Cheek from Bromley and Ruben Loftus-Cheek from AC Milan would would that mean he'd have two Cheeks in the same Arsenal? Answers on a postcard.

Island of Terror. 47 down, 13 to go, and the next batch to be tackled is ...

Yes, I'd say that's "officially" a bit nippy.

Well, *that there* is a really jolly-very-nice thing to rock-up in The Stately Telly Topping Manor post-flap a mere but hours before the end of 2024. Pour the tea and get the toast on.

Live living-things are alive-and-living at The Stately Telly Topping Manor just in time for 2025.

Island of terror - 34 movies completed, another 26 to go. Here's where your poor misbegotten author's head is going to be for the next couple of weeks.

Today's general mood. "Ow, my effing back!"

It's the question *everyone's* asking.

For those wot reckon yer actual can't DO Christmas, whaddya think about THIS, then? The Stately Telly Topping Manor decorations are well and truly UP.

The final From The North bloggerisationism update of 2024 dearest fiends, looking back on what has been, in many ways, a thoroughly shite year all-round but, in others, has been ... a bit less shite. Get it whilst it's hot.

Here's a horrifying thought; technically speaking, today is but the FIRST day of Winter. Those six or seven weeks of biting cold weather we've been having? *That* was just an unseasonably chilly Autumn. Technically.

Despite feeling a bit "meh!", I've still managed to get together the next set of vital research materials for the book. Quite an achievement, I reckon.

Somewhat wiped-out already today after getting my three-monthly B-12 injection at the doctors. Which, as usual, bloody knacked like jimbuggery.

Thank you, Doctors, what would we all do without your advice?

Horrified to hear of the untimely death of Dave MacIntee. We had some good times together at Gally, on a cruise and at many other cons. My thoughts are with Lesley and his family and many good friends in fandom. A decent, smart, funny bloke, gone long before his time.

Interesting to note how From the North's 2024 traffic map looks, unfeasibly, like a graph of this author's heart rhythms during the year - particularly early November!

*This* is where yer actual author is going to be stuck in the run-up to yer actual Chrimbo, dear fiends. 22 down, 38 to go.

If you're buying a copy as a Christmas gift for (someone you don't like) please, get it from Telos's website not Amazon. Not only do David and Stephen make more cash that way, but Amazon are capitalist bastards who don't pay much tax. Though their DVDs ARE cheaper than HMV. Win-some, lose-some.

At Little Asia with Young Malcolm. And why not?

"He wasn't the best saviour in the world. He wasn't even the best saviour in The Be-Atles (a popular beat combo of the 1960s, you might've heard of them)" And, they *WERE* bigger than him, seemingly.

I do believe St Swithin's Day came a bit late this year. If yesterday and today are anything to go by, we've got another 38 days of rain due ...

Today's general mood.

Today's general mood:

Today's weather; a visual representation.

Island of Terror update: Day 7: 6 down, 54 to go! And, yes, before you ask, I'm STILL enjoying writing it (in other words, the novelty hasn't worn off yet)!

Tea. Is there *anything* it can't cure? Sickness? Torpor? Depression? Lethargy? Distemper? Auto-erotic asphyxiation? A pimple on the bum? It's ALWAYS there for you.

A further bloggerisationism update including an important announcement about the next Stately Telly Topping Manor project.

It was 61 years ago today that the greatest TV format in the history of the medium began. But, enough about The Chars starring Elsie and Doris Waters. There was also some old toot about a madman in a box starting that night. Wonder what happened to *that*?

From The North bloggerisationism update ahoy. Get it whilst it's not (or, you know, not at all).

S'now joke ...

Some sayings make NO SENSE! Case in point: I recently saw some no doubt perfect specimen describing those leaving Twixter as 'rats leaving a sinking ship'. I've never understood that idiom's use as a pejorative; surely the most sensible place to be in the event of a vessel sinking is NOT ON IT?

If you haven't already done so, please consider going to And purchasing one, several, or lots of copies. As a gift for someone you don't like. I have a prawn curry habit and a large, illegitimate, DVD colllection to support. Thank you for allowing me into your homes.

I suppose I should really post something to justify my existence. Especially as I appear to have acquired some followers, despite saying exactly nowt - my entire writing career in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen.