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Twitter refugee. Ullapool. Highlands (Scotland). Like dolphins. And whales.....
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Our species champion sessions allow the kids to explore our library to find a species to help promote & protect & if the compile a fact file to share with others they become that species's ambassador. Thanks to everyone who helps with this & has donated books & support.

A couple of trips in our Pioner Multi 'Mada-Chuain' (Gaelic for 'Ocean Wolf', which was what they called Orca!) yesterday to lift 2 creels. Crab, lobster, Scorpion Fish & a prawn. Lighter evenings allowing us to do more!

Alisha and Abbie are asking if you'll help us and #vote4theboat in the Tesco Ullapool blue token vote, as funds help us take people out who wouldn't normally get to see the sea.

If you are shpping in Ullapool Tesco, please remember to get your blue token and maybe #Vote4TheBoat - Kirsty and Sophe say, because it's the best boat! All funding really helps us do trips and education for all.

We're in #Ullapool @Tesco blue token vote for funds to help us continue doing the boat trips and activities we do. Please cnsider giving us your vote if shoppig in Ullapool. Here's some reasons the kids like the boat. 1 Bella and Perla. #Vote4TheBoat

Emptied our beach clean station at Dun Canna today, bringing in 80 kg more marine litter. By allowing visitors at the site to do small beach cleans that we empty when full, we are keeping on top of this remote beautiful beach. Thanks to all that help. More info:

Short beaked common dolphin being sociable at the bow of our small boat in November. Some of this pod have been visiting for a long time & know / trust us & the boat. Always keep a slow consistent speed & direction - can result in perfect encounters like this. #WildFree

'The native #oyster ecosystem has declined to the extent that it has been declared ‘collapsed’, highlighting the importance of ambitious restoration initiatives across Europe.' We need to be restoring MILLIONS of these marvellous molluscs.

#16Days Using or recognising this signal can save a life - and it has. If you see this sign act immediately. Not everyone in danger can speak.

Child Poverty % (children living in households below the minimum wage) Denmark 2.4% Finland 3.2% Norway 3.6% Sweden 3.6% The UK 32.1% All four of those countries have child benefits, paid by taxing the rich, that make it almost impossible for a child to be in poverty.

Three years ago today, Freya the wandering #Walrus arrived here in #Shetland for a four week stay. 248 days later she was murdered by the Directorate of Fisheries in #Norway as she was perceived to be a "threat to human safety". Abhorrent and unforgivable on every level. #MarineLife #MarineMammals

After hearing of a flapper skate attacking a boat at Shetland, Scoraig Primary kids Brodi & Arhlo sent us pictures of one having a go at their boat whilst angling in Little Loch Broom. These are BIG amazing fish but is this normal behaviour?

Another super day with #Orcas - this time with the 65s pod off Muckle Roe, #Shetland. Adult bull 'Busta' was with them and as spectacular as ever. We first documented him in 2005 when he was a fully grown bull and we estimate him to be at least 40 years old. #MarineLife #MarineMammals #CetaceansUK

As Janey Godley has her funeral, here is her roasting Michelle Mone. 😂

The ferry turning on the creel tree and christmas lights at Ullapool this evening.

When eight became nine...NEW #ORCA CALF! Over the moon to watch and film the new addition to the Northern Isles Community '27s' pod off Lunna, #Shetland today alongside first-time mum '152'. 🖤🤍 #MarineLife #MarineMammals #CetaceansUK

Journalism opportunity: Iona has learned quickly and is now serving a huge and still under-represented area brilliantly. Find out how you could follow in her footsteps. 👇

3 decades ago we identified Scallop Dredging around our island as very detrimental to the health of our seas. BUT to most folk it's "Out of Sight out of Mind" We used the visual image to educate our island community. Now half our island's seabeds out to 3 miles are protected, it was worth it.

White tailed sea eagles flying by us at sea, Loch Broom, off Ullapool, NW Highlands of Scotland. This is a site/location now used for over 14 years. Was 52nd confirmed breeding pair in Scotland in 2024.

Fabulous encounter with the '27s' #Orcas in the snowy North Mainland of #Shetland today. Here's bull '72' surfacing with a Kittiwake for company. #cetaceans #marinemammals #marmam #CetaceansUK

Figuring out if this is better than Twit-ter? I like dolphins. That a start?