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Co-founder and CEO at Co-Founder of Varjo. Product builder, coder, hacker who strives to be a decent human being and once in a blue moon succeeds at that.
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Hyvää journalismia yleltä jälleen kerran. On kyllä puun ja kuoren välissä yliopistot. Hirveä paine tuottaa valmistuneita, mutta jotenkin säilyttää oman yliopiston maine. rimaa lasketaan kaikkialla, niin miten yliopisto voi saada kypsiä ihmisiä opetettavaksi?

I checked aliexpress, but tik tok was not on sale.

Smashed through Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, picked up on a whim to get an Amazon discount and because of the cover art but turns out it’s about game development and love and partnerships. Recommend

Xbox is out of game this gen? Sales of cross console sales minimal for xbox.

Pro tip: EU travelling in UK. Want charge? No adapter? Shuffle usb-c to the big opening and then the eu plug to the other two. Magic. Also, don't use this pro tip as it may be in breach of something. Tip is so much better than the pen tip that does same but needs a pen. Who has one anymore?

OMG, it's getting worse. Horrible, but not horrible enough to make me refactor. #turingcompletegame also, is there a hastag for the game? Dev here anywhere?

Huomenna Tiedekulmassa (Yliopistonkatu 4, Hki) puhutaan ruokaturvasta Suomessa. Tilaisuus myös striimataan. Lisätiedot tapahtuman verkkosivulla.

Just loving the game Turing Complete (early access). Here is my current progress of very basic arithmetic engine capable of byte operations AND, NOR, OR and NAND. Shall we be kind and call the layout "organic"?

People are stealing batteries from platform scooters now?

Time for 3d printing industry to form essential patents system?

Played through the unpacking game. ... On the Playstation Portal. First time no perceivable latency. Compared with low latency projector in the same room. Really curious to play something a bit more challenging next.

It's crazy, it's party. Oh wait. No rules! Vote that crazy windows 95 man.

Iittlan logobrändäys on kyllä surkea, mutta nää kaksi kuppia on aivan erilaiset. Testaamatta kädessä, niin iittalan kuppi näyttää ergonomisesti paremmalta, on sirompi ja pitää kahvin lämpimämpänä. Johannan kuppi ehkä enemmän nordic design.

Iittala? Oikeesti? Kuka teki tän brändäyksen?

I had totally missed the ceo change at magic leap. Good timing for Ross, ML2 sw stack is looking really strong. It will be very interesting year in XR as well as AR with the rumouts around apple AR increasing as well.

Things have been going on stellar without me for past months at Varjo, and I've started increasingly feeling that it’s time for me to move on as well. Hence, I’m leaving Varjo and starting something new. Not anything Varjo does ... but pretty mind blowing.

I’m so excited to see Varjo skyrocket state of the art of XR further than ever with XR-4 with secure and focal editions. What a launch yesterday! It was a privilege to be working on the technology for it. perhaps worth letting everybody know in here as well that you have some stellar beta kicked off at

Been talking to chatgpt today for an hour on US taxation. I need to ask it to regenerate every answer as it's constantly unable to generate response. Anybody else having same issues?