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Here I react to the shameful encounter between American leaders and media and the Ukrainian president. No doubt there were more, but I saw five failures on our side: of hospitality, decency, democracy, strategy, and independence. Please watch and share.

Russian pilot "Fighterbomber" says that the effectiveness of Russian guide bombs fell off a cliff recently due to widespread EW interference on both sides, and that Ukrainian countermeasures have now rendered satellite-guided corrections useless.


Ten reasons for modest optimism

This was definitely the best speech of the week.

Indrukwekkende draad van De beer is los. hadden het al voorspeld.

The AP should stop covering Trump events. Instead send those White House reporters out into the field to report on the harms and repercussions of his policies. The U.S. public never needed coverage of pseudo-events anyway.

My first piece for shares some thoughts on what it will take to rebuild Gaza.

Zelensky said Ukraine received $46B in military support from the US over 3 years. An additional $15B worth of arms hasn't even arrived. So that's $61B, pretty close to $65.9B claimed by the State Department, which is also a BS number since it hasn't all been delivered.


Nu de regering-Trump hard ingrijpt in de wetenschap als die volgens politici de verkeerde woorden gebruikt, en nu het duidelijk is dat grote Amerikaanse bedrijven door de knieën gaan en het nieuwe regime steunen, wordt het belangrijk om keuzes te maken.

If I'm a central banker at the ECB and see Musk controlling Treasury payments while slashing nearly $1T in spending by Sept 30, I start quietly offloading USTs, diversifying reserves, and pushing for euro-based trade settlements. This would mark the beginning of the post-dollar world.

Ik heb het idee dat Nederlandse nieuwssites missen dat de Amerikaanse overheid nu structureel wordt gezuiverd, gelijk geschakeld, onwelgevallige data wordt verwijderd, toezicht wordt afgebroken, officieren van justitie verwijderd etc, de enormiteit kan je ontgaan als je alleen NL nieuwssites leest

waar eindigt een oligarchie en waar begint fascisme, zou ik aan de Amerikaduiders willen vragen

Mijns inziens is alles wat er nu in de VS gebeurt toch gewoon een staatsgreep in fast motion. (Door iedere dag slechts een stap te beschrijven missen veel media het overall verhaal, terwijl het zich voor hun ogen afspeelt).

THIS is how you communicate, folks

This will the only place I see it, alas. But that’s why I follow you and other Ukrainians, and then I spread the info to my followers so other people around the world are aware.

bad ass

A German citizen on Tiktok warns US users about the similarities between Hitler’s rise to power & Trump’s collision with Tiktok, goes viral, then when her prophecy comes true, the video is removed for community guidelines violation. Draw your own conclusions. I grabbed a screen recording. 👇👇

To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.

#Iran: Vanavond zullen Iraniërs over de hele wereld op sociale media een post-storm lanceren ter ondersteuning vd Koerdische activiste #PakhshanAzizi. Zij is de eerste vrouwelijke politieke gevangene in Iran die in 14 jaar wordt geëxecuteerd. RP pls om haar executie te voorkomen #SavePakhshanAzizi

"One point I would make at the outset is that the need to rewrite the Constitution, say à la Viktor Orbán, is probably not the thing that’s concerning at this moment ... the more serious concern is the risk of those in power going after the democratic opposition in ways that undermine competition"

It's amazing that everybody just scrolls past a headline like this now. We have been conditioned to ignore the worst of atrocities

This is both depressing and invigorating. During the filming of his documentary "The Last Party" Robert Downey Jr., Downey Jr. visited Wall Street and got appalled by what he saw. Video: The Last Party (1993) Link to watch full video below.

For anyone wondering why out of the blue Trump is suddenly obsessing about Panama…

The Dennis Green Unified Theory Of 🇺🇸 Politics, closing out yet another undefeated year by going as hard as possible 👇

Rol Noord-Koreaanse troepen in oorlog Oekraïne wordt langzaam duidelijker #Buitenland

“Taken together, these appointments suggest an attempt to make our government dysfunctional, to make it fall apart, to pervert it, until it’s not capable of doing anything at all.” They’re not just unqualified but “anti-qualified.”

Trump was very orange today, and it made his lips looks like those of a corpse (Brandon Bell/Getty)

🍿 I do enjoy this part… Did anyone remind them what Stalin said about those who panic?

a myth of russia being an anti-colonial hero is one of the most effective propaganda operations in history

“Russia’s use of sexual violence in Ukraine isn’t just a “consequence of war” – it’s a weapon aimed at breaking spirits and destroying lives. These brutal acts are war crimes that cannot be ignored. Survivors deserve justice, and Putin's forces must be held accountable.“ - Oleksandra Matviichuk👇