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Fox News today

God grant me the serenity to lie about the things I think I can get away with, courage to deflect from the things I can't and the wisdom to know the difference

A little over a week after launch for Vanishing Daughters ❤️ Number 2. New Release U.S. Horror. Kindle. Congratulations to Stephen Graham Jones on a phenomenal novel. The Buffalo Hunter Hunter is out now.

SURPRISE! THE SPY WHO VANISHED ebooks are 99 cents each. Don't know how long this will last so my advice is to get them now Prime members read free

Number 2 in U.S. Horror New Releases on Kindle Number 5 in U.S. Horror on Kindle Best Sellers Here is me looking dapper. Vanishing Daughters is available now. You can order it wherever you like.

ICYMI: Get 70 percent off the audiobook of CHRISTMAS AND OTHER HORRORS! A limited offer

🍃GOODREADS GIVEAWAY 🍃 Starting today, February 10th through March 10th, Thomas & Mercer is giving away 100 digital (Kindle) copies on Goodreads of Vanishing Daughters. Available in the U.S. only. Vanishing Daughters is available March 11, 2025. ➡️

A cup of tea, a good book, the occasional peaceful walk with someone you love.

Cover Reveal on King Sorrow; release date and signed copies; all-time fav TV shows; and an update on current and forthcoming projects. Read all about it in the latest ish of Escape Hatch:

All of this I would like to add stop celebrating assholes and asshole behavior. Celebrate the good guys and behavior that is good for all