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Humour, laughs, and sarcasm is my oxygen. Severe ME, one of the #MillionsMissing🩰 #ENDmecfs2025🧬
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Trudeau: "There's not a snowball's chance in hell that Canada will ever be the 51st state"

An important new study on PEM showing abnormal spinal fluid metabolites before and after an exercise challenge: In controls, metabolites were created in response to exercise, in ME/CFS they were consumed. As with other research this shows an aberrant metabolic response to exertion in ME/CFS

Republicans are the enemy of the American people.

Les! Bli sint! Dette ER allerede veldig ille og det kommer til å bli MYE MYE VERRE. Fordi psykiatri er vanskelig og lite sexy politikk. Alle politikerne sitter på hendene sine eller ostehøvelkutter i budsjettet mens de overlater de syke til pårørende og bevæpnet politi.

The recent controversy over the abandoning of scrutiny of a problematic Cochrane review hits the BMJ news... #MECFS #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicIllness Chronic fatigue syndrome: Outcry over Cochrane decision to abandon review of exercise therapy

The Gulf of Google can fuck right off

Beautiful UKHSA is advising people to mask! Wear a ffp2/3 mask.

Russland bedriver kontinuerlig destabilisering av hvert eneste land i Europa! Vær på vakt mot Putins trollfabrikker og destabiliserings agenter! Slik vi også ser det i UK, Tyskland og definitivt også her i Norge, 😡 #Russland #destabilisering #troll

🌠 From the #longcovidlegend that is David Putrino

How is everyone enjoying the consequences of an unmitigated, immune disrupting pandemic?


Unless a treatment comes for #MEcfs in my lifetime, then it's likely I'll spend the rest of my life on 'benefits'. If Labour are saying that's not possible, then I shudder to think what they have in store. My life is valid whether or not I'm on benefits, and I'll be sticking around! #disability

Frp: Vi beklager for at vi bygget to nye eksportkabler, meldte oss inn i Acer, satt norsk rekord i vindkraft-utbygging og elektrifiserte sokkelen. Det var dumt gjort. Men vi angrer og skal aldri gjøre det igjen! Også Frp:

Dear price of eggs Trump voters, Not only aren’t they any cheaper, there’s an actual shortage because of the raging Bird Flu we’re not getting any public information about because the food safety & public health agencies responsible for that shit have basically been shut down. Bravo.

Article in TIME about #longcovid, #MEcfs and psychiatry. David Putrino is also interviewed. #medsky

BREAKING: US health agency employees are now banned from nearly all travel and certain agencies and programs have been ordered to stop issuing new contracts and grants until further notice.

You’re not wrong Aletheia.

Thousands demand withdrawal of review article recommending exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome reports


Da sier vi takk og hurra til unge Trym, som har jernhelse og aldri har vært borte en dag, som må google «Hva er angst», for å bidra til å mistenkeliggjøre pasientene og feilinformere. Det er gutten til mor det!

So, blind allegiance.

Prince Harry Takes a Stand for Us All: ‘If They’re Supposedly Policing Society, Who On Earth is Policing Them?’ The crisis and corruption in the British press is one of the biggest, ongoing scandals of our time

Goldie watched the inauguration. I told her it was a bad idea. #Photography #Cats #CantTellGoldierAnything

Can we get a big round of applause for Bishop Mariann Budde? #BishopBudde

Gotta love the British press.

Influence of super rich on Donald Trump threatens democracy, say Patriotic Millionaires

Just out of curiosity - are the eggs any cheaper yet? I mean the asshole DID say they would be cheaper on day 1.

Vi hadde kanskje eit håp om at seriøse medier ville dekke regimet i Washington på same måte som dei dekkar andre regimer, dvs. med kritisk og analytisk journalistikk. I staden for fekk vi hoffreportasjar og pinlege evfemismer. Det tok to timar.

Ladies, take notes. Learning salsa can also come in handy to fight off an attacker.

"We've been exposed to measles for at least 900 years and it has never become milder. Smallpox for 1,700 years and it has never become milder. Rabies for over 2,000 years and it has still not become milder. Hepatitis B for over 5,000 years and it still has not become milder."

Well done to Mark Vink on getting another piece published: this one has the provocative title, "CBT and graded exercise therapy studies have proven that ME/CFS and long Covid are physical diseases, yet no one is aware of that" #MEcfs #CFS #PwME


Every confirmation is another nail in democracy’s coffin.

Medicine has a dark history of wrongly psychiatrically institutionalising - Long Covid is just the most recent. 🌟 Article showing the structural cracks 🌟 Drs: ➡️Can't 'see' the problem ➡️No procedural net ➡️Don't know what to do ▶️Psych dx

Things are stressful

EXCELLENT READ, yet I do not understand the equalisation of ME/CFS with MUS. In my humble opinion, ME symptoms are no longer "unexplained" for a couple of years due to insights into pathogenesis, particularly the mitochondrial dysfunctions.

Stormløpet mot sykelønnsordningen har ført til en tilstand av nasjonal hypokondri. Men sykefraværet er ikke så høyt som høyresiden later som.