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Voice of the KILLER AIR FRYER in AIR FRYER SLAUGHTER. VO roles in CRACKCOON, Amityville Turkey Day, Psycho Ape 2, OnlyFangs #FrightClub #MutantFam IMDb:
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We got tickets to see Riot Days in April and I celebrated by getting a Pussy Riot tattoo today.

"Drugs." "Drugs." "Drugs." "Economic downturn. Just kidding. Drugs." 🀣 #Grotesque #FrightClub

Intestine jumprope!? Mildred really needs to team up with Art the Clown. Imagine the trouble they'd cause together! #FrightClub

"You can't just let her kill me!" I think they can, Blanche. I think they can. #Grotesque #FrightClub

Grotesque was a horror comedy I didn't know I needed tonight, but it was a blast. Have a good night #FrightClub!

That was quite cute! πŸ’¨! Goodnight everyone ;) #FrightClub

#frightClub I liked the movie

That was a fun, low budget romp. Hopefully we get to do Grotesque 2 some day! #FrightClub

Fun flick. Thanks #frightclub

That ending is so freaking cute πŸ₯° I can't wait until we can see the next one! #Grotesque #FrightClub

Guys Crackcoon is on Screambox and VOD. I'll let you know when it's streaming free somewhere so we can watch it with #Frightclub but if anyone sees it On Demand I'm the voice on the phone talking about Bigfoot. I love how the movie turned out, it's hilarious.

The actress who played Mildred just shot a movie called Alien Horde and I'm voicing a role in that. The costumes, sets, and makeup look amazing, I'm excited about that. It's a Mahal Empire production so it'll have a budget of ~$350k, so a lot more than Grotesque. #Frightclub

Thanks to everybody for checking out Grotesque tonight. I think it's a really fun ultra low budget slasher. The sequel is hilarious so if it's ever on Tubi hopefully we can watch it. #Frightclub

"That was supposed to look cooler." πŸ˜‚ Mildred is hilarious. #Frightclub

I was just about to type "fuck you Blanche" when one of the characters said "fuck you Blanche". 🀣🀣🀣 #Frightclub

Francois's acting is cracking me up. #FrightClub #Grotesque

Here's a scene for the foot fetish people. πŸ˜‚ #Frightclub

Ahaha I love that Mildred stretches before running after her prey. 🀣 #Frightclub

I love this bloodbath, or blood shower or whatever lol. I also love how well she cleans up after a messy kill haha. #Frightclub

Why is Blanche still alive lol. #Frightclub

She's insanely good at this. She should become an assassin for hire #frightclub

That shot of Mildred running in the alley with the hatchet is straight out of the Hothead Paisan comics by Diane DiMassa It's too good of a match, it has to be a deliberate tribute, and it's delightful! #Grotesque #FrightClub

Penis severed in an indie horror movie - drink! #Frightclub

Jennifer Grey is going be very upset that she never came up with the idea for this movie #frightclub

"Oh, I'm far beyond psychiatry." Mildred accurately assesses the situation #Grotesque #FrightClub

Pegging joke lmao. #Frightclub

I like that her bikini matches her dress lol. She keeps her look consistent. #Frightclub

Speaking of transitioning from rom coms to horror movies, this new Hugh Grant horror movie is the first time I've been excited about seeing a Hugh Grant movie. πŸ˜‚ #Frightclub

The photographer cracks me up. #Frightclub

I'm definitely going as Mildred Moyer next Halloween if I can lose enough weight to fit into a cheap polka dot dress from Temu. πŸ˜‚ #Frightclub

Probably the greatest golf scene in a movie outside of Happy Gilmore, and surely the greatest all time golf scene in an indie horror movie. #Frightclub

Alright, I can see why there are people who gave this film high ratings -- because the entire murder spree is hilarious. #FrightClub #Grotesque

Wow, I hate to say it, but at this rate, she might actually run out of targets before the movie ends. #FrightClub

"I knew it! Genital herpes!" and that smile, lol. Elizabeth Chamberlain is so good as Mildred. πŸ˜‚ #Frightclub

Do you know how many cans that woman had to turn in for that bottle of hootch and you’re throwing it up?!?! #FrightClub

The world needs more skipping polka dot wearing spree killers. #FrightClub

You know what they say - kill your sister and your roommate, you can never go back home. Or something like that #FrightClub

I hate Blanche like I hated Janice Soprano and that's a huge compliment to the actress lol. #Frightclub

Mildred gets her mask! Jason didn't get his mask until Part 3. πŸ˜‚ #Frightclub

The sarcastic homeless people are great. #Frightclub

If a homeless person gives you free booze it's rude to puke it up. πŸ˜‚ #Frightclub

"Hi, Mildred. I'm Dr. Walsh." Ease up there, Dr. Walsh, it is not that type of movie -- even though they gave you the cheap 70s porn music. #FrightClub #Grotesque

Is it normal for a plastic surgeon to work In a strip club?? Sure #FrightClub