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A grassroots network of Louisianans dedicated to advocating for public health and fact-based public policy and promoting immunizations for healthier kids and communities.
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Heading to Louisiana to celebrate Mardi Gras? Make sure you’re up-to-date on seasonal vaccines!

🎭💜💚💛 Catch Beads, Not the Flu! 💛💚💜🎭 It's not too late to get your flu shot! It’s a quick and easy way to protect yourself & your Krewe! Find a flu shot near you and laissez les bons temps rouler—flu-free! 🎶🎷🎺 #MardiGras #VaccinesSaveLives #fightflu #familiesfightingflu #lalege

Will RFK Jr. gut US vaccine policy? Here’s what to watch for via

Across the country, SAFE and our Families for Vaccines chapters are working hard to defend strong vaccine laws and defeat dangerous legislation. We are mobilizing advocates, educating lawmakers, and ensuring science, not misinformation, guides public health decisions. 1/12

Help us respond to these dangerous policies. Join us: Support our work:

Several routine vaccines associated w/ lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Yet another way vaccines help protect from infections & chronic disease. Speak up for evidence-based policy to protect access to lifesaving vaccines:

Tell everyone you know in Louisiana, it’s time to join the pro-vaccine movement. See the thread below for the link to sign up and support this important work!

The threat of the anti-vaccine movement is not just from Kennedy at the federal level, it’s here in our own backyard. 1/3

Louisiana pro-vaccine advocates: these are your people!!

🚨 RFK Jr. Confirmed as HHS Secretary 🚨 We knew this was coming, but let’s be clear—we’re not backing down. LFV is ready to fight back against policies that threaten vaccine access, funding, & public health protections. This is just the beginning. Now, more than ever, we need YOU. 1/2

🚨 RFK Jr. Confirmed as HHS Secretary 🚨 We knew this was coming, but let’s be clear—we’re not backing down. SAFE is ready to fight back against policies that threaten vaccine access, funding, and public health protections. This is just the beginning. Now, more than ever, we need YOU. 1/2

Final Chance to Stop RFK Jr. from Leading HHS! Even if you’ve already called, keep reaching out until the Senate votes! 📞 Call your US Senators now: 202-224-3121. Priority Senators are listed in the image—please share this with friends in these states.

More from Beyond the Noise Episode # 52: RFK Jr.’s war against cancer…..prevention 🔗👇🔗👇🔗👇🔗👇

“It's going to be more important for families and for parents to really start to speak up and to advocate for themselves and for their children now so more than ever.” -

Vaccine advocacy groups like La Families For Vaccines sent a letter to Cassidy signed by over 100 physicians calling for him to vote no --saying Cassidy’s partnership with RFK in this role wouldn’t go far enough. -

It is extraordinarily naive of Cassidy to accede to this. Kennedy has repeatedly shown his word to be worthless, and there are many ways he can adhere to this agreement in letter but not spirit. Call him now.

🗣🗣🗣Call to Action! 👉 Senator Bill Cassidy, a physician, just voted to advance RFK Jr's as Secretary of HHS—despite RFK Jr.’s long history of spreading vaccine misinformation. He still has a chance to do the right thing on the Senate floor and vote NO!

“Senator Cassidy has the opportunity to add to his legacy of ensuring families are informed and have access to lifesaving vaccines.” And YOU still have the opportunity to let him know how you feel - take action now -

Don’t stop calling and emailing. Our kids are depending on us.

Call Senator Cassidy NOW! (202) 224-5824 Say something like this: “I appreciate that you took a strong stand for vaccines. Now I am trusting you to keep my kids safe and block RFK Jr.’s confirmation.”

🗣🗣🗣Call to Action!!! Senator Cassidy needs to hear YOUR voice to protect science, health, and common sense. Ask Senator Cassidy to continue to stand in the gap to protect our children's future. 👉

We explore bioethics & racial healing thru film The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. While Henrietta died of cervical cancer-- now preventable with the HPV vaccine--her cells were used by medical research to save lives. #FFL #CHNOLA #FoundationForLouisiana #HealingAndAction #EquityInAction

Once you see how RFK Jr. misunderstands (or purposely misrepresents) actual science, it’s clear to see that he is not fit to lead HHS. Please act now to oppose his confirmation before the senate votes:

THIS! Please oppose RFK Jr. now. Even if you’ve already contacted your senators about it, now is the time to remind them that he will NOT make America healthy and should NOT be leading HHS.

Senator Johnson, we know the root causes of chronic diseases, primary among them poverty and lack of access to healthcare. You don’t really want to address these issues though.

Sen. Warren: Do you accept even a sliver of responsibility for the Samoa measles outbreak? RFK Jr.: No. Absolutely not. 83 people died, mostly children. He refuses to take any responsibility. #StopRFK

Conversation in #RFKJr hearing now focusing on ending chronic diseases. The committee should ask him why stokes fear & spreads lies about vaccines that PREVENT chronic diseases, including cancer! Take action & tell our senators to OPPOSE RFK Jr.

RFK Jr, to Elizabeth Warren, who points out he has made $2.5 million from law firms suing pharma: “You’re making me sound like a shill.” She just stated a fact.

RFK Jr. doesn't understand how science works. Clinical trial data is required to be posted publicly. What he doesn't mention is the complexity of the data, which is why we rely on experts with decades of experience to evaluate it. He's not qualified:

5 key health topics to watch at RFK Jr.'s Senate confirmation hearings via

RFK Jr. says he doesn't believe in germ theory. How can he be expected to lead our nation's public health!?! Take action to oppose RFK Jr. before the senate votes to confirm:

Take action to block RFK Jr.’s confirmation:

Thank you,, for holding RFK accountable for his inconsistent views. It was especially important to see you address the anti-vax onesies his organization is selling. Not surprisingly, he avoided answering your question about removing them—which speaks volumes.

Don't let "I'm supportive of vaccines" make you think he has changed his views. He hasn't. This sound byte is intentional.

We deserve better. Tell our Senators to vote NO on RFK Jr.'s confirmation. Go to to take action now! #protectpublichealth #Vaccineswork #ScienceNotPolitics

RFK Jr. is antivaccine. His leadership at HHS will put the health and lives of our kids and families at risk.

He’s not fit to lead HHS and he is dangerous for the health of all Americans. Take action now to oppose him before he’s confirmed:

One of the first questions senators asked RFK Jr. is if he has any conflicts of interest and he lied:

RFK Jr. is not being truthful about his role in the Samoa measles outbreak. His letters to the Samoan Prime Minister stoking fears about measles vaccines based on falsehoods are publicly available and it has been widely reported on.

It’s time to tune in folks