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She/Her. Technical Writer by day and also by night. Complicated relationship with pants. Understands the concept of love. Fights for freedom wherever there’s trouble. #halfwack
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Tomorrow marks one month since my layoff. Time to jump back in! Anyone need a technical writer? Where do the cool kids look for work these days?

Frankly, there’s no reason NOT to laminate everything possible. Instant signage! #graphicdesignismypassion

Also making labels for my very favourite dresses that outline why they’re so important and you can only buy and wear it if you promise to be your best self in the dress. OVERKILL thy name is Kimli.

I bought garage sale snacks! I have no idea how to garage sale, so I figured people might want juice and chips and cookies!

This explains why I'm still sniffling from my post-Mexico cold: it's allergies. 🎊

Hello, social audience! This is (hopefully) overriding the preview content of my latest blog post, which is linked here!

Hi local friends, I'm having a closet sale on March 1st at #halfwack. All are welcome! Amazing plus sized clothing and accessories for cheap, come by and get fabulous! Saturday March 1st, 10-3, address and details below!


I had given myself an arbitrary moping cutoff date of my laptop’s scheduled arrival, but I was betrayed and it arrived 6 days early. I’m not done moping, dammit!

I bought a new laptop. When it arrives, I’m gonna sage the fuck out of my office.

My SO gave me Turkish Delight for Valentine’s Day, so I’m on the lookout for any lion-shaped Jesus allegories.

Can’t take pictures of my laptop to sell until I remove all the NSFW stickers. Booooo.

How long am I allowed to mope and wallow after being laid off? It’s day 6. I desperately want to relax and reset, but all I have is screaming guilts and worry wrinkles.

Remember when Google’s whole thing was about not being evil?

splash damage Knowing how Bluesky displays these links, I feel like I should have a relatively innocuous opening paragraph before I get to the juicier (sorry) content splashed (very sorry) within. Is this enough? Doesn't matter: I'll take this one on the chin (forgive me) and get right to it:

Invented a new tongue twister: Rich Bitch Wish List, a fanciful list of stuff I'd buy/do with my severance if I didn't need to, y'know, live.

I have four tickets for the sold out viewing of The Princess Bride with Cary Elwes on February 22nd available to anyone who can use them! We’re not crossing the border due to ROUS in the White House, but they shouldn’t go to waste! Free to good home! #bellingham

Reminder to be kind to yourself, stop doomscrolling, and hydrate while looking at my kittens.

My therapist keeps popping up on my “people you may know” list. Awkward! But I shouldn’t DM them and warn them about my latest trauma, right? We haven’t covered this chapter yet.

*incoherent screaming*

If this doesn't terrify you, you are likely not human.

It’s a beautiful day to stack the skulls of your enemies in the corner of your yard. Just sayin’.

I bought tickets for a viewing of The Princess Bride with Cary Elwes for my friends and I last year, but it’s in Bellingham and we’re not. Plan to give the tickets away to friends on that side of the border: won’t be crossing anytime soon.

Funemployment is much better in the summer.

Imagine still being on Twitter after all this.

JFC. I can't believe this only reason I heard about this is because I'm friends with a Swedish person who posted in their Instagram stories about it. Things are just terrible in so many ways, on so many different levels.

My name doesn't have a lot of gif results.

boned It seems like only last week I was lamenting the attack on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on social media. I know I'm neither American nor a federal employee, but several large, non-government companies have proven they're willing to kiss the ring and are eliminating the programs that…

Destickering my former work laptop. They can take my employment, but they’ll never take my “Oxford Comma Enthusiast” sticker.

Serious question: what do you do with all your corporate swag after being laid off?

I love waking up to an email saying I’ve been laid off. Anyone need a technical writer? I have 25 years of experience and a LOT OF WORDS.

still here I've just literally been stunned into silence with all .. y'know. It wasn't my intention to go back on my word (get it), but: We were in Mexico! Dragged Ed out to the LNY Market at UBC the day after we got back, which was a herculean effort of fast talking and effusive…

Excuse me I did not vote for hail

Trying to convince my SO to move to Delta so our postal code can be V4G 1NA.

I’ve been told I need to go to my closet US Border Patrol office, to clear up a paperwork snafu for my Nexus card. I am suspicious.

Whole lot of Ethan Hawke in my bubble tonight. Is that a sign? Of what I don’t know, but .. ?

Imagine “The Sound of Music”, but swap the Nazis. :lolsob:

I’ve been sick since Monday and I am super over it. This both sucks AND blows.

I get a lot of my mail in the US, but I’ve stopped shopping online unless it’s a Canadian vendor. My only outstanding order is a blanket from Mexico. Thinking about compiling a list of Canadian clothing companies to share, there are a bunch that supply companies like the Bay.

Forcibly cutting my cat’s nails because I am the worst human ever.